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[17] Christians call this exalted Prophet John the Baptist.

[18] Matt: 1-12

[19] In Biblical English, ‘even’ means ‘that is’.

[20] Here, again, like in the Gospel of Luke, sala’thi-el is represented as the father of Zo-rob’a-bel, which is wrong.

[21] I Chr: 3-19

[22] Idols worshipped by the peoople of the time of Ilyâ (Elijah) ‘alaihis-salâm’.

[23] Saturday. The day of preparation means the day before the sabbath.

[24] Friday, the so-called day of crucifixion.

[25] Pilate

[26] Friday.

[27] There is an additional remark in Luke: “... this do in remembrance of me.” (Luke: 22-19)

[28] Alî Dâra Kutnî passed away in Baghdad in 385 [A.D. 995].

[29] Nesâi Ahmad passed away in Ramleh in 303 [A.D. 915].

[30] The Andalusian Islamic State was founded in 139 [A.D. 756], and demolished in 898.

[31] Please also see the book Confessions of A British Spy, which is available from Hakîkat Kitâbevi, Fatih-Istanbul-Turkey.

[32] [Bad’].

[33] Muhammad Qandihârî passed away in 1284 [A.D. 1868].

[34] Ibn Sînâ (Avicenna) Husayn passed away in Hemedân in 428 [A.D. 1037].

[35] Molla Jâmî passed away in Hirat in 989 [A.D. 1492].

[36] The Arabic word used in the original text is ihsân.

[37] Please see the twelfth chapter of Endless Bliss-5

[38] He has mercy upon both Muslims and disbelievers in this world.

[39] He has mercy only upon Muslims in the Hereafter.

[40] Its plural form is AWLIYÂ.

[41] Morton Scott Enslin, Christian Beginnings, Part II, p. 172.

[42] Ibid Part II, p. 187.

[43] H.G. Wells, A Short History of the World (A Pelican Book), pp. 129-30

[44] Canute (995?-1035), a Danish king of England whose followers thought that he could stop the sea rising by ordering it back, but he showed them that it was impossible. People sometimes mention Canute and the waves when they are talking about how impossible it is to stop something from happening.