Apocalypse Symbol Guide by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Chapter 7-Excerpte
A pocalypse Symbol Guide

This is not the first release of this document, nor will it be the final listing; symbol definitions will be refined, expanded, and added in subsequent revisions. Furthermore, I’ll greatly expand the discussions of the nature of The Apocalypse, its symbolism and the scientific and philosophical wisdom they deliver. I’ve worked hard over the last four years while also struggling with (lack of) money problems and all that flows from lack of money in this society. Even so, I have persisted and succeeded; this is the most complete and accurate guide to understanding and decoding the symbols used in The Apocalypse (Book of Revelation), other Hebrew prophecies, and a wide range of ancient wisdom texts. This is the long-awaited key to revealing the true messages encoded by ancient wisdom, and mostly confounded and misinterpreted by mysticism and religion.

Reconstructing The Apocalypse and this guide to its symbolism were only possible by avoiding the delusions and confusion inherent in and caused by religion and mysticism. I also had to walk away from the delusions and deceptions of both money and politics, and strive mightily to understand the truth encoded (sealed) in The Apocalypse and other ancient texts.

What you have in your hands is the long-awaited key to exposing many of the great lies of the last several millennia and to understanding much ancient wisdom, many of the mysteries of our Creator, our existence on Planet Earth, and the true nature of this universe. Don’t squander it. This is everyone’s key to freedom from the evil headquartered in the Vatican, ensnaring and enslaving Planet Earth with great deception, strong delusion, unending conflict, and fear. Once again you can see this ages-old evil flexing its muscle in an attempt to subdue all that is good, just as they did during the Dark Ages, as well as before and after. In your hands, you now have the key to its final defeat. Here is truth and the long-awaited wisdom necessary to understand many of the great mysteries of the ages.

The starting point for my reconstruction, decoding and exposé was the Book of Revelation, as presented in the King James Version of the Christian Bible. Now you can verify and unequivocally prove that you have been lied to about the source of the Book of Revelation, what it really means, and how it came to be in the New Testament.

I also define some symbols that don’t appear in The Apocalypse but are nonetheless germane to this topic and to other sealed texts. Only use the “Apocalypse Reconstructed” version in conjunction with this symbol guide. Refer to the “Revelation Exposed” chapter for explanations of the changes made in the "Apocalypse Reconstructed" chapter. I’ve gone to great lengths and expended much effort to reveal and thereby reverse the lies and delusions put forth by the so-called Christian fathers and their ilk (liars, murderers and thieves).

As already stated, I am the original author of most of the Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts through many lifetimes. Our Creator has clearly marked (anointed) me in several ways to decisively prove to you that I truly speak for Her. Also, to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Vatican and your world leaders are the source of most of the evil, struggle, and bloodshed that bedevils the inhabitants of Planet Earth.

Using this Symbol Guide

As you use this symbol guide, keep in mind that these definitions were reverse engineered from a wide variety of clues and sources and tested in every location they occur to ensure they fit every use throughout The Apocalypse. I’ve also verified that they fit properly within the appropriate symbol groupings (categories) and within that category’s associated characteristics, properties, and relationships. Due to modifications (falsifications) by the early Christian fathers, this process often encountered uses that didn’t match any others, and thereby rendered the verification process much more difficult. The symbols and codes of the original Apocalypse were well organized and all closely interrelated and synchronized. Consequently, the translations must also remain tightly synchronized and tied to the correct conceptual groupings as well as to that group’s characteristics. Likewise, both the symbols’ literal (outward) meanings and their translated definitions must remain synchronized within the target grouping and in proper relationship to other symbols and categories. Most of them also transfer directly to other ancient Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts like Zechariah, Daniel, 4 Ezra (2 Esdra), Ezekiel, Isaiah, and others. This guide was compiled and verified by exhaustive comparison with the Dead Sea Scrolls, Tanakh, Old Testament, and various other texts and sources. Even so, there will be future refinements as new knowledge and resources become available.

