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[45] Morton Scott Enslin, op. cit., Part II, p. 172.

[46] Ibid, Part 12, pp. 130-91.

[47] Quoted by Ehwajah Kamaluddin in The Sources of Christianity, pp. 29-30.

[48] Wallace K.Ferguson, A Survey of European Civilization, Part I, p. 112.

[49] Lord Raglan, The Hero. pp. 178-79.

[50] Winwood Reade, The Martydom of Man, pp. 173-84.

[51] Medieval English, Old French, ‘Persone’, from Latin, ‘Persona’, which means ‘actor’s mask’, ‘character in play’.

[52] Gilbert Murray Humanist Essays, pp. 134-135.

[53] The Holy Bible, 1978, National Publishing Comp., U.S.A.

[54] Turkish Bible, UBS-EPF-1982-7 M-53, N.T., p. 21

[55] “And Te’rah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Ha’ran his son’s son, and Sa’rai his daughter in law, his son Abram’s wife; ...” (Gen: 11-31)

[56] This corrupt religion is still followed by Pharisees, who read the Zoroastrian book Zend-Avesta.

[57] Jân-i-Jânân was martyred in 1195 [A.D. 1781] in Delhi.

[58] The name of this great Prophet is mentioned in Qur’ân al-kerîm. Christian scholars mostly equate his name with Enoch.

[59] Ghazalî passed away in Tûs in 504 [A.D. 1111].

[60] Imâm-i-Rabbânî passed away in Serhend in 1034 [A.D. 1624].

[61] Until Allâhu ta’âlâ raised him, alive as hewas, up to heaven.

[62] Please see our book Why Did They Become Muslims, available from Hakîkat Kitâbevi, Fâtih, Istanbul, Turkey.

[63] The first letter of the word, i.e. the Turkish letter (Ş), is an equivalent for the English (sh).

[64] Tawba means to repent for having sinned, cease from the sin or sins one has committed or has been committing, beg Allâhu ta’âlâ for forgiveness, and to be resolved not to commit the same sin(s) again.

[65] Branch of knowledge teaching facts about our Prophet, Muhammad ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wasallam’

[66] Uhud is pronounced as /Uhud/, according to the IPA.

[67] Ja’fer Sâdiq passed away in Medina in 148 [A.D. 765].

[68] There is detailed information about masah in the third chapter of the fourth fascicle of Endless Bliss.

[69] There is detailed information about hajj in the seventh chapter of the fifth fascicle of Endless Bliss, which is available from Hakîkat Kitâbevi, Fâtih, Istanbul, Turkey.

[70] “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, ...” “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, ...” (Matt: 7-13, 14)