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Lessons From Enoch

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I just finished teaching my daughter about Enoch in our daily Bible class. The story of Enoch is FULL of examples of a disciplined Christian walk.

First of all, the Bible says, "And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years". (Gen. 5:22) It doesn't say he walked with God for a few years. It says for THREE HUNDRED YEARS! Now I know we don't live that long anymore, but talk about consistency! It does not say he quit walking with God at any time so I don't think we should read that into the text. God tells us in His Word exactly what He wants us to know and He wanted us to know that Enoch consistently walked with Him.
Secondly, the Bible tells us that Enoch walked with God AFTER he begat Methuselah. Many people experience the miracle of childbirth and it does nothing to them. For me, when I first held my beautiful daughter, I longed to see her saved. I KNEW that children see adults with "fake" Christianity and that is why the generations are lost. I did not want to be inconsistent in my walk with Christ in front of the little blessings that He had given me. It was not worth it to continue in sin (inconsistency) and lose my children's hearts. Perhaps that is what Enoch felt when he begat Methuselah. He began walking with God and He never waivered.

My prayer is to be the kind of Christian that makes my children desire to know the Christ I follow. Many people consider you a failure if you don't make lots of money, have a college degree and a great job, own an expensive house, own at least three cars (we do by the way-one good one and two junkers haha), and have a lot of money in the bank. I guess in their eyes I will always be a failure. In my eyes, I will consider myself a failure if my children reject my Saviour.

There are NO guarantees in this life, but of one thing you can be sure~you can trust God's Word! I hope you will join me in establishing a consistent walk with Christ today! There is a group called, Good Morning Girls that can help you get on track. Just go on over to their site and check it out!