I haven’t included exhaustive cross-references to other sources or bibliographies for various reasons. One was to leave the list uncluttered and quicker to use. Another was to force the reader through the process of verification, so you can discern the truth, not simply believe what I, or others, say. Thirdly, the verification of the truth is found within the symbology, its symbol categories and relationships, the Doctrine of Two Spirits and other Hebrew texts. Lastly, since I am the original author of the original texts, referencing any later writer whose work is based on false assumptions flowing from the use of fraudulent modifications would be self-defeating. It would be tantamount to permitting the evil that perpetrated those lies to continue to profit from their thefts and murders. Make no doubt about it–my purpose and goal are the establishment of unequivocal Truth and Justice. They are the unwavering requirements and the foundations of the long-promised "Kingdom" of our Creator, and will quickly and forever end the power of the evil scoundrels that have long ruled the Earth with great deception and cruelty.

Reverse engineering The Apocalypse’s symbolic code was a very organic process. Many clues are strictly internal to the text and rely on first solving other symbols with external references. This created a context for solving related symbols, inferences, relationships and riddles. As you use this guide to decode verses of The Apocalypse, you’ll grow to appreciate and understand that the “Apocalypse Reconstructed,” the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide,” the “Doctrine of Two Spirits,” and the symbol groupings are all tightly integrated. So much so, that this fact alone provides proof of authenticity that demonstrates decisively and unequivocally that these are the truthful and accurate interpretations and translations. Accordingly, they provide irrefutable proof that the Vatican and founders and leaders of all three so-called Faiths of Abraham have knowingly and purposely endeavored to deceive everyone for many centuries, while cruelly subjugating the world based on strong lies and strong delusion.

A pivotal aspect of the symbology is its multi-dimensional and holographic structure and functionality. As described elsewhere, ancient wisdom symbology, the Philosophers’ Stone, and The Apocalypse’s narrative specifically and purposely reflect and model the structure of our universe, which is both holographic and multi-dimensional. Consequently, all of the symbology, symbols, symbolism and The Apocalypse’s narrative are multi-dimensional. The translations likewise have multiple though verifiably connected meanings. Consequently, most of the symbol translations will be detailed and multi-part, though not necessarily complete. Because of this feature and functionality, this version of the symbol guide and its translations are not completed throughout every possible aspect, but are focused on those topics and information most relevant to the task at hand. This guide will be expanded and refined in subsequent editions and publications.

Always keep in mind that this is not just an end to old things, it is also the start of better futures. This information is not dogma, nor an end in itself, but a key to the first step on the perfect path.

The definitions in this guide flow from the reconstruction of the text from the Book of Revelation in the King James Version of the Christian Bible, (not the New King James Version, nor any other translation). After extensive comparison, I determined that all of the later translations were more unreliable to varying degrees. They have changed the meanings of a long list of key passages and concepts. The end effect of this was to confound and delay the success of any efforts such as mine. To be truthful, the King James Version also contains lies, delusions and mistranslations. However, those who produced it were inspired and dedicated and paid good attention to detail. Their zeal for their task provided just enough accuracy and redundancy to support the reverse-engineering efforts required to reconstruct the narrative and symbology, reveal the lies, and to reverse them. Even so, I regularly referred to other translations to provide additional perspective and to verify some questionable translations in the King James Version.

I also remind you that that no person had succeeded at this task for two millennia. My efforts were further complicated by the fact that the King James Version was several revisions away from the original Aramaic texts that had been translated into Greek, Coptic, and/or Latin and subjected to multiple edits before finding their way into the present day. There have been thousands of efforts to decode The Apocalypse over the centuries with only minimal successes. They were all doomed to failure without access to a de-Christianized reconstruction. After you’ve used this symbol guide to decode the reconstructed Apocalypse, you’ll have little doubt that I have indeed succeeded where all others have failed.

Enjoy the journey and make sure everyone understands this knowledge ASAP. Your actions during this long-awaited time will affect the fate of many others so don’t drag your feet. I’m going to take a short rest now before continuing with the next volume. I’ve been at this quest for a few thousand years. The next moves are now up to you.

Basic guidelines

To better understand the intended messages of the original Apocalypse use the “Apocalypse Reconstructed” version with this symbol guide only. I’ve also included an intermediate version titled “Revelation Exposed” for those who want to see the how-and-why of many of the changes and conclusions that led to the “Apocalypse Reconstructed” and to this symbol guide. For those who don’t have a King James Bible handy, I’ve included a copy of the KJV of the Book of Revelation in Appendix A.

