Boot Camp Bride by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


America has become a melting-pot of religious, social, and political ideologies. At its inception America was founded on “godly principles.” Anyone  reading our Constitution could come to no other conclusion  than the fact that this nation was dedicated to God “in the beginning.” God was invited to establish a new nation on our shores where the citizens of this nation would serve and worship Him as Creator. Our Constitution was not perfect, and the men who established this nation were not perfect as well. However, this nation has been the closest thing to a “godly nation” the world has ever known.

America has strayed far from the Christian principles this nation was established upon. Many governmental leaders today say that our Constitution is not, and never was, established upon godly principles. We are seeing more division between political parties in this nation today than we have seen since before the Civil War that divided this nation nearly 160 years ago.

Our Constitution is a document which is based upon certain laws which our forefathers established in order for the citizens of this nation to live free from tyranny and despotism. This country was established upon the Rule of Law. In other words, we are a nation of laws. These laws are meant to protect the citizens of this country from corruption and from those who desire to harm them.

This nation is quickly becoming a nation established on the “Rule of Lawlessness” rather than the “Rule of Law.” The very people today in the government who are charged with obeying and upholding the Constitution are fighting to destroy the godly principles this nation was established upon.

Political correctness, political disharmony, and political infighting are dividing this nation in two. We are on the brink of a new Civil War, and no one will be able to stop it. Like our last Civil War, this new Civil War will be deadly and overwhelmingly disastrous for our nation.


As Christians, our Constitution is the word of God. The Rule of Law that we live by is the Law of Moses and the Prophets. With the Law of Moses written upon our hearts and the Voice of the Prophets reverberating in our ears, we are able to submit to the will of God and His divine purpose for Creation.

The word of God is the Rule of Law that successfully guides us through this life as we submit to the authority of Christ. It is the heavenly Constitution that empowers us to live in freedom from oppression and the constant bombardment of temptation from the enemy of our souls. It is Christ in us who empowers us to overcome all the obstacles the enemy places before us. It is Christ in us who gives us the power to demand that we live in peace and harmony with one another.

In Christ we live, and move, and have our being. In Him, we are able to cast down all thoughts and imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. In Christ we become more than conquerors over “all the works of the Devil.” The weapons of our warfare are dunamis (mighty) through Christ to the pulling down and destroying of strongholds that impair and impede our peace and progress in the Kingdom of God.

We must be prepared for the onslaught of the enemy that lies ahead. If we are not ready for the battles that are coming, we will surely be caught unawares when the enemy comes in his final attempt to steal, kill, and destroy with his weapons of “mass destruction.” The “masses” will have no weapon that they can use against the “onslaught” that is coming. The death and deception that steals, kills, and destroys has already embarked upon the masses, and is growing stronger by the day.

For many, the “war of the will” is already lost because they have surrendered to the wiles and schemes of the enemy. According to the Bible, in the last days evil men will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived. Those whose souls have been imprisoned by the enemy will summarily be subjected to the will of their captors. The Devil has and will take many souls captive and force them to do his bidding.


A new Civil War can be seen on the horizon. The battle lines for the new Civil War have already been drawn. This war between “right and wrong” and “good and evil” unfortunately will produce many casualties. Our enemies in other nations are already salivating over “the pit” we have dug ourselves into.

Godly conscience in many political circles has been replaced with hatred, wrath, and fury. Many have turned a blind eye to godly reason and righteous behavior. Our government has been infiltrated by godless atheistic socialists and others with intentions to change this nation into a nation without God.

There is a war going on in Congress for the soul of this nation. Right now the war is mostly just a war of words, but this war will eventually became a war where brother will fight against brother and kill one another over their social, political, and religious differences. There is a concerted effort among many politicians and those who support them to eliminate all godly influence in this nation, including those who call themselves Christians.

In what was once called the “hallowed halls” of Congress and across this nation good is being called evil and evil is being called good. For many, righteousness has become a four letter word, and sin is now acceptable in any form.

The Bible tells us that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. (Proverbs 14:34). Across the landscape of this nation many people no longer identify with Christianity. The number of Americans claiming “no religious affiliation” is rising exponentially. The coming Civil War will include a war against the right for Christians to freely worship Christ in public places.

Other nations around the world are experiencing many of the same maladies and divisions we are experiencing. We are not alone in the world in regards to our endeavors to stand for righteousness and godly principles. Many believers around the world are experiencing the same political and social injustices we are experiencing. Many of them are been severely persecuted and put to death because of their faith in and dedication to Christ.


The war in the heavenlies is spilling out into the halls of Congress and into the streets of this nation, as well as in many other nations around the world. The devil is fighting a war of attrition and will utilize every weapon at his disposal to “destroy the masses.” He is targeting the cords that have bound this and other nations together for centuries—our laws and our sense of right and wrong.

Righteous judgment is being tossed out the window in many government circles. It is ok to lie, cheat, and steal to gain or to remain in power. Right is wrong and wrong is right in the sight of the deceived. Good is bad and bad is good. Christian values are no longer of any value because they hinder the process of subjugation and domination of the masses.

We do not war against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers that seek to destroy and devour us. Satan walks about like a roaring lion  seeking whom he may devour. He is stealthily and covertly walking the halls of Congress seeking whom he may devour with his weapons of corruption and immorality.

Our trust must be in God--not our government. As righteous as some of our government officials may be, they cannot protect us from the wiles, schemes and attacks of our spiritual enemies. If our “cerebral fortresses” are not built upon firm biblical principles, they will fall when the time of testing comes upon the whole world.

The war going on in the heaveniles is a war over ‘spiritual domination.” A church “denomination” or affiliation will not save you when the enemy comes to scour and devour you. Christ and Christ alone is our strong tower and our fortress in the time of trouble. Warriors of Christ must be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared for the onslaught that is coming.

The war in the heavenlies is a war firstly against all the people of God. It is the battle for supremacy and control of the “high places” in the mind of every Christian individual. On earth  the war will be fought on the “battlefield of the mind” in both Christian and non-Christian alike. The outcome will depend on who we put our trust and faith in.

The spiritual battles that are being fought and will  be fought will become battles that will spill over into the natural realm. In other words, earth’s spiritual enemies will be influencing and manipulating the many wars and battles that will be taking place in the natural realm.

This war in the heavenlies has already begun, and will continue to grow more viciously, and brutally, with greater intensity. Hatred, animosity, and pride  are great motivators when it comes to war. Greed is also a great motivator that leads people to war with one another. Greed comes bearing gifts that belong to someone else. Whatever you want you can take if you have more power than others.