Christ the Seed of Abraham by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Jesus Christ

Isaac is called “Child of promise”. He is called child of promise because God promised Papa Ab that he will have a son and call his name Isaac, “thou shall have a son”.

From our previous study, it is clear enough that according to the law of nature, it was impossible for papa Ab to impregnate Sarah. It is also noted that God did not heal Sarah’s barrenness but instead, God waited until the time of women’s nature is gone passed her. Therefore we concluded that God’s word formed Isaac not Papa Ab’s sperm and Sarah’s egg. It was not possible for her to produce eggs in her ovaries because barrenness occurs if a woman cannot produce eggs in her ovaries which the sperm of the man will fertilize. No matter how healthy a man’s sperm is, if a woman is no longer or cannot produce eggs, pregnancy will not occur. Though papa Ab was healthy but could not get Sarah pregnant because Sarah was barren. God knowing that a day as this will come when you and me will want to dig deep into the history, threw a light into the situation by waiting long enough for Sarah to be far past menopause (stage of pregnancy), even if Sarah was not barren, at the age of menopause, it is not possible for a woman to get pregnant. God waited till this time to help us understand that the word of promise is what took residence in Sarah’s womb not papa Ab’s sperm.

This Isaac was born; Isaac was born of the word that proceeded out of God’s mouth “thou shall have a son”.

History repeating itself, God willing to prove Himself that what he did then he can still do again even now, spoke the same word to a virgin so as to clear the darkness in Isaac birth. He spoke the word in the same manner.

To Abraham

Gen 17 v 9

“And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac…………………”

Genesis 18 v 10

“……………lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son”

Gen 21 v 2

For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.

See the comparison:

To Mary (A virgin)

St. Luke 1 v 31

And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

From verse 35, details are given unto us to know how God was going to make a virgin conceive and bear a son. In the case of Isaac; it was not explained. Be aware of this truth; “miracles are worked” it doesn’t matter if we have details behind the scene or not. For instance; when soldiers compassed Elisha and his servant, if he had not prayed for his servant who was panicking, we would not have fully know that the presences of innumerable companies of the host of Heaven were present to fight for Elisha. The Angels were actually the ones that struck the soldiers with blindness.

2Kings 6 v 17-18

And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the LORD, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindness. And he smote them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.

Just as you are reading now, you may not fully know that Angels are helping you understand what you are reading, except the Lord open your eyes to see them or open your understanding to know.

As Angels were available to help Elisha, so also Angels are available to help you and me whether we know it or not. It is essential to pray the prayer of Elisha over his servant.

Just as a man can sit on solution to a problem burning him without knowing so also we have Angels assigned to us by God to help us without knowing.

“Open my eyes Lord to see the Angels you have given to help me today in the name of  the Lord Jesus Christ”.

Back to where we are coming from, I said miracles are worked, the miracle that was wrought by God in the life of Papa Ab and Sarah in the production of Isaac is shown a bit but in the case of the birth of Jesus it is clear. “The Holy Ghost shall over shadow thee”.

From here, we understand that Holy Ghost was involved, incubating on the word as He did in Genesis 1 v 2.

There are so many miracles in the Bible that how the miracles were worked are not explained.

For example: -”Jesus turned water into wine” what made it possible? is not explained - John 2 v 3.

Deborah led a battle and won. Details were not given until later where by the Spirit it was revealed that the stars fought for Deborah over her enemy Sisera. –Judges 5 v 20.

Prophet Elisha and the swimming Axe head.-2Kings 6 v 5. By what law did a branch of a tree made heavy axe head to float which was already sitting at the base of the river?

Gideon’s victory was traced to a loaf of bread that smashed the tent of his enemies. Judges 7 v 13

If the story of the loaf of bread was not revealed, we would think God just helped Gideon but by what means? We wouldn’t be able to tell. It is very important to know the ways of God, His acts and how He does His things. To the world, His ways are mysterious but to us who are heirs of salvation, it is given unto us to know the mysteries of the Kingdom.

Mathew 13 v 11

He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

There are so many miracles written that we are not fully aware of how they happened you and I can create time to search out these secrets. It’s our responsibility anyway.

The Holy Ghost shall over shadow thee”.

“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing but the honour of a King to search out the matter; thank God we have been made kings and priest unto our God”.

Thank God the miracle of how a virgin conceived was unveiled for us to fully comprehend how a woman with a dead womb who had also passed the age of menopause was supernaturally enabled by the spoken word of Almighty God “Sarah thy wife shall have a son”, displaying His Almightiness.

The summary of this chapter is this; Sarah did not conceive by the semen (Sperm) of papa Ab neither did she conceive by eggs in her ovaries. She conceived by the power in the spoken word of the Almighty just as we can plainly see in the life of Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Isaac is called the child of promise because if there had been no promise from God (“Thy wife shall have a son”) there will be no Isaac just as Jesus would not have been born if not by the spoken word of God incubated upon by the Holy Ghost.

In conclusion the same word that gave birth to Jesus gave birth to Isaac. Isaac is a figure typifying the second son; Isaac was received in a figure (Hebrew 11 v 19).

Before great truth, there will also be a lesser truth to prepare the way for the greater truth. There will be a John the Baptist before Jesus. I will make plain the mystery later.

“Isaac is a shadow of Jesus Christ”.

“The Law is a shadow of the reality of Grace and Truth that is revealed today”