Underlined and italicized words and phrases in the “Apocalypse Reconstructed” chapter are defined herein. Symbols within the definitions are italicized. You’ll notice that a small number of symbols, such as “lion” seem to have more than one meaning. This symbol especially is used as an adjective for other symbols when preceded by clues such as “like unto, like, as a, as it were,” etc. This designates that it is used as a characterization or a likeness symbol for another symbol and not a straight symbol such as fire or woman. Furthermore, you’ll also notice that all such symbols are used to color or characterize their underlying meanings. To truly understand these symbols and the full import of their messages and resulting interpretations, remember that the outer symbol (the literal meaning) always colors (characterizes and influences) the inner meaning (its translation). This is the purpose for the statement from Revelation verse 5:1, “a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.” For example, the symbols “beast” (empire), “sea” (chaotic life in the presence of the Seven Spirits of Evil) and “fire” (righteousness) all impart characterizations and understandings to the underlying meanings. A beast is a voracious predator that grows larger by killing and eating other creatures. This is an accurate characterization of all earthly empires. Fire consumes impurities just as righteousness (zeal for truth and justice) consumes unclean (false and unjust) spirits (ways, paths, and inspirations). The sea represents unruly, stormy, and wave-tossed waters (the chaotic flow of peoples’ deeds, impulses, and emotions, through time) because of the tumultuous and difficult nature of life in the presence of evil, folly, and error.

Read the chapters preceding this one if you haven’t already done so; otherwise, read on…

Symbol Guide and Glossary

10See: 36, Ten Commandments, Ten Crowns, Ten Horns, Ten Kings, Seven, Seven Pillars 1000 years–This marks a fraudulent change by someone who sought to confound the truth. It translates as 360,000 literal years thereby proving it is a false symbol. Also, other symbols used in the verses that include this mistake are likewise used incorrectly. See also: Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, Time, 360, 1440, 72, Four Creatures, Star, Seven Stars, Eleven Stars, “Elders, 24”

11–The number eleven is used to mark me and to link me to our Creator and to Her Two Candlesticks, which symbolize Truth and Justice (Righteousness). Notice that eleven (11) presents the same image as the Roman numeral two (II), two pillars, and two candlesticks and is the sum of The Apocalypse’s two most prominent numbers, 4 and 7. Also that the word eleven starts with the root El, hence El-even, or Two. Likewise, the sum of the digits of 11 equals 2. Also, my birthday on August 11th (Leo = Lion) in [19] ’55, another multiple of 11 during the Chinese year of the sheep, hence a newborn Lamb. Also, the year of my signs during the August 11, 1999 and August 17, 1999 Grand Crosses and solar eclipse was a multiple-of-11 year (‘99) and my age was 44, another multiple of 11. As demonstrated in great detail in chapter one, the number 11 and the key concepts that it symbolizes and models serve as decisive and verifiable proof of the truth.

Additionally, we live in an 11-dimension reality, as demonstrated by string or M theory and alluded to by the symbolism of eleven angels and eleven stars. Likewise, the seven spirits plus the four elements equal 11 and the seven spirits symbolism is directly related to the seven unseen dimensions and the four elements are linked to the four dimensions of space-time. The first seven dimensions are the Implicate Order theorized by David Bohm as well as the spiritual realm alluded to by ancient wisdom and religious texts. They are also modeled by the Seven Angels/Stars of The Apocalypse. Accordingly, dimensions 8 through 11 are the four dimensions of space-time that match my birthday of 8-11.

Take the time to locate various verses, chapters, and other materials that discuss me and/or pivotal events during the time symbolized as the “end of days,” that are also marked by the number 11. The 11Q13 Dead Sea Scroll for example and many Bible verses have the two digits within them or their digits add up to 11(Psalms 110, Psalms 2 (II), Isaiah 11, Isaiah 65 and 66, 4 Ezra (or 2 Esdra) 1113, Two Candlesticks, Two Pillars, and so on. Here is a “pattern in the noise,” i.e., a signal (sign), that only our Creator could have caused to the extent that it appears in all of these related though widely scattered materials, birth dates, calendar systems, celestial alignments, and otherwise unrelated events. Do a search through The Apocalypse and other prophetic and eschatological texts and verify it independently. This represents a simple and otherwise unknown clue to our Creator's influence on our history and events. The same is true of the number 13, though to a lesser extent. Not every instance of 11 marks me or provides verifiable clues to me, but so much so as to easily beat any odds or any claims of mere coincidence.

