Creating Sacred Space by David W. Fournier - HTML preview

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Getting Past Our Past


Have you ever forgot something? Maybe something important, like a birthday or maybe picking up your kid(s) from school? How did you feel? How well did your focus become when you realized what had happened and what you needed to do to correct the situation? I bet you stayed with it until you solved it.

Afterwards, we beat ourselves up for hours, days or weeks about forgetting this important “thing”. Forgetfulness is the gift that keeps on giving. We will work hard to remember what we forgot. Oddly, we create this friction in our life, remembering the things we forgot, instead of forgetting the things we remember… What do I mean?

Think how very different people we would be if we woke up tomorrow and had no past memory of events. The slate would be clean and we would have to start the hard work of re-training ourselves in almost every phase of our lives. From the workplace to the bedroom, from relationships to hobbies, every fiber of our being would have to start over, a virtual re-boot.

In some cases, I am not sure this is a bad idea, or more to the point, a Scriptural idea. If Jesus truly does what the Apostle Paul states, making “all things new”, then a new start seems to be the answer to spiritual transformation. The key to this is understanding the concept of “your movie”.

Part of the hard spiritual work we must all do is to be on the pathway of the Light while moving away from our previous life of Darkness. They key element is to know what to take with you and what to leave behind. When issues and challenges arise, we must stop the action and ask the question, “Why is this in my Movie?”

The Master Producer, who knows exactly what your film should be like, designed your movie. You must make the difficult ongoing “edits”, bringing the most Light into your life and repelling the Darkness at every opportunity .Our Desire to Receive for Self-Alone will keep trying to bring Darkness into your movie, but remember; you are not a victim of chance. You can reject the Darkness and receive the Light by employing the Desire to Receive for the Sake of Others. Each time you make the right choice, your connection to the Creator becomes stronger and the negative influences of your past move away from you.

Getting past our past is about two things: creating a present reality where we do not remake the same decisions we made before and telling our Ego to stop bringing the past memories of Darkness to our minds.

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