Christ the Seed of Abraham by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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The Good Fight of Faith

The fight of faith is the fight you engage in as a result of seeing your life in a direction contrary to what God has made available for you in Christ Jesus. It doesn’t matter if it’s God that said it in Old Testament or used by God, if you are not comfortable with it, you can change it. You may say why or how can I change what God has design? Well you have a choice to accept what God gives or reject, you are a free moral agent. God is never offended at such. We have a will, so we can make a choice. God made human so. So if you decide today to stop that structure, you are free to. But if it’s okay with you that your life is spent to building your younger ones or being ruled by your younger ones then it’s okay to let the sleeping dog lies. But do not forget that the only acceptable sacrifice for others is Jesus not you. The only person that should suffer for others is Jesus our Father’s first born not you.

Do you know that there is a spiritual back up on this structure? Humanly speaking, no parent wants to make their first born servant to his/her younger ones just as Isaac wanted Esau to be lord over Jacob. But since Esau has turned the table around because of food, Jacob received it.

Many Parents in African today practice this; they bring their first born down for the younger ones to rule over them without knowing it. For example; they make the first born do farm work, trade or other things to earn money for the family which will be used to sponsor the younger ones in school. After graduation, the younger one gets a good job. Now the time of the first born has passed, he/she can hardly earn a living. It won’t be long he will begin to call his/her younger ones for help. Some demand legally that the younger ones must sponsor their own children which never happen; they have forgotten that the younger one will marry and take care of his children. They live their lives frustrated.

Do you know what amazed me more? This same first born who is now frustrated, get angry with his/her younger ones and his/her parents then commission his/her own first born to spend his/her life to sponsor his/her other children. Isn’t that absurd? Something that has been done to them that he/she is now regretting, right in the middle of the regrets he/she is forcing his/her first born to do the same. This is to show you, there is a spiritual influence behind it. The devil has used this to frustrate many first born in life and he is still doing it. This reveal the secret behind it, it is now up to any first born to sit down and do nothing or stand up and say no. I must stand first, help yourself first! I would suggest you take up a good fight of faith. Stand on your ground that Jesus has suffered for us all therefore you are not to suffer for anyone else.

Firstly, confession and meditation will help a whole lot; here are some few words that can help you.

  • Though many first born do misbehave and disobey God and parents but my case is different. I am obedient to God and my parents according to the Will of God (I said according to the will of God because many parents try to make their children to do some things that are contrary to the will of God and the child’s will, in this case, I am not saying obey them because I won’t).
  • I am a new creature recreated in Christ Jesus. My younger ones shall not rule over me, I am a light to guide them in the right path as they look up to me and I am a blessing to them. I have more than enough to help my younger ones.
  • I belong to the family of the living God, Jesus is our first born, he has borne the pain, he has been made a scape goat for me and the whole world therefore I cannot sacrifice my life for anyone else. Because it is not needful.
  • Jesus being our first born has been made poor so that we his younger ones might be rich. I refuse to be made poor for anyone else; the sacrifice of Jesus is enough.
  • In the name of the Lord Jesus I am the head only Ruling and controlling.

You can get more of such confessions for yourself, after confession, it doesn’t stop there. If you have been of any kind of help that you are rendering so as to have the person repay you by helping you or your child in return, you must stop it by all means especially if the person is your younger one or you change your mind concerning your expectations that he must help you or your child in return. More so, stop looking up to your younger ones for help all the time, look up to God.

I am not saying refuse something they willingly give you but something you get as a result of begging, pleading or with conditions especially when they are not willing, it doesn’t matter if they are already richer than you are. Maintain your integrity and be the one giving them even out of your little.

Now that you have used confession, meditation and prayer to position yourself, it is time to demonstrate your faith.

  • Do not spend your life trying to raise your younger ones higher than you are if you are still struggling to stand in life, it should not be while you are in need of the same thing or when you are still trying to achieve the same. You should help your younger ones to do better in life after you have arrived at a great height. For instance; if your parents are able to sponsor you out of secondary school, you are to try as much as you can to either find something that you can use to support yourself in life or get more education. It is wrong for you to go into factory work and be using the money to sponsor your younger ones in higher institution with the hope he/she would help you after graduating and getting a good job. This will bring you down to look up to your younger one which will bring a curse upon you (Remember Esau).
  • Live your life very close to God. Every first born belongs to God; living close to God will help you gain wisdom and understanding to control your younger ones on behalf of your parents.
  • Cultivate an attitude of giving to your younger ones out of love. Expecting nothing in return other than respect.
  • Do not beg them for anything. If they willingly give you anything, accept with joy and thanksgiving.
  • Learn to command them in love, respect them, you will get double of it back. In every matter seek their opinion first, and then round up with your wisdom and opinion.
  • Do not give to anyone what you will regret. Learn to direct them to God. You are not their God.
  • Teach them to help themselves. Always support when it is within your power, do not carry the whole loads, but support after they have put some effort.
  • Don’t always tell them I don’t have except on special occasions when it’s not convenient or available. Whatever you can, always make it available for them; make plain to them what you can help them with and why you can’t do more. Children love the hands that give them something.
  • Do not accept this saying from your parents “they are your siblings so you have to cater for them”. Tell your parents no! They gave birth to you all therefore the whole responsibilities including your own are on them. You must be very out spoken.
  • Be a very good example for them to follow. Know that you are their role model; they are watching your steps.
  • Be very bold to talk to your parent, many parents don’t know the destruction behind what they do. Explain to them and show them examples of what such has caused.

Come let us reason together now, don’t you think it is more better for all the younger ones to put heads together and help the first born to get to better position in life then help them? I believe it better this way, after all there is no curse in the younger one looking up to his elder brother/sister to assist them in life to an extent, than the first born to be looking up to the younger one. Let us eradicate the curse of Esau.

God used this structure; Jesus is the end of it. Jacob endorsed, Jesus said it is finished. The devil is the one using it now, not God anymore; devil cannot do anything without passing through human. Stop the harassment now in Jesus name.

Jesus being our first born has been made to suffer for us to have a better life. Any other first born suffering for the younger one is suffering for nothing. You are on your own.