Besides the symbolism of “two” for the Creator and Truth, two candlesticks and two pillars also model the same image as the number 11, all of which symbolize Truth and Justice. Since Truth is always a straight line (perfect path, straight answer), two perfectly straight lines next to each other also symbolize that Truth and Justice are 100% compatible with each other. Furthermore, two perfect parallel lines form a perfect path between them, where you will also find five more perfect parallel lines, which are the balance of the Seven Spirits of God. They never obscure (cross over or dominate) one another, but strive mightily to remain in perfect harmony and perfect cooperation towards the same unwavering visualization of a perfect future. See also: Two, Two Candlesticks, Two Pillars, Two Witnesses, Second Temple, Eleven Stars, El, Four, Five, Six, Seven, 8, 17, 66, Truth, Two, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, 11Q13, 13, Mighty, Mighty Wisdom, Lion and Lamb, Four angels, 11:11, 8-11, Lord Just and True, Melchizedek, Strong Angel, Archangel, Archangel Michael, Zerubbabel, Perfect Path, Plummet

11:11–Symbolizes the dualism enumerated by the Doctrine of Two Spirits. As described above, the number 11 alone symbolizes Truth and Justice, among other related wisdom. 11:11 on the other hand models two groups of mirrored or opposing spirits on opposite sides of a divide. This therefore is a symbol for the Doctrine of Two Spirits and the dualism at the heart of our universe. Also notice that the sum of the digits of 11:11 is 4, and there are four arms or points to the cross, which symbolizes Earth, Water, Air and Fire, which also encodes wisdom about the dualism at the heart of our universe. See also: Doctrine of Two Spirits, Spirit, Karma, 11, Two Pillars, Two Candlesticks, “Earth, Water, Air, Fire”, Four, Four Elements, Cross, Arm, Wisdom

11Q13–The Dead Sea Scroll that carries two numbers symbolic of my deeds and specifically talks about me, Melchizedek. Also notice that the sum of its digits equal 6 and match the sixth angel/star or the 16th cycle on the Hebrew calendar during which I was born in this lifetime. See also: Angel, Star, Appendix G, Eleven Stars, El, Teacher of Righteousness, Armageddon, Melchizedek, 11, 13, Lord of Wisdom, First and the Last, True and Just, Lord Just and True, Elijah, Yahad, Essene, Reincarnation, Messiah

1260 days1260 days symbolizes 1260 actual years. This represents the verifiable span of time the Roman Empire and Eurasia were openly ruled by Christianity and the Vatican (560 CE) until the first Vatican was “wounded” by Napoleon’s conquest of Italy and the other events that were set in motion as the direct result (1820 CE). This represents 1260 years of the Vatican’s open rule of Eurasia that is measured counting back 1440 years from Hebrew year 5760 (2000 CE), and spanning the years 560 CE (4320) through 1820 CE (5580). This same period is also symbolized as 3 1/2 years (3.5 x 360 years), 42 months (42 x 30 days), and “time, times and half a time” (1+2+1/2 years or 360 years x 3.5). Other interpreters have proposed the dates of 538 CE to 1798 CE by setting a specific date for when the Papacy/Vatican became absolute ruler of Rome and the western Roman Empire, and ending with the capture of the Pope by Napoleon in 1798. Though not 100% accurate, they were off by only 22 years and did identify key players in the prophecy. The events they identified were also pivotal to the gain and loss of power by the Vatican.

Christian interpreters who correctly identified the Papacy and Vatican as the targets of this prophecy made the mistake of thinking that the focus of The Apocalypse was purely religious and between factions of Christianity. A pivotal facet of these revelations is that the Vatican’s power and control has always extended far beyond religion and Christianity. Also, that Christianity was the primary ruling authority of the Empire during those 1260 years, not just the Papacy. These dates are therefore referring both to the Vatican/Papacy as the head of Christianity and to their role as the financial and political power center of western civilization. They later succeed at secretly controlling the entire world by the 20th century, hence Mystery Babylon

