Apocalypse Symbol Guide by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Black–The complete absence of white (goodness) and light (truth), thereby symbolizing the opposite of good. See also: White, Dark, Light, Three, Third Part, Truth, Unclean, Defiled

Black Horse–The Rider on the Black Horse symbolizes those that use greed, money, materialism, falsehood and the injustice that flows from them to control human affairs. The black horse is a symbol for the path of greed, falsehood, and injustice as a driving force behind the flow of human history. Black is the symbolic opposite of white and is therefore the opposite of good, just as the black hat symbolizes the scoundrel. A pair (two sets) of balances is a dual reference to greed and materialism (commerce), as well as to the scales of justice, which are unbalanced by greed, money, falsehood and injustice. Furthermore, the symbol of a rider on a black horse (greed and falsehood as a driving force in human history) carrying two sets of balances symbolizes widespread financial fraud and great injustice by financial leaders, aristocrats, and plutocrats. It also directly alludes to a very specific theme mentioned multiple times in the Hebrew texts, again adding to the mountain of evidence proving the Hebrew authorship of The Apocalypse. That theme is the topic of using one set of balances (weights, measures, ephah, etc.) to measure the weight of goods and another set used to calculate cost/price. This is an ancient form and an obvious symbol for monetary fraud. When applied to the concept of money itself, as in Zechariah 5:6-11 (notice this section is marked by 5:6 and 11, hence 11:11), it sends an unequivocal message about Truth and Justice in opposition to Greed and Injustice. It clearly tells us that our leaders are lying about the very nature and purpose of money itself. The true purpose for the existence of money and economics is fraud and deception that rises to the level of a great abomination. It is such a great evil that it is presented here as one of the four foundational causes of human struggle and suffering.

Now look at our history and at current events. Empires are always forged to satisfy greed and arrogance. Money is the primary tool that permits evil to flourish and prosper while good people and the good and necessary things struggle and languish. Furthermore, the lust for gold, riches and luxuries is behind the evil and abominations committed at the behest of heroes and with the tools of war and violence. Think about all the gold that lines the walls of the Vatican and its cathedrals and fills its vaults to overflowing. Think about the great wealth of Europe and the USA. Remember, their wealth and power was built upon a foundation of, and acquired through, deception, fraud, great genocide, conquest, inquisition, crusade, terror, war profiteering, etc. The list just keeps going on and on. I ask you: Where is the truth and justice in the doers of such evil sitting atop the world continuing their deception, fraud and blatant evil? This is the direct result of humanity’s slavish lust after money and material things. People are so deluded as to continue trusting a gang of lying scoundrels who are forever looking for ways to deceive and delude you into working your lives away to support their opulent lifestyles and never-ending lust for power. See also: Four Horses of The Apocalypse, Pair of Balances, Money, Usury, Black, Third Part, Strong Lie, Truth, Ephah, Lead Talent, Rider, White Horse, Red Horse, Pale Horse, Head of Gold, Decked within Gold, Breast and arms of silver, Mystery Babylon

Black as sackcloth of hair–This phrase is used as a descriptor of how dark the sun gets in Revelation 6:12, and has multiple meanings. Sackcloth is worn to show sorrow, mourning, and/or shame. Sackcloth of hair is made from human hair and the expectation at the time of this writing is that the hair was black (African/Asian). Hair symbolizes the style of thought and mindset. Accordingly, black denotes the absence of light (truth) and understanding, hence ignorance. It means that the source of light and heat (truth and justice) was hidden, defiled and made false, thereby causing truth, wisdom, and justice and those who value them to mourn their absence or apparent demise. See also: Sackcloth, Hair, Black, Dark, Defiled, Hidden, Den, Shadow, Sun, Moon, Cast dust on their heads, Sorrow, Light, Heat, Head, True and Just, Truth, Shame

Blaspheme/Blasphemy–Lies told about the Creator for profit. It means to purposely tell lies about the Creator to acquire power, prestige, and/or material gain. In short, religion is blasphemy, as is any claim that the Creator supports anything like nations, war, money, etc. See also: Mystery Babylon, Beast with Two Horns like a Lamb, Truth, Lie

Blasphemy against God–Told lies about the Creator in an utterly foolhardy attempt to defeat the Creator of the universe. This symbolizes that the lies were told not just to deceive multitudes but also for the purpose of derailing the Creator’s plans for human salvation. See also: Mystery Babylon, Beast with Two Horns like a Lamb, Truth, Lie, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Two Candlesticks

