Christ the Seed of Abraham by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

How Isaac & Jesus Were Born

It is very easy to say that Isaac was born by Papa Abraham and Sarah at their old age (Genesis 21). Did you know that Isaac is called the Child of Promise (Seed of Promise)?

Isaac was born of Sarah at the age of 80yrs and Papa Abraham was 100yrs. Even before Isaac was born, Sarah has reached the stage of menopause long ago. Here is the Mystery!

According to the scripture, Sarah was barren but Papa Abraham was fine. Sarah’s barrenness was the cause of her inability to conceive a child. Now consider this; during the time of her youth when she could have given birth to a child, she could not and God did not heal her barrenness. Unlike Rachael, Hannah and the woman of Zaraphath and so many others whom God healed their barrenness, Sarah’s case was different. God did not heal her barrenness instead God waited for the situation to get worse and beyond any possible solution.

All these happened for a purpose. God waited till the time was far past that she could not by any means bare a child. We all understand and know that God is a God of miracle. But it is important to be aware that miracles are worked (“To another the working of miracle”).

“Miracles are not magic. A miracle is a combination of knowledge, understanding, wisdom and dynamic ability (Power) to produce a result that deactivate or suspend all laws of nature at a particular time or season”.

So you see it can be identified that what is done is an act of a miracle. For instance; Apostle Peter and the lame man at the beautiful gate; Apostle Peter exercised authority in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. After the words of Apostle Peter, the scripture analyzed how the lame man was able to work; (Acts 3). This is what happened on the man’s side. On Apostle Peter’s side; knowledge of the name of Jesus was in him and what the name could do. That knowledge increases his faith and faith is the link to God’s power. The Holy Ghost power was present to effect the desired change. Therefore, is accurate to conclude that Apostle Peter had knowledge of the name of Jesus and what the name is capable of (John 14 v 14). He also understood that exercising faith in the name of Jesus will activate the power of God through the Holy Spirit. Apostle Peter knew exactly what he was doing and the result that should follow. After saying “Rise up and walk” the lame man did not rise up and walk, to show that Apostle Peter knew what he was doing, he reached to the man, got a hold of him, and lifted him up. From here we can clearly see that miracles are worked, we can manifest them at any desired time.

Back to where we are coming from, do you still remember where we are? According to our elementary understanding, we know that God gave Papa Abraham and Mama Sarah a son at their old age that they named Isaac.

Let’s see this first before we proceed, “God gave Abraham a son”. Questions; did God gave Abraham and Sarah ability to conceive by healing her barrenness or God gave them his own to be their own? Don’t get confuse now! Hallelujah!! Did God gave Abraham and Sarah ability to produce a child by healing the barrenness of Sarah as he did in the case of Rachael, Hannah, Zaraphath woman and many others or did God put the child himself and made him Abraham’s child? We will find the correct answer soon.

Did God heal Sarah’s barrenness? Mama Sarah was barren from her youth till she got old. Papa Abraham was not impotent, he slept with other women and they conceived. The problem was not Papa Abraham but Mama Sarah, to complicate the matter, God told Papa Abraham that his heir will be the child Mama Sarah will conceive and give birth to. Mama Sarah was barren during the time she could conceive; God did not heal her barrenness. God waited until the time has gone by, far past the stage that she could possibly conceive. According to the nature of women, she grew past the stage any woman could possibly give birth to a child. This is one of the most interesting part of the story.

Genesis 18 v 11- 12

Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.

Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, after I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?

Now consider this; the production of eggs by a woman makes it possible for the sperm of a man to fertilize the eggs to cause a woman to get pregnant. Since she could no longer produce eggs, it is not possible for the sperm of Papa Ab to get her pregnant. This is the worst of all, when she was barren there was a chance, now that she has even gone past the age (Menopause) the problem became two impossibilities.

“Barrenness + Over menopause = absolute impossibility = Nothing before God”

So far, I have seen these two things and their differences. What God wants for His own purpose and what we want God to do for us either for God’s purpose or for ourselves.

When God desire to do something for Himself, if man is involve, He will make sure the man comes to his final limitations so that after the deed is done, even the man that is involve will know that God did it all by Himself.

God waited for all possibilities and chances of conceiving by Mama Sarah passed by to the final stage of menopause. So that it will be clear that Sarah’s woman’s natural ability to conceive has nothing to do with the child Isaac. From this point, our hearts should begin to understand that God did not heal Sarah’s barrenness; we should begin to long for more answers concerning how Mama Sarah got pregnant. It doesn’t take God anytime to heal barrenness, but to wait till all hope is lost is for a purpose.

“When God has a purpose, you cannot push him to do it at your time”.

Did God put the child Isaac in Sarah’s womb to give to Abraham as his son? This question is wonderful; to me it is worth asking. From our previous learning it is clear that God did not heal her barrenness which would not have taken long. God waited until a bigger problem, climbed her barrenness, no wonder she laughed at God when God was discussing with Pap Ab concerning her having a son. (Genesis 18 v 12).

What we believe God will do most of the time often comes from what we know He has done before. Sarah was like “you could not heal my barrenness even though you talk with my husband every day and now you want me to believe I can have a child at my old age”.

“sometimes it gets worse to become best”

“God did not do small thing doesn’t mean He will not do big things for you”. God can do Y & Z without doing A & B for you.

