Creative Visualization: How to Use the Power of Visualization to Manifest Prosperity by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Choosing What To Manifest

The statement, “You may do anything you put your mind to,” leads us to think that all you have to do is imagine what you’d like to achieve, set your mind to the task, and await success.

To a certain degree, this is true. Centered intention blended with action is a potent force. However the statement is misleading as it fails to mention the difficulty and necessity of centering your mind ona particular goal.

What Do You Want

Most of us do not know what we wish. We believe we do, however we truly do not. We only know what we do not wish. We do not wish an awful job. We do not wish to be destitute. We do not wish to disappoint our family.

Knowing specifically what you wish is much different than recognizing what you do not wish. When you solely know what you do not wish, your intentions aren’t focused and you manifest the bad. Consider this illustration.

Bill doesn’t wish to be destitute. He’s sick of bringing in less than his friends, and he’s determined to advance his status. To achieve this goal, Bill could take a lot of different paths. He could train for a high paying job, like doctor or lawyer. He might begin his own company, go into real estate, or do a lot of other things that would lead to bringing in wealth.

However Bill isn’t sure what he wants to do. He doesn’t understand which path best fits his skills and personality, so he doesn’t resolve to follow any certain path.

Hoping to answer this question, he investigates a many possibilities, however as soon as he runs into hardship he decides that path isn’t for him and moves on to a fresh solution.

Bill’s actions aren’t centered. Although he works really hard, his efforts do not build on one another. Instead of building one giant impenetrable sand castle, Bill has established 20 little ones that are easily toppled. He winds up confused and disheartened. Finally Bill’s lack of focus leads to failure.

Now, what if Bill had selected a particular path, particular goals to manifest? Suppose he chose on the law profession. His actions and things to manifest would have been clearly defined:

  • Get a elevated score on the LSAT
  • Get letters of recommendation
  • Become accepted at a great law school
  • Choose a field of law
  • Gain a law degree
  • Find a high paying job with a great law firm

A set of particular goals is much simpler to accomplish and to manifest than a vague end goal like getting rich. Being centered on a path gives Bill a logical set of actions to manifest. Each achievement is one step closer to the final goal.

I think we may all agree that committing to a distinctly defined path for manifesting, regardless of which one, gives Bill the greatest chance of getting to be wealthy.

However how may he select a path if he doesn’t know what he wants? Perhaps cash isn’t his only goal. Perhaps he wishes to do something he loves at the same time. Perhaps he can’t afford to go back to school. Realism is complicated, and Bill doesn’t wish to commit too soon.

And that’s why he fails.

However I do not think that’s inevitably a bad thing. Most individuals do not fit neatly into a predefined path. Forcing yourself into one might lead to success; however it likely won’t make you happy.

This is the point. If you wish to be conventionally successful, to attain riches and status, you have to choose a particular path (preferably something mainstream) and work at manifesting each step.

On the other hand, if you aren’t especially concerned with riches or success, you may take your time searching for that perfect life.

Just do not wait too long to choose. Every moment you deliberate, is a moment you lose.