Blessed–Sure to receive good fortune because your deeds and results caused good karma. Blessings flow to those who do good deeds for others, which is why the 4th and central spirit of self-sacrifice and virtue is symbolized as God’s Altar. See also: Blessing, God’s Altar, Blood, Grace, Karma, Curse, Seven Spirits of God, Perfect Path

Blessing–Good karma and the resulting good fortune and good luck, which is the dual opposite of the curse, which is bad fortune and bad luck that results from bad karma. The Creator’s blessings are reserved for those who do good deeds and walk the path of Truth and Justice. God helps those who help others! See also: Blessed, Grace, Karma, Curse, Murphy’s Law, Seven Spirits of God, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Perfect Path

Blind–Ignorant, deluded, and without truth and wisdom; without spiritual, moral, or conceptual sight, thereby blind to the light. Without understanding, whether the cause is a lack of knowledge or the refusal to understand. It's the symbolic opposite of see, look, and watch. See also: Light, See, Eyes, Sight, Ear, Deaf, Hear, Before, Behind, Look, Watch

Blood–Symbolizes both self-sacrifice and virtue. Virtue flows from self-sacrifice for the good of others. Since literal blood is the essence of life, this tells us that self-sacrifice is at the heart of the Spirit of Life, which are the Seven Spirits of God. It is thereby part of the central and fourth spirit of the seven, along with courage, integrity, and righteousness. See also: Fire of the Altar, Altar, Heart, Golden Altar, God’s Altar, Jasper, Seven Spirits of God, Spirit of Life, Shed

Blow–To cause to move in a specific direction or way, hence to impart a primary motivation to. See also: Wind, Way, Cause, Spirit, Wing, Smite, Breath

Body–Substance; a collection of related conceptual parts (concepts and knowledge) acting together. See also: Book, Flesh, Bones, Strength, Fowl, Bird, Raven, Stork, Great Eagle, Wing, Fowls of Heaven, Beast, Creature, Man, Women, Sailor, Mountain

Book–A collection or recording of character(s) (marks); similar concepts gathered for a specified message. Like a scroll, it is a written record of character(s). Books of prophecy, of life, etc. See also: Book of Life, Write, Record, Scroll, Little Book, Body, Mark, Prophecy

Book of life–This symbolizes and merges two closely related concepts. First, it is the same thing as the Little Book, which actually would have said "little scroll" in the original text. The Little Book/Scroll is the Doctrine of Two Spirits as shown herein and on the back cover. The top half, which are the Seven Spirits of God are also symbolized as the Spirit of Life, so the book of life must directly characterize and be composed of the Seven Spirits of God.

Secondly, it symbolizes a record of deeds based on the Seven Spirits of God and is another way of saying those with good karma and good character determined by the nature of their deeds. Since name symbolizes a moral/spiritual description, having one’s "name" written (recorded, marked) on a scroll that records the Seven Spirits of God means that your character matches the characters written in the book. Thereby, this is a listing of true and just character and deeds, hence a description of those who understand and walk the path of the Seven Spirits of God, which are also symbolized as the source of living fountains of water. Unlike most religious interpretations, the book of life does not contain a list of the righteous, but is instead an unequivocal description of what being righteous truly means. Accordingly, this is saying that people must walk the Perfect Path to expect blessings and avoid curses.

In the Book of Zechariah verses 5:1- 4, the opposite concept is symbolized as a flying [sc]roll that records evil deeds and also called the curse, which is the result of bad karma. See also: Little Book, Book, Name, Record, Written, Mark, Seven Spirits of God, Spirit of Life, Fountain, Walk, Path, Perfect Path, Seven Pillars, Green, Works, Living fountains of water, Karma, Curse, Life, Righteousness, Rod of Fire, Fly, Scroll, Faith and Belief, Philosophers’ Stone

Book(s), the–Refers to the Book of Revelation, books of prophecy, wisdom texts, and other records containing characters and marks. In the original text, this would have been a scroll. See also: Book, Scroll, Little Book, Book of Life, Record, Mark

BoothSee: Palms, Manger

Bond–Forced servitude to another. See also: Captivity, Bound, Chain, Bondman, Strong Lie, Free

Bondman–Any organization, institution, or subsidiary under the ultimate control of another entity or group. This directly infers organizations and institutions that are not free to do as they please because of the obligations imposed by money, religion, and politics. Because of the nature of this civilization, this refers to all except those atop the social pyramid. It’s important to note that a free man purposely infers a freemason as a symbol for the secret cabals that control this civilization as cohorts of the Vatican. See also: Bond, Dead, Captivity, Free, Free man, Slave, Ship, Sailor, House, Man, Mason, Den, Hidden, Rock, Shadow, Vatican, Symbol

