Creating Sacred Space by David W. Fournier - HTML preview

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Heaven on Earth


It may sound like a tall order, bringing heaven here to earth, but would you be surprised to learn that in the most quoted and revered prayer in Christianity there is a secret message of Jesus that gives this instruction? Would you be even more surprised to learn that this prayer has a major Jewish teaching at its very core?

In what is normally known among Christians as “The Lords Prayer”, Jesus instructs His followers to pray that “Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”. Probably a very familiar line in this prayer to most people, but its depth is endless.

In Judaism, the concept of Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World) is a very important part of Jewish life and teaching.  I believe we should focus on helping this world become the place Messiah would want to return to. Our focus today had become so much on the destruction of the world at the end of the age; very little effort is going into its rescue. This was not what Jesus had in mind for His followers.

By working hard on our personal transformation, utilizing the spiritual practices and disciplines we have talked about in the past, we can start to become an influence in this world and the lives of others.

People often say to me, “The world is in too big a mess. What can my single efforts do?” This is a good question, which I will answer with a story. If your house was on fire, and you had the opportunity to go in and save a few of your pictures and your valuables, but not save everything in your home, would you say to yourself, “I cannot save everything, so I choose to save nothing?” Or would you risk safety to get out as much as you can? The answer is obvious and a very telling part of our faith. We would do it for ourselves, but not for the benefit of others.

Here is a prayer to help us focus on the command of Jesus in The Lords Prayer..

I will experience heaven here on earth- I will work hard to spiritually transform and help usher the Return of Messiah to end the pain and suffering of this world I want to change my state of mind

As I block out petty misunderstandings and frustrations, I allow more Light of the Creator into my soul

As I concentrate on the changes that I will make internally, I help spread that Light of God around, and we move closer to Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World)

The Light of the Creator burns within me, and I feed it by sharing with others, always, with everyone, throughout the world.

Make a difference today in this world and you could be the final act of kindness before Jesus returns to set the world right, to make it all God had planned in the Garden of Eden. Get caught in the act of doing Good!