Beyond Sexual Immorality by Nathan Okotete - HTML preview

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Today In our culture people tend to have a rather recreational” view of sex. To some it's a game, to some it's a hobby while to others it's a business venture. Most single people now see sex as a pleasurable physical activity we can engage in without restriction. It has gotten to a point that even most people who don't consciously believe this are influenced by it daily, because we are bombarded with this message every now and then through movies, internet, television shows, radio, magazines, etc. sex is now the sales point of most product and services worldwide. Nowadays, they can't run a simple toothpaste advert without including a hint of sex. They make the sex message very subtle because the more subtle the massage is, the more it eats deep into your subconscious and if you're not careful you begin to act on it.

Little wonder Jesus said (Mark 13:22). In the last days false prophets will rise, in order to lead astray, if possible, the elect. Because we're influenced by this recreational view, we have trouble understanding why the Bible is serious about this covenant.


  1.       We have been taught on several occasions and many Bible passages make reference to the fact that when two people engage in sexual intercourse they become one flesh”. Jesus says in (Mathew 19:5-6). They are no longer two, but one” and what God has joined together, no one should separate. There is more in sex that meets the eyes; it's not just a physical, recreational activity most people take it to be. Intercourse clearly involves much more than two people getting intimate with each other. God Himself is involved in creating a new one” out of two. The welfare of couples and of society hangs on honoring and protecting this new one fleshreality that God creates.
  2.       Do you know that he who defiles himself with a prostitute is one with her body? For it is said, the two will become one flesh (1 Corinthians 6:16) Paul indicates that this one fleshreality is created whenever two people have sexual intercourse. Even when the partners intend sex to be purely recreational - as when one has sex with a prostitute – It