Creative Visualization: How to Use the Power of Visualization to Manifest Prosperity by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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What Is Manifesting

The word “manifesting” means to make something real or readily perceived by the senses particularly by sight (this is the definition in the Dictionary).

About Manifesting

The word may be applied in a lot of ways depending upon the context. For our use, manifesting may be applied as we wish to materialize our desires, goals & dreams that merely take their forms in our minds. Oh no, this won't give you the power to control other people as no one can do that. Each of us was given a free will and we ought to utilize that will to make conscious choices so that we'll achieve our highest potential.

Manifesting is a means of empowering us. It enables us to take control of our lives rather than simply leaving it to chance and fate. It presents us the power to transform our thoughts into something that is true and material to us.

If you continue thinking about cash, a picture of a one dollar bill or a check will come into your brain. One of these days this will get to be an experience for you in your reality.

You may see a one dollar bill on a billboard or hear somebody talk about cash. Naturally if you only see it or hear about it but not own it, it's of no use to you. You may as well try a different way of manifesting it.

While manifesting is a gift meant to grant our wishes, it will work against us if we don't arrive at a conscious choice of what we're going to manifest. We could manifest even if it's something we don't want as long as we hold the thought of that object or idea in our brain.

Everybody has the natural power to manifest anything they want into their life. It's simply that we were not taught this reality growing up, and we were unconsciously programmed with so much data that we have simply forgotten our innate manifesting attractive power. The truth is we're each overflowing with this energy, yet it might be "sleeping" inside you. With this ancient manifesting knowledge and an inspired action m manifesting could be awakened.

Whatever you hold your focus upon, you're manifesting THAT into your life faster than you might realize. If you're constantly focusing on what you DON'T want to think, feel, or experience then you'll see that is precisely what you're manifesting.

By learning these ancient secrets of manifesting, you are able to remain centered, peaceful and focused on what you DO want to think, feel and experience. From this place, you'll discover that your greatest dreams and desires will manifest into your world.

Manifesting is an astonishing gift that wields power to fulfill our deepest desires as well as our greatest fear, so utilize it wisely…


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 Secret to Manifestation