Creative Visualization: How to Use the Power of Visualization to Manifest Prosperity by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Visualization Exercises

Visualization is a process utilized by winners in all walks of life. If you truly wish something to come to fruition, put your imaginative brain to work. See the result in front of you, play the game you are going to play in your brain or watch yourself getting what you want. The only limit is your own mind.

Things To Do

You can utilize visualization to develop new habits, like eating healthier or eating slowly which prevents overeating and obesity; have you ever seen an aerobatic airplane pilot visualizing his/her routine on the ground utilizing only the hands and the imagination? Have you ever practiced a job interview in your brain?

Visualize the activity, event or result wanted. Think "what you see is what you get" and be ready for creative thinking and mind synthesis to take the lead. If you wish to construct a solar powered train, visualize this train in your brain, with its solar panels, its glittering exterior, traveling at a speed that you think it would be capable of. Dream of it, work it through your mind and let it evolve in pictures.

After you have spent a minute, day, month or even a long time visualizing the possibilities, now switch to focus mode. Right at the minute before you perform the activity, job or event that will accomplish an outcome or even the outcome towards your goal, center clearly on the picture of the action you're about to make.

For instance, if you're trying to hit a ball, picture hitting it distinctly in your brain stroke by stroke, at the correct height and the correct speed. Watch the ball being hit by your instrument, flying through the air and landing wherever it's meant to land. Add all senses to the experience, hear the nearing ball, hear and feel the impact, smell the grass. Then do it for real.

Nothing is going to get better when you feel crappy about yourself and your chances in life. A favorable mindset will reset a period of bad luck. It will turn that half empty glass into the half full glass; the rainy day into the silver-lined cloud. Grab opportunities to change and march on.

Anyone who wants change overnight will be frustrated. Even if you won a fortune in the morning, you'd be as disgruntled with your life in six months time as you're now unless you look inside to what ails you. Rather, plan to make actualization of your hopes and dreams long term.

Visualize where you'll be in five, ten and twenty year’s time and the types of outcomes you wish. However don't just make a shallow photo of you in a fancy car surrounded by a big house, massive diamond collection and groveling friends.

That's hokey and won't prove healthy or satisfying in the long run. Rather, visualize what you wish to accomplish as a human and what legacies you'll leave your community and world.

Visualization only works when you're calm, comfortable and willing to give yourself time to center in peace, free from worries. Visualization is a process very close to meditation, only it's more active and vivid. In visualization, you're encouraged to think actively about the possibilities but as with meditation, you have to leave aside anything extraneous to your dreams and goals and only center on them.

It's not enough to wish to be the president. You have to consider the qualities that will help in getting to this goal. Visualize not only the presidency but likewise the skills of open communication, strength, smiling, sharing, listening, talking, being able to avert criticism with skill and respect etc. It's likely there will be skills you have to work on but again, utilize visualization to centre on separate skills to bring them up to par.

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