Beyond Sexual Immorality by Nathan Okotete - HTML preview

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One of the critical reasons people struggle with their sex lives (especially the married folks) is because they don't understand the word covenant. Many of us are so excited on our wedding day dancing to the altar to exchange marital vows without deeply sitting back to examine what you are getting into. If someone has taken responsibility for teaching us the truth about covenant I am sure many of us would either have backed out of marriage or we would have been fully equipped never to get into sexual immorality. In the same way, if every single person fully understands covenant and how sex is a covenant exchange I am too sure many would never pull down their pants again to get into pre-marital or extra-marital sex. Unknown to many people who don't have a wedding band and are sexually active, sex starts and breaks a covenant.

What that means is that if you have had sex with seven guys it actually means you have been married seven times (spiritually and symbolically) and divorced six times because you are actually married to the last person you slept with. For the married folks, sex with another person actually means you have broken a covenant to establish another one and what we don't know is that covenants are sealed with blood and it is so powerful that a violation can affect areas of your life that you can't even imagine. The depth of the wedding vows you took is strong enough to send you to hell if you don't keep to the vows. It is better not to make vows than to enter into a covenant you are not going to keep, I believe understanding covenant is enough to checkmate the marital infidelity that has characterized our marriage and ushered in a state of sexual recklessness. The consequences of breaking a covenant can manifest in form of business breakdown, ill health, emotional instability or career and life stagnation which may even extend to your kids without your permission.

In our society today, you see loads of men who go for a professional conference shipping babes into their rooms. You begin to wonder if it has become difficult for men on business trips to pass the n<