Bones–Framework (skeleton) that supports and provides structure to a body of knowledge. See also: Flesh, Body, Wing, Pillar, House, Seven Pillars, Two Pillars, Strength, Eat

Born–Brought forth; established; created. See also: Brought forth, Go, Cast, Before, Stand, Birth

Bottomless Pit–A pit is the most ancient form of a trap and is therefore used to symbolize just such an ancient trap. Visualize a pit trap, which is a hidden hole in the earth. When you fall into a hole, you should eventually reach the bottom. “Getting to the bottom” of something is another term for determining the truth. Now consider falling into what appears to be a hole, but with no bottom. Consequently, you have a false bottom or an alternate answer to the truth, which is illusion and deception. Just like the triangle discussed elsewhere, a false or hidden bottom is a false answer that creates a logic trap or an endless loop, which never permits you to understand the answer or to ever “get to the bottom of it.” Likewise, since a pit is in the earth, this refers directly to the Seven Spirits of Evil. Now take a moment and see that money, politics, and religion are shown in center of the top three spirits of the Seven Spirits of Evil outline (greed, falsehood, ignorance) and how they directly model a pit dug in the earth, which results in ignorance.

It also symbolizes a vortex of deception and strong lies that form a virtually inescapable trap, hence strong lies leading to strong delusion. This deceptive and illusory trap formed by the interaction of the money, religion and politics triangle is the mystery world-power system controlled by the Vatican and its secret society cohorts. It further symbolizes the lures, traps and snares of this mystery control system(s) that the Vatican and world leaders use to deceive, delude, and control the multitudes. It also infers the hopelessness and folly of living your life through the combination of these three deceptive institutions (money, religion, and politics) found on the path of greed, falsehood and injustice. That path leads away from life’s blessings and towards death, sorrows, despair, endless struggles and torment. This is true because they are all lies that never lead to a final answer (Truth and Justice) while always resulting in harm others, which then results in bad karma and future harm to you and others, ad infinitum. Such a trap purposely keeps populations thinking and running in circles and never able to discern the truth or wisdom, while ultimately serving the secretive slave masters headquartered in the Vatican.

Furthermore, money, religion, and politics are each logic traps that present themselves as myriad deceptive lures that are always illusions that can’t be attained or maintained. It’s a well-sculpted shell (and shill) game rigged so most lose while the Vatican and its cohorts continue to win. Once humanity can determine that they are truly imposed delusions and finally understands the truth, the power of the illusion will vanish into thin air, just like the darkness does when the lights are turned on, and like smoke does when a strong wind blows.

Another understanding of the bottomless pit symbol is the nature of truth and lies. In the definition of truth, I explain that truth is properly modeled as a straight line in space between a correct question and the correct answer (straight answer, straight and true…). A lie, on the other hand, is an alternate answer to the truth, which then creates a third point. A line between these three points forms a triangle, which is the simplest form of an endless loop. It also results in a “crooked” line, as modeled by a serpent. Crooked and snake are common symbols for something or someone that is false, deceptive, and untrustworthy.

A Strong Lie is a well-crafted illusion and deception and accurately describes the nature of politics, money, and religion. They all form purposeful logic traps, which are mental and philosophical endless loops. This is the simplest understanding (wisdom) of what a lie really is and what it does to your thoughts and to the collective consciousness of humanity. This is a primary reason why life is so hard, because you are rarely presented with correct answers, much less correct questions. Consequently, you continue to think and act in circles, never attaining truth or perfection. Truth and perfection are synonymous. The perfect path and the bottomless pit are dual opposites. A bottomless pit is an apparently inescapable trap formed through multiple strong lies. This is the purpose of money, religion and politics and is the truth of what your leaders have been doing to humanity for millennia, on purpose, and with great forethought and planning. Their goal is to keep you deluded and struggling forever and thereby to continue enriching themselves by secretly exploiting, extorting, and enslaving entire populations. This is the danger and the purpose of money, religion and politics which are all false answers and great folly that enslave and/or kill to enrich evil, greedy, deceptive, arrogant, and unjust people.