The unknown variable necessary for accurately establishing the correct dates was long hidden because of modifications made to the original text of The Apocalypse, by the founders of Christianity. Knowledge of the pivotal importance of the number 1440 and the year 5760 was the hidden key to setting the correct dates. The focus of this prophetic period, besides shining the light on the Vatican’s true nature, was to further verify the concepts of cyclic time, astrological cycles and to verify the pivotal importance of solar-derived date math within The Apocalypse and other Hebrew texts. It serves to remind humanity that even the most powerful empires are incapable of thwarting the Creator’s will. Their greatest efforts were unable to prevent or even disrupt the timetable for what had been prophesied and promised for millennia. Furthermore, our creator synchronized the prophesied rise and fall and rebirth of Christianity’s Empire to precisely match the cycles of the Hebrew calendar. 1260 years equal 3.5 cycles, leaving another 180 years or one half cycle until year 5760 and the end of that 1440-year period. To better understand this wisdom, simply contemplate the myriad variables that had to perfectly synchronize to be able to promise millennia of future events. A series of ancient prophecies have all converged at specified and verifiable times to fulfill an ancient promise of great magnitude and unmatched significance to all of humanity.

There is additional validation for deriving these dates by counting back 1440 years from 5760 (2000 CE) to start at 4320 (560 CE) and ending at 5580 (1820 CE). Let’s look at the numeric patterns and symbolism associated with the resulting dates. First, the sum of the digits of each of the Gregorian years 560 and 1820 equals eleven (5+6+0=11 and 1+8+2+0=11). Both numbers are also multiples of 4 and 7. This is no mere coincidence considering the overwhelming importance of the number 11 as a sign and as the symbol for Truth and Justice. Furthermore, the 1260-day period is presented in chapter 11 along with redundant symbolism for Truth and Justice. It also synchronizes with the flood of number 11 signs directly associated with The Apocalypse and earlier prophecies.

Furthermore, the sum of the digits of the associated Hebrew years of 4320 and 5580 equals nine or a multiple of nine (4+3+2+0=9 and 5+5+8+0=18). Both numbers are also multiples of 3, 6, 9 and 18. As covered elsewhere, the numbers 3 and 9 (and other multiples of 3) are used to mark and symbolize the Vatican throughout The Apocalypse and in real life. Furthermore, the sum of the digits of 1260 equal 9 (1+2+6+0=9) and 1260 is itself a multiple of 3,6, 9 and 18, just as are the Hebrew year numbers at the start and end of this 1260-year period. Additionally, both 1440 and the remainder of 1440 minus 1260 (180), are both multiples of 3,6, 9 and 18, and the sum of each of their digits equals 9 (1+8+0=9 and 1+4+4+0=9).

It is no coincidence that the numbers of both Hebrew and Gregorian years and dates of relevant events are repeatedly marked by 9 and 11. To reinforce the symbolism, the summing of each year’s digits produces two 11’s and three 9’s and the sum of the digits of 1440, 1260, and 180 produce three more 9’s. Furthermore, the sum of the digits of these dates and relevant timeframes directly match the specific chapter numbers of The Apocalypse (9 and 11) associated with the target dates and topics. Chapter 11 discusses the 1260-year period and two candlesticks, which visually match the number 11 and symbolize Truth and Justice. Chapter 9 specifically discusses the Vatican’s use of secret societies, fear and terrorism following the 1260-year period. Verse 9:11 clearly exposes the Vatican and as the source of the non-stop wars and destruction during the 1440 years between 560 CE and 2000 CE and the wars and terrorism since 9/11/2001.

Events were set in motion both before and after the French revolution that eventually led to Napoleon conquering Italy and in 1798 imprisoning the Pope, who subsequently died in prison. These events and others led to major ramifications which ended the Vatican’ ability to openly control European monarchies and governments. Furthermore, the Congress of Vienna in 1815 signaled the first major step of governments controlling more of their own affairs, temporarily reducing Vatican interference. The American and French revolutions also set off a chain of other revolutions, wars, social upheavals, and governmental changes over the next several decades that led to more democracies and international institutions that ended the old order of monarchies, aristocrats and governments openly ruled from Rome. This was also the birth of Mystery Babylon and the precursor to the so-called New World Order because the Vatican and its aristocrats and plutocrats refused to let people rule themselves in peace. While democracy was blossoming throughout the Vatican’s empire and disrupting the old order, the Vatican and it aristocrats were actively conspiring through its secret societies to insert poison pills into every democratic movement, constitution and institution. This would permit the Vatican and its aristocratic and plutocratic cohorts to secretly and mysteriously gain control of democracies, governments and their monetary systems and economies.

