Boot Camp Bride by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


The Lord woke me up during the “fourth watch”  this morning to write this chapter. The “fourth watch” is the most important watch of the day. In Ancient Israel the fourth watch was the watch during which the enemy would most likely attack. The fourth watch is between the hours of 3 AM and 6 AM in the morning. During these hours most people have been “asleep” for a long time. There is a “spiritual fourth watch”  in which we must all be praying and watching for the enemy to execute a “surprise attack.”

As I am writing this chapter there is a great storm raging outside. Loud thundering, a hard rain,  and great flashes of lightening are inundating the area where we live. Storms do not bother me. I am  not afraid of storms. I am a heavy sleeper, and if the Lord had not woke me up to write this chapter I would still be asleep unaware of the storm raging around us.

My wife said for years that I would probably sleep through a tornado since I am such a heavy sleeper. A few years ago my wife woke me up in the middle of the night during a great storm. She said “I hear a  tornado.” I said “OK,” and I turned over and went back to sleep. The next day we learned that a tornado had touched down in the area leaving a lot of destruction in its path.

Jesus and His disciples were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee when a great storm arose. The Bible tells us  that the boat was being rocked and swamped by the great waves. The boat was filling up with water. Jesus was in the back of the boat sleeping and the disciples became fearful thinking they were going to perish during the storm. They woke Jesus up and said “Save us Lord we are perishing.” Jesus arose from His sleep and rebuked the winds and the waves and the storm ceased. He then chided the disciples for “being afraid” and not having any faith.

Another time the disciples were on the Sea of Galilee a great storm arose and Jesus was not with them. Again they thought they were going to perish. All of a sudden they saw Jesus “walking on the water” toward them. Jesus told the disciples not to be afraid, and He came to them and joined them in the boat. The Bible tells us  that once Jesus got in the boat with them the boat was immediately at the shore.

It is good to have Jesus in the boat with us during the storms of life. With Christ in our “earthen vessels” there is no need to be afraid of the natural and/or spiritual storms we experience in life. It is always a blessing to see Jesus walking on the water toward us when we are experiencing potentially deadly and/or destructive “storms.” Jesus told us He would never leave or forsake us. We must believe that Jesus is  always there to help us endure and overcome the storms of life. We must also believe that we have the power in Christ to “rebuke” the storms of life in order for peace to remain in our hearts and minds. We must believe we have the authority to rebuke both the spiritual and natural storms that threaten our peace and safety. Fear is a weapon the enemy uses to hinder our walk with Christ and steal our peace. Jesus rebuked the winds  and the waves on the Sea of Galilee and then He rebuked His disciples for being fearful in the face of danger.

I have seen the Lord stop tornados that were in front of me twice after rebuking them in His Name. I have seen the dead and the dying raised, and people being healed of all manner of sickness and disease because Jesus was present to save, heal, and deliver. I have seen spiritual captives set free because Jesus desires to free people from their bondage. I have seen Jesus perform the miraculous, and no one can convince me that Jesus is not the same yesterday, today, and forever.

If you fear the coming storms you will be caught up in the ferociousness and destructiveness of their natural and supernatural winds. If your trust is not in Christ who is the only one who can shelter you from the storms, you will have no refuge or place to hide. You can find a “safe haven” in the secret place of the Most High under the shadow of His wings.


Over the last few years natural storms have grown exponentially in intensity and numerically. The “storms” in the heavenlies have also grown in intensity. The war that is raging in the heavenlies has a direct impact on both the natural and spiritual storms we are experiencing here on earth. The Devil knows that his time is short, and he is walking about seeking to devour as many lives as he possible can before his “timely” demise.

There is a correlation between the war in the heavenlies and the natural storms and wars and rumors of wars here on earth. Atmospheric conditions here on earth have a direct correlation with the atmospheric conditions in the heavenlies. The climate changes here on earth are directly connected to the atmospheric conditions and changes in the heavens. Natural storms and disasters have a direct connection to the sin that permeates the natural heavens and the earth. Atmospheric conditions change exponentially and worsen as human depravity grows exponentially.

