Courage, Faith, Hope by Omeka Samuel-Anderson - HTML preview

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“My so called friend”


This is to my so called friend,

The one I call dope or “heroin”.


Friends for 13 years if we want to be exact,

Through all the dark alleys BOY! I thought she had my back.


Walking lonely roads and bending every corner with me,

Oh so blinded, refusing to let me see.


You took away all the pain and heard all my crazy screams,

Only one that was there to, fulfill all my so called needs.


I use to love waking up to you, right there by my side,

Even gave up my children, with no self-worth or pride.


I started wearing long sleeves to hide the scars you left behind,

Putting on the dark sunglasses, to hide my wounded eyes.


I refuse to be your friend anymore, so I told you to leave,

People tried to warn me, you were a cunning, baffling disease.


Then I`d wake up sick, so I invited you to come back,

With no hesitation, you were there to pick up all my slack.


The devil in disguise, “heroin” my so called friend,

You controlled my beginning, but you will not control my end.


Now finally taking off the long sleeves, and letting my scars breathe,

Today I stand tall and firm in the things that I believe.


Restoring all the broken pieces and ready to live like no other,

Learning new ways to cope and becoming a better mother.


Today I know God and a program that’s teaching me how to behave,

So I’m putting you to rest and throwing the dirt on your grave.


God’s made me a better woman and He’s teaching me how to fight,

Back away from me Satan! I’ll resist you with all my might.


And when I begin to feel weak or run into a brick wall

I’ll get down on my knees and give my higher power a call.


 Get away from me “friend”, you can go rot in a that cell,

 Cause this phenomenal woman refuses to live in your