This points to the beast (Vatican-controlled empire) having a head (the Vatican) wounded to death that is later healed and restored to power. 1260 days is mentioned several times because it is meant to point to the Vatican’s period of direct control over Europe and to unequivocally highlight and emphasize evidence of their deeds and character during that period. The Vatican’s power never truly ended, but its control of governments was seriously, though only temporarily, wounded. Due to assistance from some national leaders, aristocratic families and secret societies, the Vatican was able to re-establish control through a much more secretive and mysterious means and to mostly to hide this fact from general public knowledge. By the time the Vatican was openly restored in 1929, its control of governments had gone completely underground. It now hides its true nature by pretending to be a religious organization only. Consequently, it now controls the entire world in secrecy through its hidden manipulation of money, politics, religion, a web of secret societies (mystery), and other proxies and Machiavellian intrigues.

This 1260-year period is repeatedly symbolized in different forms to stress its importance and to highlight the deeds that occurred during the Vatican’s open reign of Europe. Its purpose is to leave no doubt, whatsoever, about whom it points to and the character displayed by the Vatican and Christianity during those 1260 years. The Vatican openly and unabashedly displayed its true character during this era, and the Creator has clearly highlighted the time-period, so there could be no doubt. Now, the Vatican is secretly in complete control of Planet Earth and is seeking to assert more direct dominance through its so-called New World Order. With that understanding, look around our world and see all the non-stop strife, wars, religious conflict, terrorism, widespread poverty and crime. It is vitally important to understand that the very same organization and philosophy that caused the dark ages, imposed the Inquisition, and instigated the crusades is now secretly controlling the entire world and using fear and chaos for geopolitical, financial and religious gain. Here is proof that those who fail to heed history are doomed to repeat it. We are now witnessing the new crusades underway, only this time they are led by the USA, which replaced Europe as the prime military power of the Vatican’s empire following World War II. See also: Two, Three, Forty and two months, 1440, 5760, 9, 11, 9:11, Den, Rock, 13, 17, 18, 21, 36, 2160

13–2+11, which is God and the Doctrine of Two Spirits (2) plus Melchizedek and Truth and Justice (11). It also symbolizes Armageddon and Judgment "Day" (year), which is probably one of the reasons it was designated an unlucky number by those who will ultimately be the primary targets of Armageddon and Melchizedek’s Judgment. It is also the number of the original US colonies, which is where I reside and initiate my deeds. The USA flag and seal also make repeated use of the number 13. Verse 13:11 calls the USA the “Beast with two horns like a lamb and speaks as a dragon.” The number 11 links the Lamb (me), Truth and Justice, and my location in the USA at the end of days.

13 is a number often used by occult and secret society groups for various symbolism and a primary reason for its use by the founding fathers of the USA, who were mostly Freemasons. It’s very important to note that there were exactly 13 colonies created before the USA sought independence. The independence movement and the new nation were conceived and led by Freemasons. Furthermore, the sum of the digits ’76 in the year 1776 equals 13 (7+6=13), and the sum of the digits of July 4th (month 7 plus day 4) equals 11. This precisely synchronizes with verse 13:11 that speaks of the USA, which celebrates its birthday on July 4th, 1776. Also, the sum of the digits of 1776 equal 21, which is a triangular number used to symbolize 666, further cementing the links between the USA, the Vatican, and secret cabals. That my location was supposed to have been in the USA is verified by 11.

There was purposeful occult symbolism involved in the creation of the USA and all of its primary images and icons. This is undeniable evidence of long-term planning and Vatican influence in the conceptualization, creation, and history of the USA. One need only investigate the symbolism of the Seal of the USA, the US Flag, and most American images and icons to understand that Vatican and secret society influences are the root of the great deceptions perpetrated by the founding fathers and many subsequent leaders. See also: 11, 21, 1776, Two, 11Q13, Appendix G, Lamb, Beast with Two Horns, Mystery Babylon

14–The product of 7 times 2, or 7+7 or 11+3, matching the numeric count of the seven spirits of both good and evil as enumerated by the Doctrine of Two Spirits. Consequently, it is symbolic of good and evil as described by the Doctrine of Two Spirits outlines. See also: Doctrine of Two Spirits, Two, Seven, 11:11, Two Ways, Two Tables of Stone, 21

1440–A symbolic number used to represent the year 5760 and the wisdom that flows from t