Christ the Seed of Abraham by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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Mystery of First Born

Before we proceed, let us consider this topic “First Born”.

First Born

First born is the beginning of strength of every living being, the very one that open the matrix and also second in command after the father and mother.

Every other child born in a home is subject to the first born, according to God’s instruction to the children of Israel, first born is to have double portion inheritance, that is; he is to receive two portions after the division of their parent’s properties. Where the other children have one, the first born is to have two -Deuteronomy 21 v 17.

Benefits of First Born

  • First born is the beginning of the strength of the parents.
  • They receive double portion of inheritance.
  • They are second in command. They rule and control the house when parents are not around.
  • They are role model to the rest of the children.
  • They receive the best training from their parents.
  • They have authority on everything the parents have more than the rest children.

Some of the Challenges of First Born

  • They easily receive curses from their parents because of acts of disobedience and parents often know very little about child up bringing at the time of first born.
  • They are sacrifice; they are often used to bear the heat and the rain for the rest children.
  • Many of them are very unstable.
  • Most of them are scape goats. They clear the way for the rest kids. The rest children learn from their mistakes and success. Hence helping the younger ones to excel more than them.
  • The parent sacrifices their lives to raise the younger ones who later rises above them in life. At the end of the day the older serve the younger by looking up to him/her for help.
  • They are the keeper of the house.

The Structure

The blessings and challenges of first born are not things they make happen; it has been so before they were born.

When Adam failed, there was need for a second Adam. Cain was not accepted, but Abel was, it was not Ismael but Isaac, birth right was nothing to Esau but Jacob saw the blessing in it, Reuben chose to sleep with his father’s wife, he did not get a blessing but a curse, King Saul could not please God but King David did. It was not John the Baptist but Jesus Christ.

The first born has always been a problem until Jesus days. But I am sure it’s still happening.

Now beloved, Holy and honest brethren let us examine our own homes and surroundings. What is the life of the first born that we see? Kindly do a research in it. Gather your findings then it will be so clear to us whether or not it’s still happening.

From my own findings, it is not happening in the life of every first born, but I can boldly declare to you that 90% of first born children misbehave and are still misbehaving. Their lives are not as smooth as their younger ones. I have seen many that spent their lives investing on their younger ones instead of investing in themselves. The younger ones rise higher than them, at the end they look up to their younger ones for help.

You may not see anything wrong in it yet, but I say to you something is already wrong. The younger one they spent their entire lives investing in never help them when they are in need. The younger one focus on his/her life, and even if they will help, it’s often a token. The older never rises above the younger in many cases. If you will look into this matter in another direction, it is wrong for an adult to be looking up to his younger one for help. Any first born that is looking up to his younger brother or sister for help all the time is another profane Esau. Because Esau begged Jacob for food, Esau lost the opportunity of carrying the Abrahamic blessing.

Hebrews 12 v 16 – 17


For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.

Sir, Ma, bro and sis, I tell you the truth, the day you stoop so low to beg your younger one for food because you are dying especially when he / she is not willing to, that day you have knowingly or unknowingly sold your birth right to your younger one. All the days of your life, you will never be greater than him/her. Do not think is only food am referring to, am talking about begging your younger one for anything. Be it money, be it phone, be it car, and be it anything, as long as he / she is not willing to give you, forcing them with pleading will definitely make you lose some of the virtue that makes you superior. You say why should I die when I can call my rich younger brother or sister? Fool! Is he/she your God? Do you know what it means to turn the table around? Don’t you understand that every head is the glory of God and should get his/her supply from God? When you cry to your younger one for help especially when he / she is not willing to help which you know, you have provoked the indignation of God upon yourself just as Esau did because you have seen him / her as the source you trust.

Jeremiah 17 v 5-6

Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.

Just like many people today who cannot do without food. Many Christians can hardly fast. Some people are so into food that when they are hungry they can kill anyone that holds their food. Some are so selfish with food that they will not like to share. Esau loved food, any one that love food too much is a brother of Esau. Jesus our teacher said “Man shall not live by bread alone”. Eat for strength and not for drunkenness. If food is still very important in your life, you cannot go far in life and in spiritual walk.

Turning the table around mean: according to nature, the younger ones should look up to the older to an extent when you now become the one looking up to the younger, even though you are older, you have sold your birth right and automatically become the younger one and your younger one has become your senior. Ahhhhhhhh!! Abomination!

“Though hungry slays me, I will maintain my integrity”.

You may say, “What do I do? I asked God, He did not answer me. Should I now die when I have a younger brother that can help me”? Asking someone for help is not the real problem here, we all need the help of each other, how you tender the request and the pleading that follows is the problem, when Esau asked Jacob for food, Jacob replied “with a condition which is as good as no” but Esau wouldn’t take the “no but saw the food or need more important than his seniority virtue” he began to pressurize Jacob. The asking is not the problem, but pressurizing your younger one as though he / she is now your God, forgetting that you are supposed to be the one they should look up to; “I declare to you this day it would have been better for Esau to die of hunger that day than to collect that pottage that cost him a fortune”. When he later discovered what he had lost because of that small food, he knew that day that it would have been better to die a honorable death than to live as a coward. Okay, has all the money he/she has been helping you with solved all your problems? Will you not beg again? Have you not wear him and his wife out because of your “give me! give me!!” His wife is now a bad woman to you because she is tired of her husband sending you money all the time. Every finger is pointing to the man now because since he married your younger sister she has not being sending money as she used to, accusing him of being the reason your sister no longer send money to you. Oh vain person! Do you not know that they have their own family to build and care for?