There are both physical and spiritual aspects to the bottomless pit. Viewing it from the spiritual side, money, religion and politics all cause great harm to others that results in bad karma for all who support them. Living a life based on them (hence the seven spirits of evil) drives the collective bad karma of individuals, groups, and the entire civilization. The long-observed cyclic nature of time and events inspired the description of the wheels of time and karma. Many astrologers are also aware that these repeating cycles of time and similar events seem to be regulated by and closely linked to the Zodiac. When you contemplate eons of cyclic time-periods and events stretching back through history, you will see time more as repeating loops or an endless spiral, instead of the common perception of linear time and events. Humanity’s non-stop misdeeds and the resulting bad karma keep this repeating loop of misdeeds and bad karma cycling ever onward, ad infinitum. Notice how his matches the endless loop structure of strong lies and circular logic?

The Vatican/Papacy is also symbolized as the Angel of the Bottomless Pit. The Vatican has succeeded at molding a worldwide system around the three great deceptions that are money, religion and politics. The Vatican and its secret society cohorts have deluded billions of people through its secret control of most religions. Even people that don’t believe in religion still fear the unknown because of lingering doubts caused by long-term imposed ignorance that purposely confounds spiritual truths and wisdom. Those that don’t participate in religion are still forced to use money or participate in politics. Consequently, the Vatican has managed to gain control over the lives of nearly everyone on Planet Earth by forging a deceptive system based on these three great delusions. The entire world has been shaped into a well-sculpted trap based on a grand deception and illusion. These three delusions form the deceptive triangle spoken of above and elsewhere. If one fails and you walk away from it, most people will turn to one or both of the other two instead. The most deluded people are deeply involved in all three. It is a particularly vile system that forms a series of interconnected and overlapping endless loops and is much like being caught in a multi-layered sticky web of illusion. Ponder the relationship between the symbols “angel of the bottomless pit,” strong lie, endless loop, and the term spin to fully understand the modern spin-doctors. See also: Abyss, Pit, Sea, Truth, Lie, Strong Lie, Seven Spirits of Evil, Seven Heads, Seven Mountains, 9, 11, 9:11, Three, Two, Path, Perfect Path, Mystery Babylon, Net, Babel, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Triangle, Hidden, Den, Rock, Serpent, Karma, Perdition, Cross, 21, 18, 36, 153, 666, 1440, 1776

Bound–Restrained and thereby prevented from doing something. See also: Great Chain, Bond, Bondman, Held, Keep

Bow–A weapon of long reach that permits killing without getting one’s hands dirty. That is why it is symbolized in the hand of the rider atop the white horse. The other crucial aspect of this symbolism is that it directly refers to the rainbow as described in Genesis 9:13–9:16 (a bow in the cloud), which is the Covenant with the Creator based in wisdom, wise inspirations, and wise deeds. Unlike God’s covenant (rainbow) in the clouds though, this ‘bow” was created by and is wielded by human hands for unjust material gain. This testament in the hands of the conquering hero is a direct reference to the canons of the three Faiths of Abraham and of religion in general. It infers an inferior counterfeit of the Creator’s covenant and wisdom. It instead permits greed, falsehood, and injustice through hero worship of false gods, idols, and false doctrine. In fact, this ‘bow is a tool that permits the hero on the white horse to deceive and delude those who follow his exhortations to participate in war and other injustices, while thinking they are serving some god by doing evil. This is in direct conflict with the Ten Commandments and other rules found throughout their cannons, which are contradicted within those same cannons to create circular logic, strong lies, and confusion. Notice that this ‘bow is a tool of unjust men and is not the rainbow (covenant/testament) in the cloud (wisdom) described in Genesis or elsewhere in The Apocalypse. This ‘bow is a thing of the earth and is missing any association with rain (karma) or clouds (wisdom and wise inspirations that lead to wise deeds). Consequently, the ‘bow wielded by the rider on the white horse is not the Creator’s wisdom and is instead human false doctrine based on the path of greed, falsehood, and injustice. See also: Testament, Ten Horns, Aaron’s Rod, Rainbow, Cloud, Rain, Karma, Rider, White Horse, Horse, Ark of Her Testament, Ark, Holy Grail

Branch–Refers both to a descendant and new offshoot from a tree that leads to fresh growth in a new direction (way, path). Also notice that this refers to wood and thereby to paper, books, scrolls, and recorded knowledge. See also: Root, Tree, Stump, Stump of Jesse, Wood, Reed, Seed, Book, Record, Mark, Little Book, Book of Life, Carpenter, Wormwood, Olive Tree, Way, Path

