Becoming Mrs. G, A True Christian Love Story by La Micia Genova - HTML preview

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God Is Good!


The excitement settled, my family left after church and now it was just Pat and I. Patrick jokingly said with an evil laugh, “I got you now.” Of course he would tease me for my insecurity about him turning out to be someone else once I got away from my friends and family. It was hard seeing them drive off; I thought, So now what happens?

Patrick had a job of course, but as you know, I didn’t. When he went to work I was at my place alone some of the time. For a second it felt like I was in New Jersey again. Thankfully I didn’t have to worry about reporting to a job right away. I had a month to relax. I worked out with Patrick in the morning, drove around Baltimore, applied to jobs, was in Bible studies, ate out with friends. Like I said, I felt alone for a second. Soon I started having a blast.

When the month was almost up I still hadn’t heard back from the employment agency. I began to worry—week four and not even a call from them.  One day, soon after coming back from an interview at a real estate firm, I was walking across the street with Patrick approaching his building after having lunch and my phone rang. It was a call from the employment agency, a branch of the one I used in NY. The woman on the phone enthusiastically said, “Congratulations, you got a job at a university; you start June 24th; I am going to email you all the information; again, congrats!” Then she hung up. She spoke so fast I could barely keep up. The call happened so fast that when I got off I had to process what had just happened. I told Pat about it and he immediately had questions. I told him I would tell him later once I read the email. You would think I would be ecstatic, but I was skeptical; the call was so fast I could hardly get a word in.

I almost forgot to mention that I had prayed that I wouldn’t have to interview for the job I would get. Silly, I know, but I hate interviewing.

I read the email with all the details of my assignment, and it was legit. After reading the job description I immediately thought I wasn’t qualified. I was given a job without an interview to be an executive assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for a prestigious university in Maryland. Basically, I was to be the temporary assistant to the guy below the president of the university. I had moved to Baltimore on May 18th and I was to start my new job on June 24th. So not only did I have a job within a month of moving but my assignment didn’t officially start until a week later. That meant I had another week to really relax and not worry because I knew I already had a job. Ha! God totally came through. Who does that? God does that! How can anyone tell me God isn’t faithful? God said, “La Micia, here you go; you got all you asked for and wait, here’s more: you get another week to relax. Enjoy!”

When I walked into my new job, I wasn’t qualified, but again God hooked me up because although my assignment was for six weeks, the person training me didn’t leave the job for about another three weeks, so I was well trained before he even left.


So I got a call for an interview at Chesapeake Real Estate Group while having time with Sherie. So that in itself was exciting! I tell everyone on GroupMe about landing an interview. So then I go on the interview, company seems ok. The company is about an hour out though and the company is at grass roots stage. So, I would say, an hour later, while coming back to Pat’s job from lunch I get a call from my employment agency. My recruiter is like, congratulations you got a job under a VP at a company. You start on the 24th! I’m like what…So I say thank you, hang up and Pat has questions like the pay and location. So I call back, get the info and my recruiter sends me an email, and Pat gets fired up because it’s a good job. So I’m like really idk too much about university work etc. So Sherie calls me and I give her the job scoop, both offers, and then Dionne jumps on the phone and she’s like TAKE IT! You’re assisting a VP of a university. God has blessed it, and gave it to you. Don’t grumble against it but take it. So I said ok great. B4 I was going to accept it Pat sends out a GroupMe blast and says “Thanks for the prayers everyone! La Micia got a job offer today!! Wooo hooo!!! It is a job working under a VP at a university!! God hooked her up w/ a job offer that had nothing to do with the job she interviewed for. Prayers are powerful!!!”


I can’t believe I have a job starting Monday and I’m here loving Maryland! So tonight me, Pat, Chris and Nick go to see World War Z and I look over during the movie and Pat is crying. I ask him if he’s crying, he says yes and then I ask why and he says I’m just thinking about the fact that you’re my girlfriend. He had tears of joy and thankfulness that I’m his gf, randomly in the theatre. HOW CUTE IS THAT!