Beyond Sexual Immorality by Nathan Okotete - HTML preview

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How do you tell the difference between love and lust? Although we can often get the two confused, the Bible is very clear about the difference between love and lust, we need to make sure that we work hard at understanding the difference, because the outcome of loving someone vastly different from the outcome of lusting after them.


Lust is a physical emotion and reaction to someone else's physical appearance. It's when you're sexually attracted to someone and want him/her only for sex. Lust tends to be short-lived and is more about immediate gratification. If it's just lust, you will have sex in the heat of the moment and only feel physically fulfilled.

The Bible speaks of lust in several ways. (Exodus 20:14) Do not commit adulterydo not covet your neighbor's house. Do not convert your neighbor's wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey or anything else your neighbor owns”. (Matt 5:28), but I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust in his eyes has already committed adultery with her in his heart”. Lust has its focus on pleasing oneself, and it often leads to unwholesome actions to fulfill one's desire with no regard of the consequences.


No one jumps into lust first, it usually begins with a desire for romantic love, sometimes even a small crush, but somehow we end up trapped in lust's vice-grip. Some of it has to do with what we've been taught. If we aren't exposed to healthy, edifying, love, we end up with a twisted view of love to a point where lust seems perfectly normal and acceptable.


Lust is a selfish thing. When we think of God's version of love, it is selfless and kind. While lust is harsh and abrasive. Lust doesn't require anything from us except giving into the desires of the flesh.


Because lust is a selfless thing. It also requires no self-control. And this makes us lose sight of the true fulfillment of our hearts desire. When we wait for love rather than giving into our lustful desire, we are exhibiting the type of self- control God desires of us. When we exhibit self-control, we gain a better perspective on our tru