God said to Papa Ab “I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son” - Genesis 18 v 10. This is the word of promise; Isaac is called the child of promise, meaning Isaac is a result of the WORD that God spoke.

“Don’t assume He has a purpose concerning anything or situation until you hear from Him or done all that is within your ability and needful”.

“God does not have a specific purpose all the time concerning all situations of our lives, before you conclude especially when God does not reveal it, do all that is necessary”

There are two women God dealt with in this manner. The second woman was just a bit wiser in questioning.

There it was explained.

To Sarah He said - Genesis 18 v 10

And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.

To Mary He Said - Luke 1 v 31

And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

Both words are the same. Sarah laughed but Mary asked a question, “How shall this be”? Maybe if Sarah asked God similar question instead of laughing, God would have given her explanation which would bring more understanding on the birth of Isaac.

“Learn how to ask questions wisely, it’s the only way you can get answers”.

“He that asks receives”.

Jesus does answer even foolish and childish questions, ask him anything, you will get an answer, make sure you are asking because you want to know.

Sarah and Mary had similar experience but Mary acted wisely and better than Sarah.

To Sarah – you shall have a son.

To Mary – you shall bring forth a son.

(Same as you shall have a son)

Sarah laughed and did not believe God; Mary was surprised, humbled, questioned how and believed God. From Mary’s account we can grasp the depth of how Sarah conceived.

Mary answered “Be it unto me according to thy word”.

The word “you shall bring forth a son” (have a son) took residence in Mary’s womb then the baby Jesus was formed. Jesus came into existence because of the words of promise Mary received; “You shall bring forth a son”, immediately baby Jesus was few minutes old. Mary’s pregnancy did not occur after a while, it started immediately she believed.

In the case of Sarah, she did not believe but Papa Abraham believed. The word “thy wife (Sarah) shall have a son” formed the son Isaac in her womb. God knew when the WORD took residence and she brought forth Isaac at the time stated by God.

“Isaac was born nine months after Sarah laughed at God”.

“Jesus Christ was born nine months after Angel Gabriel visited Mary”.

Give me your attention here. There is something about the word of God that we still have not fully comprehended. The word of God produces whatever the word talks about.

For instance – when God says “I am the God that healeth thee”, as He is saying it healing will begin to manifest. When the word talks about wisdom there will be impartation of wisdom, when He talks about provision and supply, there will be provision. What the word of God says is what the word produces.

In the same line, when he said to Mary “you shall bring forth a son”, baby Jesus took residence and grew until the time of life, to be sure of this; we know that Jesus is the word of God made flesh - John 1v 14. The word of God produced Jesus, even if Mary was past the age, she would still bring forth a son as Sarah. The product of this type has nothing to do with ability or inability of their wombs but according to the mighty power of the God who has spoken it.

Mary’s story – proves that without the sperm of man, God can reproduce.

Sarah’s story – proves that without eggs and ovaries, God can reproduce.

“Are having problem producing a child as a result of low sperm count, impotent, lost womb, inability to produce eggs, premature menopause, contact Jehovah through His Son Jesus Christ”.

Collecting like terms in the calculation, limitation of natural ability of man and limitation of natural ability of woman cannot disannul God’s power especially in reproduction.

Therefore we can conclude that since God could produce Jesus without Joseph’s sperm it is evident that the sperm of Papa Ab did not help the Word of God in the formation of Isaac. And since dead womb of Sarah could conceive the word she received from God to form Isaac, it is also clear with or without the health of Sarah’s womb, she would still conceive. Mary’s womb was not a factor in the production of the baby Jesus; the eggs of the woman give the body, the sperm is the life inside the body. Sarah’s womb was dead, no eggs, the baby Isaac was formed by the power of God’s word. Joseph’s sperm was not introduced at all. Jesus had his life from the word “You shall bring forth a son”.

The body of Isaac was formed by the word “thy wife shall have a son”, the life also could come from there. We see it in Sarah’s life, if the sperm of Papa Ab is to play this, then God would healed her barrenness.

If we substitute Joseph for papa Ab, therefore Sarah having a dead womb could still conceive and bare Isaac.

Papa Ab understood this truth; the word of God produced Isaac not the ability of himself and Sarah. He had confidence in God when God told him to sacrifice Isaac. Papa Ab knew Isaac is a blessing from God.

For instance, I own a car manufacturing company; you are my friend, and you asked me for a car and I give it to you. One day I call you up and say “that car that I gave you remove the engine for me I need it”, you know that I love you; you know that I don’t withhold anything you ask of me. And I have also promised you buildings, you know I have many and rich enough to build more. If you are a wise man, I don’t think you will think twice before removing the engine for me.

Papa Ab understood that Isaac was a miracle child worked by God without the aid of human power and a blessing to him. So offering Isaac in one of the mountain of Moriah was not a big deal. Genesis 22 v 2

Hebrew 11 v 17-19

By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son.

Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:


In conclusion, the word “thy wife shall have a son” formed Isaac with or without the contribution of the sperm of Papa Ab.

So Isaac is more the son of God than son of Papa Ab. put this in your mind, we are going somewhere.

Note: -When you hear or read something that contradicts what you know, just relax and do thorough study on it. The Bible can be very confusing without the help of the Holy Spirit.