Becoming Mrs. G, A True Christian Love Story by La Micia Genova - HTML preview

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‘Will You Be My Girl?’


Saturday morning my mom prepared a breakfast that one would serve the president of the United States of America, this would be her first time meeting Patrick.  Patrick and his friend Wes were going to have breakfast with us so my mom really put her heart into serving them. I mean we had bacon, almond croissants, eggs, ackee and salt fish (a staple Jamaican breakfast food) and plantains with a choice of orange juice, coffee or tea.  Patrick and Wes were honored and of course ready to dig in.  We all talked and laughed around the table but we all knew that at some point Patrick and my mom were going to talk privately about dating me.  It must have went well because they came back smiling and having small talk. Was I nervous while they were talking you might ask? Well, I wasn’t.  I wasn’t because I knew that Patrick was a sincere person and if my mom got to see what I saw in him, his love for God, then there is no need for her to worry.  Having breakfast together was a good time, one I’ll never forget.  Who can forget that spread anyway?

Saturday night rolled around, and I was ready for our date that night. I knew that he was going to ask me. I knew before my dad had outright told me. But guess what? A small part of me doubted that he would ask me. Maybe he had changed his mind; maybe in the emergency room he decided that I am too high risk. I had to make a phone call. I called my women’s ministry leader, and somehow I knew she would pick up. I told her about my doubt, my fears and my wants. She gave me a scripture in Psalms about appealing to the Lord for your needs. She said, “Look, it doesn’t matter what Pat decides; it’s all in God’s hands. If you want him to ask you then you need to appeal to God, no one else.” I will never forget that simple but profound advice. I thanked her, thanked God she was in my life, and prayed to my Father. The desire of my heart was to be Patrick’s girlfriend.

I composed myself and started to get ready; Patrick was almost there. He came to the door with roses in his hand, dressed to kill. He even bought flowers for my mom, which was a good move let me tell you. Pat opened the door to “Big Blue,” the same truck he picked me up with when I went to Maryland, and we hit the road. The whole ride on the way to Manhattan, Pat was nervous, I could tell. I could tell because he was really quiet and barely paid attention to me in the car. I just couldn’t wait to arrive, and I could tell Pat felt the same way.

We arrived at the Top of the Rock Observation Deck and took an elevator all the way up to the deck. All of a sudden, Wes and his date who were doubling with us disappeared, and it was just Pat and I. I could tell that was planned. What’s funny is that Patrick didn’t realize that we hadn’t really gone out to the observation deck but were still inside the building. He stopped, and I thought, I hope he doesn’t ask me here; he has to ask me outside on the observation deck because the view of Manhattan is breathtaking.  I can be a hopeless romantic, I urged him to walk outside with me, and when we got out on the deck he realized that we hadn’t even really seen the best part of Top of the Rock.

Now that we were outside, I was ready! Pat said, “Okay, let’s play the question game; what are the three questions that you want to ask me? You go first.” I came up with the most ridiculous questions I could think of; I think one question had something to do with a monkey. I really didn’t care too much about playing the game, especially because I knew that one of the questions would probably be, “Will you be my girlfriend?” I played along anyway and it was his turn to ask me his last question. And so it came out, “La Micia, will you be my girl?” Now, I had already thought about what I would say to him but paused when he said “my girl” instead of “my girlfriend”; my thoughts were, Should I correct him? I didn’t like that he said “girl”; it seemed less official to me. I stood there shaking my head. Like I wrote before, I am a hopeless romantic. I wanted him to ask me perfectly, like it was out of a movie—don’t judge me. The poor thing was probably thinking, Why is she pausing? But I got my mind right and said, “I would be honored to be your girlfriend.” We hugged, we talked, and I told him that my dad had spilled the beans yesterday. Patrick was not too happy about that, but I explained to him that even after being told, I really still didn’t know if he would go through with it or not.


I have a boyfriend! He asked me when we got to the top of the rock and we were overlooking the city and he asked me 2 questions. We usually ask each other questions when we talk on the phone so we kept that up. So I thought of 2 questions. Then he said, “I wanted to know if you would be my girl.” Then I said well Pat, I would be honored to be your girlfriend. Then we hugged and it was official. We took so many great pictures and that's what I really wanted.   So yeah after the car ride home we were saying how crazy it was that we are saying that we're bf and gf. I said "you're my boyfriend" and he's like wow that sounds so good. It still is crazy to me. Well it’s official—my boyfriend is Pat and everyone likes him. They think he's really attractive. I'm like what really? I'll take that. I think he is too =). I'm sad he's gone but flattered he even came to NY for me. To claim his gf. It was like ok! You’re my gf now time to move on lol! I can't believe Pat and I met almost 3 years ago and he ended up being my boyfriend. Like the guy I didn't even text until 6 months after I got his number lol.....Gosh, God you have your plans. Now idk what to do, we all don't know. Also his sister sent me a message saying that she's excited etc. that was huge for me. I want to hold his hand though so bad like hold it and walk lol....In time, everything in time. Gosh I'm ecstatic and overwhelmed. We told everyone! He started telling people before I did <3. I am smitten!

Patrick & La Micia

We had never held hands before. I believe we both didn’t know if we were ready to, so we didn’t hold hands for the trip out of Top of the Rock. I didn’t know what to do with myself. What happens now? Patrick didn’t know either. What were the boundaries? We both had never dated as disciples. I had a lot of questions for disciples that were close to me that dated before.

When the night was all finished, I went to bed and cried. I cried because God had really heard my prayers. He was there when I was writing in my journal to him; he read it and was there as I wrote in it. He gave me what I asked for, but at the same time I was surrendered if I didn’t get it. When I asked God for a boyfriend I didn’t expect him to give me more than I asked for. He gave me a best friend, someone who knew me more than I knew myself.


Can't believe that's real. I have a bf and he's amazing =)))). Why is he so great =D. I just hope I don't disappoint him. He asked me when I'm coming to Maryland. Therefore he misses me hehe! He's so perfect, God! Do I deserve this? No but the blood of Christ is life. So happy...He brings me closer to you, God.