Becoming Mrs. G, A True Christian Love Story by La Micia Genova - HTML preview

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‘Will You Marry Me?’


The day after I started the job Patrick told me that we had been asked to share our testimonies before the church. I actually somewhat enjoy public speaking so I didn’t think too much of it. I prepared my testimony and so did Pat. Before church I thought for a quick second, What if Patrick proposes today? The thought wasn’t uncommon because after I moved I started wondering if and when he would pop the question. Every single moment after the move I thought, What if it’s now? So, by the time church rolled around on Wednesday it had already gotten to a point that I was telling myself, La Micia, you need to relax.

This time I knew something was different but I dismissed it. I got to church and Pat seemed nervous. His brother John came out and I thought nothing of it. While we were sitting down Patrick told me that I needed to speak first. I fought him for a little then I just gave in. I got up, shared my testimony and stepped to the side to allow Patrick to share. Patrick started to talk about the testimony of our relationship; I thought that was odd. I looked around at the audience and saw a lot of cameras and phones out. Why are people recording this? Then it hit me, Oh my goodness he’s about to propose. I looked down at his pocket and I saw something square—Is that a box holding a ring? You can’t imagine the thoughts going through my head at that point. I was thinking, This is it; I am about to never be single again; this man is really going to be my husband.

He started to share about the signs that God gave him and the specific prayers he prayed that God answered. One prayer is the famous “bun prayer”: he prayed that when I came off the Megabus that I would have my hair up in a bun. My hair was in a bun. He prayed that his future wife would be willing to move to Maryland, and I did. He prayed that I would be vulnerable around him, and I was. To him it was clear, and he told the whole church this.

He looked at me and said, “La Micia, you are my best friend, my workout partner, my partner in the gospel, and God has made it abundantly clear…” He gets down on one knee and asks, “La Micia, will you marry me?” I covered my mouth while my jaw dropped, and said yes with tears streaming down my face. The church started rejoicing, taking pictures, recording, all of the above. It was here, it was finally here. I was now Patrick’s fiancé. Two days after I started my new job, I was engaged to the man of my dreams.

I called my family; they already knew and congratulated me! They were in complete approval.

The next morning, I woke up, sat up in my bed and looked at my ring finger, thinking, This has got to be a dream. My ring was glistening in the sun; I grabbed my phone to capture its beauty; it’s an overwhelming one-carat antique engagement ring. Patrick’s father gave the ring to his mother as an anniversary gift. Patrick’s family was also in full approval of our engagement. And so begins the not-so-fun process of planning a wedding in four months. Yup, I wrote it, four months.


I’M ENGAGED!!! I am going to be Mrs. Genova. He proposed at church after I did my testimony in front of the whole church. I knew it was coming a little because he had me do my testimony first, then he starts to talk about our relationship instead of his story. So then I look around and I see cameras all around, people are filming and that’s when it hits me. Then he gets really red and gets down on his knee and I start bawling. To the point I can’t stop and I just want to hold him. So he takes the ring out, gets up, I’m hugging him like crazy and crying and then it’s over. I’m getting married to the love of my life. My best friend! And the ring….Seriously beautiful, I am super blessed! My mom, dad and brother I call right after. Donovan my brother picks up first, then mom, then dad. They are all happy for me! Donovan wasn’t too happy when I called but then it hit him and he calls me back to talk about the wedding date.