Christ the Seed of Abraham by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

The Seed

Who is the seed of Abraham? The seed of Abraham is the child of Abraham that received the blessing (Power to make wealth). According as it is written; “in Isaac shall thy seed be called”. Isaac received the Abrahamic blessing though he was not the only child.

Isaac enjoyed the blessing; he had breaking harvest in the land of Gerar while others were dying of hunger. He got water when there was no water in the land. He was very rich in gold, silver, cattle, men servants and maid servants. Isaac had two sons: Esau and Jacob; the blessing was mistakenly transferred to Jacob. Jacob enjoyed it too, at old age; Jacob delivered it to his children. Therefore the blessing resides in the children of Israel (Jacob) everywhere they go. They are known for it.

The children of Israel were separated from the rest of the world by this blessing; anyone that is not from there does not carry the blessing. To partake in the blessing, you must be born by one or two parent of the children of Israel. It is a biological gene. Once you are born of Jew parents, the blessing is yours. You automatically become a partaker of the Abrahamic blessing.

The next thing we will be looking into is how did Jesus become the legal owner of that blessing and the distributor of it?

From our previous study, it is obvious that Isaac is the child of promise and according to the scripture, God said to papa Ab; “In Isaac shall thy seed be called”, the scripture didn’t say in “Jesus shall thy seed be called”. According to Paul’s writings, it is clear that “Christ is the seed of Abraham”. In another place, the scripture says; “If you are in Christ, therefore you are Abraham’s seed and heir according to the promise”. Do you see there is a bit contradiction? How come the word didn’t say; “If you are in Isaac”? How did Jesus took over the promise? You may say because he was born of the lineage of Abraham. Well David is of the lineage of Abraham, how come it is not written “If you are in David”? There are many major characters in the Bible that are of the lineage of Abraham that the scriptures did not say if you are in them. To clarify this scripture, he didn’t say if you are born of Abraham. Before Jesus came, once you are born as a seed of Abraham through Jacob / Israel, the blessing is yours. You become a partaker, here Jesus is not a partaker of the Abrahamic blessing, but is the sole owner of it and distributor/giver of the blessing to everyone that comes to him. Remember even though the children of Israel have the blessing as their biological inheritance, they don’t have the power to give it to anyone outside Israel neither were they the owner but partakers of it.

I don’t want to spin too long in a circle here. I want to make this clear in this chapter; these are some questions that need to be answered.

  • Why did the scripture says; “if you are in Christ” and not if you are born a Jew?
  • How did the blessing shifted from Isaac to Jesus as the owner?
  • Is Jesus Christ a biological seed of Abraham?
  • Is Jesus of the lineage of Isaac? I mean is Jesus a Jew? Is he an Israelite?

I am not sure if you have ever thought about these questions. Let me tell you this my friend, asking questions will do you a lot of good, finding answers will elevate you, applying your research to your life style is power. Learn to love the word of God, don’t just accept it and live religiously and say after all God has said it; who can question God? Don’t be like that, you are a child of God, a child can ask his/her father question even though they may be stupid, He will answer you.

Jesus is the only man I have ever seen that is calm enough to answer stupid questions with a calm answer. Do not be afraid to ask him.

I am not going to answer those questions directly. As we keep moving, be careful enough to extract your answers. Let us deal with this; “Is Jesus of the lineage of Israel?” is he a Jew? Let’s find out if he is a Jew or not. Never rush to answer questions, you are a righteous person; study to answer questions. Do not answer questions base on your knowledge rather answer questions based on the knowledge of God’s word.

Proverbs 15 v 28

The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things.