Brass–(or Bronze) Human forged principles (pillars) and discipline that influence the character and nature of leadership and governance. Since this is a metal, it symbolizes the character (mettle) of modeled concepts, principles, etc. For example, when vessels of brass are mentioned, it refers to human created, principles, concepts, and doctrine used to frame and convey specific knowledge. A key aspect of this symbolism is that brass is an alloy forged by human hands and is not found naturally. Though it can look golden, it is not as valuable or as sought after as gold or silver. Though it is harder than gold and silver, it is not as hard as iron. Also, since its golden colored, it refers to ideals, as opposed to iron, which is a dark metal. See also: Gold, Golden, Silver, Iron, Dark, Metal, Four Metals, Stone, Rock, Wood, Feet, Vessel, Belly and Thighs of Brass, Pillar

Bread–This is a compound symbol relying on the knowledge of several other symbols. In short, it symbolizes ingesting (learning) refined knowledge (wisdom) that has been heated (purged, purified, hence judged). It also alludes to learning (eating) from the byproducts (seed, fruit, harvest) of humanity’s (green grasses) deeds and experiences (waters). Bread is a product of milled wheat, which symbolizes refined food (knowledge/wisdom). Flour is made by a millstone, which symbolizes a refining crucible. Since it’s a large grinding stone, it symbolizes that humanity must eat (learn form) the crucible of mighty wisdom to survive and grow strong. Since eating food symbolizes ingesting knowledge and wisdom, to eat bread symbolizes gaining knowledge and wisdom by eating the harvest and refined byproducts of humanity’s many cycles (seasons) of repeated lives, deaths, and accumulated experiences. In short, eating bread symbolizes learning from the many lessons of human history. See also: Loaves, Millstone, Wheat, Reap, Flour, Water, Heat, Light, Burn, Scorch, Fire, Harvest, Fruit, Grass, Reed, Fish, Seed, Oil, Mighty Wisdom

Breast–Where your heart resides. Symbolizes your compassion or lack of it, emotions, desires and inclinations. See also: Heart, Blood, Paps, Belly, Breast Plate, Fire of the Altar

Breast and Arms of Silver–Symbolizes that both the desire and the power behind the deeds of these empires are rooted in money and wealth. See also: Arms, Hand, Breast, Breastplate, Heart, Silver, Hand, Metal, Four Metals, Power, Gold, Money, Head of Gold, Breastplates of Iron

Breastplate–Chest covering that frames and colors the nature of your emotions, inclinations, and desires, such as righteousness, compassion, or ruthlessness. See also: Paps, Breast, Heart, Garment, Golden Girdle, Metal, Color, Iron

Breastplates of Iron–Symbolizes those that have the inclination to be hard-hearted, cruel, uncaring, and/or ruthless. Besides being a hard and unbending metal, iron is dark and alludes to evil deeds and character. See also: Paps, Breast, Heart, Iron, Dark, Feet of Iron, Garment, Golden Girdle, Hateful Bird, Unclean Bird, Stork, Locusts, Scorpion, Red Horse, Red, Scarlet, Riches, Army, Ships, Sailors, Fishermen, Company within ships, Shipmaster, Net, Fish, 13, 18, 21, 36, 153, 666, 1776

Breath–Wind from the breast and mouth. See also: Breath of my lips, Mouth, Breast, Wind, Voice

Breath of my lips–Words and the wind they cause. Since these are the words of the Lord of Wisdom and King of Righteousness, they are words of righteousness (zeal for Truth and Justice) and wisdom that lead to irresistible change. See also: Sharp Two-edged Sword, Without Hand, Mouth, Voice, Breath, Truth, Wisdom, Wind, Words

Brethren–Those of kindred spirits, hence brothers, as the Yahad/Essene saints referred to each other because they all walked the path of Truth and Justice together. Also, they were all sons of light, meaning members of the same house founded and ruled by Truth. See also: Fellow servant, Kindred, Son, Spirit, Enemy

Bridegroom and of the Bride–Refers to the lies put forth by Christianity about being the “Bride of Christ,” since both the bride and the bridegroom in that scenario are blatant lies. Also refers to the illicit unions between religious and secular organizations that characterize the Vatican and its deceptive mystery empire. Further symbolizes the fact that no one will ever be married in a church again once they understand the truth about churches and religion. See also: Woman, Man, She, Fornication, Harlot, Sophia, Wisdom, Kuan Yin, Seven Pillars

