Creating Sacred Space by David W. Fournier - HTML preview

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Looking Inward


What did Jesus really teach?

If we could condense down the few words of historical records we have of Jesus, what would they tell us? If we removed 2,000 years of Western/Christian thought, and let them speak for themselves, what would be their primary message?

Face it, if we crunched all the words of Jesus down into a straight reading, we would find we have about two hours of sayings attributed to Him, a man who lived some thirty-something years. This is a very small case-sample and one we should take very seriously, both in thought and practice.

The teachings of Jesus fall into two categories, one of which will be the subject of our article. Jesus taught to be pure, honest and sincere in our lives, faith and practice. Look inward was one of His messages. His other message was quite simple: take care of each other.

I believe the greatest weapon of mass-destruction and mass-distraction is our current religions and religiosity. This is not a Christian thing, a Muslim thing, a Mormon thing; it is simply a religious thing. And, I believe it is time to speak out.

While Christians are accusing Muslims of flying planes into buildings for the sake of Allah, Muslims are quick to remind Christians that not many Muslims have attacked an abortion clinic or shot any doctors down in the street. Mormons announce that there are “sects” within Mormonism that conduct themselves outside of normal Mormon policy and practioners of Scientology are found jumping up and down on Oprah’s couch. What does this all mean?

It means that today’s religious landscape is more occupied with the actions of other religious groups than actualizing any true or meaningful difference in the lives of the people around them. From my view, the faster we push this religious landscape and all of its useless dogma into the Pacific Ocean, the better.

A return to a “Godly nation” (huge religious buzz-phrase) must first start with removing godless religions, hell-bent on profiting from their products and pulpits. Worth Noting: Godly nations are people united in service to the Kingdom of God and not allegiance to any earthly flag.

Most people quote the Lord’s Prayer missing the depth and beauty of its mystic and profoundly moving narrative. Jesus requests that our prayers include the idea that on this Earth, God’s will be done, in the same manner as it is in Heaven. A tall order, but one Jesus felt we were equipped to carry out.

He also knew this mission would be carried out by individuals and not by corporate bodies. That explains His teachings on personal accountability and responsibility to God, and in the same manner, to Jesus as well. In truth, in His recorded teachings, Jesus never advises any one to go seek out a pastor, a rabbi or any spiritual advisor. He states clearly we are to communicate directly with God. Only in the case of rabbinic law and ruling does He mention outside intervention (case in point, the healing of the lepers).

The carrying out of Jesus’ prayer starts with individuals doing what Jesus said. We are here to perform two main tasks: 1) To mend our souls and 2) To help God in the task of repairing this world. Religion preaches the eventual destruction of the world, spirituality teaches the eventual perfection of it.

Religious people look forward to the unjust getting “their due” while spiritual people mourn the loss of all life, participating actively in practicing and not preaching the words of Jesus. Jesus taught on two paths, one that leads to peace and eternal life, the other leads to destruction. He did not teach that doctrines get you there, religious fervor gets you there, or that there will be some kind of an entry exam ensuring you believe all the right things. In Matthew 25 He spelled it out clearly; do these things-and I know you. Do not do these things, and I do not know you.

We are not perfect, we all struggle, God knows I struggle. But each day, I seek to be better that the day before and look for a trait or action that is keeping me from the Light of the Creator and challenge myself to take action.

Here is a prayer I use…

A revolution is possible.

On a personal and global scale, I can change the world and in accordance to the words of Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer, I will.

I concentrate on increasing the happiness in my own life, finding peace and contentment in what I have, and not focusing on what I think I lack.

I do this so I can be better equipped to share with others, thus fulfilling my second greatest purpose in life.

There are traits of mine I want to let go.

(Enter those traits here)

As Light spreads within me, occupying the space created by releasing these negative traits, I grasp the connection of the Creator.

I imagine love spreading to everyone in the Universe.

I look into the world and see changes that need to be made, and know that they are a reflection of what I must do internally.

I concentrate on letting peace into me heart, and allowing it to radiate throughout the world.

Transform. Wake up to the idea the true mediator between God and man in Jesus, not a religious leader. Get connected personally and develop personally. As I have said before, people are not born in bunches, they do not develop in bunches and they are not saved in bunches. Pick your path and allow God, in His Highest Wisdom, to guide you. Remember, keep looking inward, that is the place you will find God at work!