The Great Flood was a direct result of the depravity and sin that engulfed the earth in Noah’s day. The  Bible tells us that the wickedness of man was “great upon the earth” and that every thought and intent of men’s hearts were continually evil. (Genesis 6:5). The Great Flood was sent to purge the world of the sin and evil men that had permeated the whole earth.

Natural storms and disasters, including the “shaking” of the earth, is an example of what is transpiring in the realm of the spirit. In the realm of the spirit the Forces of Darkness are ratcheting up their efforts to steal, kill, and destroy. Their wiles and schemes are increasing in velocity with a viciousness and brutality never experienced by men before. The Bible tells us that before the Lord returns evil men here on earth will be as they were during the days of Noah. Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah “so shall it be at His coming.”


During natural wars there are many casualties. People are killed. Others are wounded. Emotions are tattered and torn, and people become despondent, dejected, and sorrowful over the loss of friends or family as well as their earthly possessions. Cities and homes are damaged and/or destroyed. There is collateral damage where non-combatants are killed or wounded. Death and destruction are the result of war. Without supernatural intervention, there is no way of escaping the carnage war visits upon mankind.

In spiritual battles the results are much the same as those in natural battles. There are many casualties when people lose spiritual battles. Lives can be lost. Hearts can be wounded. Emotions can be tattered and torn. People can become despondent, dejected, depressed, and suicidal. Homes can be torn apart and friends and families can be alienated from one another. The collateral damage in spiritual battles can be just as destructive emotionally and psychologically as those in natural battles.

Although the weapons used in spiritual battles are different than those in natural battles, for the enemy the objectives are the same. The Devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Death and destruction  are the “name of the game” in both theaters of war. The enemy that creates the death, destruction, and emotional distress in natural battles is the same that is behind the death, destruction, and emotional distress in spiritual battles.

The difference in some natural battles is that war is justified and required for a nation or people to live in peace and harmony with one another. As long as people are deceived and manipulated by the Forces of Darkness, they will be trying to impose their ideologies and will upon others and/or the masses.

The natural and the supernatural realms are somewhat interconnected. In many ways what is transpiring in the spiritual realm will have a direct impact on what is transpiring in the natural realm. In many ways what is transpiring in the natural realm will have a direct impact on what is transpiring in the spiritual realm. Wars in the natural realm are caused  in part by what is transpiring in the realm of the spirit and vice versa. Thank God that as Christians we have a more powerful force fighting for us behind the scenes in the realm of the spirit.



The victory that overcomes the natural and supernatural storms and battles in life is our faith. We do not have to have a Doctorate in Theology or a Master’s Degree from a certified Christian University  in order to perform the miraculous. All we need is faith in God and the promises of God. Our faith does not depend on our own ability to perform the miraculous, but on Christ to perform “His works” in our midst.

We possess the propensity for victory because we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. The power that enables us to overcome the world is in direct correlation with our relationship with Christ. In Christ we are able to overcome the enemy of our souls when we are transformed into His divine image by the “renewing of our minds.” All things work together for our  good when we love and put all our faith and trust in Christ and what He accomplished for us at Calvary.

Jesus said that with faith the size of a grain of mustard seed we could command mountains to be cast into the sea. All we have to do is believe. All the promises of God are obtained by faith and patience. Our faith must be a living faith as well as a working faith. Faith without works is “dead faith.”  If our faith is dead, we must “breathe” new life into it and raise it from the dead.

Things change in the natural and the supernatural realm once we occupy the high places where we dwell with Christ in heavenly places. Our faith enables us to overcome all the obstacles and “booby traps” the enemy places along the pathway of life. All things in the natural and supernatural realm must bow to the Name of Jesus. Both the natural and supernatural storms of life must bow to the name of Jesus.

The natural and supernatural storms will increase numerically and in velocity in the coming years. Jesus rebuked His disciples for being afraid of the storms and for not “trusting” in Him. As Christians our faith and trust must be in Christ and His delivering power, or we may be consumed by the coming storms. The victory that overcomes the world and the coming storms will be found in the faith we have in God and His promises.