BridlesSee: Horse Bridles

Bright and Morning Star–A symbol for Venus, which symbolizes a false star, hence false enlightenment and false doctrine, just as the moon does. It also symbolizes the reign of the Vatican and the stages the Babylonian Priesthood who shone bright and deluded many with its brilliance and gaudiness. Christians go to great lengths equivocating about why Isaiah 14:12 speaks of the day star, son of the morning or dawn being judged by God and laid low, and why Revelation 22:16 and the New Testament also refer to Jesus by the same symbolism. The simple answer has always been that Isaiah 14:12 prophesied that the “false star” would finally be exposed and judged harshly and always referred directly to the Babylonian Priesthood and Vatican who would create the false messiah, Jesus Christ. The “Son of God” scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Daniel also refer to the exact same prophecy. See also: Moon, Venus, Star, Sun, Shine, Smooth Things, Decked, Fine Linen, Jesus Christ, Dragon, Ten Horns, Two Tables of Stone, Cast, Drew, Babel, Mysticism, Mason, Kabbalah, Hexagram, Pentagram, Pentacle, Cross, Triangle, Triangular Number

Brimstone–A burning stone that symbolizes righteous indignation and condemnation. Sulfur (brimstone) is a stone the color of the sun; hence golden. Furthermore, when you parse the word into “brim” and “stone,” brim is a boundary and a stone is a cornerstone or foundational wisdom. Since the boundaries of God’s Temple are Truth and Justice, brimstone is the wisdom of God’s boundaries, outside of which is found the fuel for fire (righteousness and righteous indignation). See also: Stone, Golden, Color, Fire, Righteousness, Furnace, Heat, Sun, Hail, God’s Temple, Fire of the Altar, Lady of the Lake, Lake of Burning Fire, Yahad, Essene, Lord Just and True, 11Q13, Juda

BronzeSee: Brass

Brother–A kindred spirit, a fellow servant in the house of the Creator. How the saints referred to each other. See also: Fellow servant, Spirit, Brethren, House, Son

Brought forth–To have established or created something that continued forward through time. See also: Birth, Born, Go, Fled, Time, Space

Buddha–One of my previous lifetimes as the Indian sage of old and the inspiration for the philosophies of Buddhism. A great error now bedevils the followers of Buddhism and that is the strong lie and overwhelming fallacy of turning a philosophy and path of wisdom into a religion. As with all religions, false doctrine and lies permeate the cannons and practices of those who follow Buddhism. For example, my birth and life details are wrong in most accounts. Furthermore, it is completely idiotic to worship a sage who described the focus on materialism, self, and personality as illusory mistakes. Any who would think I’d agree with hero-worship, religion, or anything similar has long-ago left the path of wisdom. Now I’ve returned to reestablish ancient wisdom and remove the great defilement of religion. Nostradamus’ quatrains reinforce this in 1.96, 2.28, 2.29, 10.75, and others. See also: East, Kings of the East, Reincarnation, Religion, Lord of Wisdom, Lord Just and True, Melchizedek, Zerubbabel, Nostradamus, Maitreya, Strong Lie, Strong Delusion

Burn–Symbolizes judging and correcting by purifying, purging, cleansing and making pure through righteousness (fire), which is the zeal for truth and justice. Notice the symbolism of using fire (righteousness) to purge materialistic things (impure/evil) to raise them into the air (thought) as smoke (evidence of impurity) or clouds (wisdom). See also: Fire, Heat, Scorch, Furnace, Sun, Pure, Ash, Smoke, Righteousness, Holy, Unclean

Burning Bush–A bush is a small tree that tends to grow laterally and not vertically. To understand the symbolism of the burning bush through which God spoke to Moses, you must also understand the associated symbolism of tree, speak, El, Elohim, fire, burn, seven angels, seven stars, fire of the altar, and the Seven Spirits of God. As you can see after these concepts are understood and used to unseal the burning bush symbolism, that it is also sealed with seven seals, which are the Seven Spirits of God, just like the Apocalypse. This is a further demonstration of how the entire canon of Hebrew texts and the Christian and Islamic texts that flowed from them are based on sealed wisdom texts and prophecies.

The burning bush is the same as the Seven Golden Candlesticks and Menorah, which are the Seven Spirits of God, which is how the Creator spoke to (inspired and enlightened) Moses. Now visualize the image of the menorah and the seven golden candlesticks with their seven lamps of fire. They are the image and true meaning of the burning bush that spoke to Moses, as it is now speaking to you. See also: Tree, Menorah, Fire, Seven Pillars, Two Tables of