Christ the Seed of Abraham by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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Chapter 1


When God called Abraham, He called him to bless him and to make him great. God promised Abraham that his seed will be blessed and also be a blessing to others. (Genesis 12 v 2-3, Genesis 17v19)

Papa Abraham lived a great life of blessing. (Genesis 24 v1, 24 v 35)

After the death of Abraham, Isaac became the carrier of the Abrahamic Blessing (Genesis 26). Isaac gave birth to Esau and Jacob. The blessing was mistakenly transferred to Jacob. (Gen 27 v 1-37).

Jacob transferred the blessing to his children (Gen 49 v 1-33). The children of Israel become the carrier of the Abrahamic Blessing.

The Abrahamic Blessing

In the scriptures, all we get to see is “blessing”; “I will bless you”, it is not clear the kind of blessing God was talking about. To understand that, we have to study the life of papa Abraham and his children, at the later end of the old man, we were told what he was blessed with.

Gen 24 v 35

And the LORD hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and menservants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses.

It is clear here that papa Abraham was rich in material things. He also possessed lands, God gave all the lands of Canaan to him and he also bought some with his money. His seed Isaac was also rich in material things. (Gen 26 v 1-16) The children of Israel also enjoy the same blessing.

The name of the blessing is called

Power to make wealth”. This is a supernatural ability that causes tremendous increase in the life of the carrier. This blessing makes little become much. We will talk more about this later. According to the scripture, the blessing (Power to make wealth) was transferred from parents to children.

God also used this blessing to put a difference between the children of Israel and the rest of the world. He gave them laws as guidance which was also their map. Once they go out of the law, they suffer what others suffers. The laws also made it impossible for other nations to partake in the blessing of Abraham because no other nation apart from Israel had the laws and ordinances God gave to the children of Israel through Prophet Moses.

 The point here is; how did we become partakers of the blessing? The answer is through faith in Christ Jesus. Now how did Jesus become the source of the blessings?

Jesus is not just a partaker, but has become the very source and distributor of Abraham’s blessing both to Jews and Gentiles (Other Nations).

We need to understand these points:

  • How Isaac was born
  • The order of transfer of the blessings
  • How Jesus was born
  • Whose son is Jesus?