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[71] Muhammad Bukhârî passed away in Semer-kand in 256 [A.D. 870].

[72] Boundary between poverty and richness prescribed by Islam. Muslims whose wealth has reached this boundary have to pay the obligatory alms called zakât. Please see the fifth fascicle of Endless Bliss.

[73] Sadr-ad-dîn Muhammad passed away in Konya, (a city in central Turkey), in 672 [A.D. 1272].

[74] The Ottoman State was founded in 699 [A.D. 1299], and abolished in 1340 [A.D. 1922].

[75] Fâtih (the Conqueror) passed away in 886 [A.D. 1481].

[76] The inner, esoteric reasons, the ultimate divine causes.

[77] Sherîf Abd-al-qaadir passed away in Damascus in 1300 [A.D. 1882].

[78] Crusading expeditions commenced in 490 [A.D. 1096], and continued until 670 [A.D. 1271].

[79] Elizabeth I died in 1012 [A.D. 1603].

[80] Female slaves are called jâriya. Muslims treat them as if they were their sisters or other relatives.

[81] Sa’dî Shîrâzî was martyred in 691 [A.D. 1292].

[82] A skull-shaped hill near Jerusalem.

[83] Fakhr-ud-dîn Râzî passed away in Hirât in 606 [A.D. 1209].

[84] Abdullah Baydâwî passed away in 685 [A.D. 1286].

[85] Teftâzânî passed away in Semmerkand in 792 [A.D. 1389].

[86] Einstein died in 1375 [A.D. 1955].

[87] Walî means a person loved by Allâhu ta’âlâ (pl. Awliyâ). For being a Walî, it is necessary to obey the Sharî’at strictly and to make progress in a path of Tasawwuf. After reaching a certain grade, very subtle, inexplicable pieces of knowledge begin to pour into a Walî’s heart. These pieces of information are called kashf. Shuhûd means to seethrough the heart.

[88] Pronounced :high

[89] Lexically, both words mean ‘one’.

[90] This book, (Se’âdet-i-ebediyye), a treasure of knowledge, has been partly translated into English, in fascicles titled (Endless Bliss).