“Any younger brother or sister that will not help you willingly without complains or conditions who constantly wait for you to beg before he / she gives you something you need is another Jacob ready to take your seniority virtue”

I used to have a friend who will not give me anything I ask him, he’ll say “I want you to beg me for it before I give you”, but I always reply him that “I don’t know how to beg, all I can do is to ask, if you will not give me, I will not pressurize you”, he will not give me because I did not beg for it. There are people like this, who derive pleasure seeing someone that request their help beg for it. Don’t fall for it; your help is not in his / her hand. Some people are naturally Jacob the swinger. The ‘Jacob kind of person’ is another day’s talk, they are terrible people.

Many have gone extreme of blocking their younger brother’s wife’s womb just to ensure they don’t have many responsibilities that will make them forget them. Some perpetrated evil to their younger ones just because they stopped sending them money. Some are praying for divorce for the younger ones. What a life? God is watching you!

Some first born spent their lives sponsoring their younger ones to school with hope that the younger one will help them also to sponsor their children, in most cases the younger ones will not do it to their expectations. This often brings discord in a family, my dear, in the first place you did wrong for focusing on your younger ones instead of building yourself. Why do you want to be too righteous? Do you want to kill yourself? Don’t you have a Bible? Did you not read what Jesus said concerning such situation? “Remove the beam in your eyes first then you can see clearly to remove the mute in your younger one’s eye”.

Mathew 7 v 3-5

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Oh! You did not know that is what Jesus meant? Why are you slow in understanding? Sponsor yourself first, and then sponsor them out of love and free mind expecting nothing in return. Can you be sleeping on the floor and say to some who is also sleeping on the floor let me help you stand? You must be a very big hypocrite to say that. First stand up, be firm and strong then you can help others to stand. If you are in a position of helping someone to achieve something either you too want the same or not, do it with the knowledge that its God that is working through you both to will and to do His good pleasure of helping that person.

“It is expected of a man to give at most what he has, raised another to his level, trying to raise someone above where you are is hypocrisy, only God raises men above men, no man can honestly and justly raise you above himself”.

In this case you are not expecting to look up to the person afterward to help you in return based on what you did. Your reward is to come from God except it is strictly business, agreement or contract between you and the person you are helping.

Luke 17 v 10

So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.

All these we are talking about are not your fault neither is it your parent’s. It is a structure created by God; it is not man or devil. You may say; it’s fine then since its God that created it, well, if not Lucifer (Satan) that fell there would be no need for it. Lucifer disappointed God, God had to raise another to defeat him, if Satan (Lucifer) did not fall, man will not be deceived; that means there will be no need for the word to be born as Jesus. In other word, there will be no Jesus but the father, the word and the Holy Spirit. This structure God made created room for replacement, how then did a good structure made by God become a destroyer of the life of first born? The answer is simple, whatever God makes is good, holy and righteous, once it falls into the hand of man, the devil will collect it and use it against man. In other word, man and Satan are the ones that pollutes and turn bad whatever God has made. The structure was introduced by God, for God always accept the person of the younger one to rule over the older. Man endorsed it, especially parents, from man, Lucifer manipulates it, and then uses it against man.

Why did God introduce it? God introduced the structure to declare to nature “The purpose of election and selection”. To show that what He chose is what stand not what nature chooses. God said: “Jacob I love Esau I hate”.

“Lucifer cannot create anything, he only uses what God has made and turn it upside down, because he is spirit, he know how to manipulate the heart of man to accept whatever he is bringing”.

Why did man endorse it? Parent saw that most first born always misbehave, Adam failed God Cain slew his brother, Ismael did not get the blessing even though he is Abraham’s first born but Isaac the youngest, Esau sold his birth right to Jacob because of food. Even though Isaac loved him more, the table has been turned around so he could not get the blessing though he later sought it with tears. He became a profane person.

Reuben slept with his father’s concubine, he did not rule over his brethren. Joseph being among the least ruled over them and they bowed their heads to him. From this point it was fully dawn on Jacob that the principles of the older serving the younger is divine and cannot be over ruled. Jacob made the situation worse. He did not make the youngest lord over all his children but used grandchildren; to now worsen the situation he did not use Manasseh as head who is Joseph’s first born but Ephraim who is Joseph’s second born to be lord over Manasseh being his elder brother and then over the rest of his children beginning from Reuben. Grandchild ruling over his uncles, this was so pleasing to God, he confirmed it by saying many years after “Ephraim is my first born”.