Creative Visualization: How to Use the Power of Visualization to Manifest Prosperity by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Visualization to Manifest Prosperity

Visualization is the ability to see mental images that are not present in our reality or physical plane. These mental images are triggered by words, suggestions and inductions. Usually a clinician or professional hypnotherapist will use visualization to help you achieve a specific mood or state of mind.

Visualization has been used extensively by clinicians, relaxation therapists and hypnotherapists, and doctors. For example, sometimes a medical doctor might give a patient a visualization exercise to do before and post surgery. This visualization would be designed to help the patient with the healing process.

In real life, many people are using visualization effectively to enhance their lives and achieve abundance and prosperity. You can also use the power of visualization to get whatever you want in your life. Bring your mental picture or idea to mind often and focus on it. Many people have discovered that creating images in their mind in conjunction with thoughts help them achieve what they want in life more effectively.

Some people claim that they can clearly visualize or see images in their mind's eye while others will tell you that they can't visualize at all. Some people will say that nothing is happening in their mind when they are directed to visualize or if they try it to do it themselves. The term visualize means to be able to see, but it doesn't mean that we are using our physical eyes but only recalling mental images. So when it is necessary we can visualize or imagine things happening in our mind and our subconscious will take care of the details.

When individuals relax and allow their bodies to be part of the experience of visualization they will be able to enjoy the mental images as if they are happening in the present moment. The only requirement to make things happen faster is for you to be mentally imagining as they are currently happening in the present time. The other trick is to pretend that whatever you are visualizing is happening now.

Why is visualization so important in manifesting?

By putting thoughts and attention to the thing that you wish to manifest you are giving it more power to grow and develop. We are all energy and we are all interconnected. Our thoughts are energy and travel rapidly. But random thoughts will not take you where you want to go if you don't feed them properly with the aid of visuals or words.

Thoughts and images have their unique magnetic energy that attracts similar energy. If you, for example, want to manifest a better job or a nice car, the thought by itself is really powerful and starts sending signals to the universe that you want to have those things in your life. But when you add images or visuals to those thoughts you are empowering them and creating a better association between what you wish to happen and what you brain needs to have as a reference so it is able to recognize it once it is materialized in physical form.

Simply having an idea or wishing an object or situation to happen it is not enough. We need to give it shape by using imagery, shapes, colors, details as much as possible. This implies a good use of your ability to create with images, or "pretend" that you see them as happening in this current time and space. There is also lots of trust in the process.

Manifesting what that you wish is a matter of active creative participation between your brain in conjunction with your ideas and visuals. There is also a component of surrendering and trusting that this is going to be materialized in the physical form. The first part of manifestation implies active creativity and intention, the second part of it has to do with our intention and surrendering.

This process of visualization and active creation puts in motion thought forms and energy that we send to the universe as a potential manifestation. This is beyond positive thinking or mere contemplation. We are preparing our brain to accept this ideas and thoughts as true and the next step is to expect this things to happen. What visuals and imagery do is to help us create these ideas and thoughts more vividly.

How to visualize?

First create your list of things you wish to happen, you need to feel really good about this list, your emotions will be your guidance, if you feel good, happy, excited about it, these emotions are good references. If you experience doubt about something on your list, it is better to remove it until your subconscious mind is in alignment with your thoughts and accept these as potential truths.

  • Make a list of things you wish to manifest.
  • Keep your list realistic for now, you can add more things later
  • Use positive statements and keep the list of things in present time
  • Be as concise as possible without doubt or hesitation
  • If it is an object imagine yourself with the object
  • If it is a situation imagine yourself experiencing the desired situation.
  • If it is a person, imagine yourself being or talking with that person.

You may spend only a few minutes visualizing this list or as long as you want, try to add as more details as possible. It is especially effective to visualize early in the morning or before going to sleep. Select the best time for you. Try to create some consistency around this visualization time so it is part of your lifestyle. Please have fun with your list and visuals. If you need more help visualizing you can buy a bulletin board, a white board or journal to help you visualize what which you desire.

Visualization should be an enjoyable experience, like an act of daydreaming. But you know this is not just daydreaming but accepting this as happening in the present time and place. You are tricking your mind into believing it is happening. Sending the energy of accomplishment to the universe magnifies the thought. Your intention is also a good reference, use your inner guidance and keep your visuals realistic and precise.

Repeat this process often, it could be 10 minutes a day or half an hour, this is up to you, more time will not make it happen faster, it is just consistency and strong vision that will make it manifest.

See yourself receiving it and achieving it. Continue to work with this process until you achieve your goal.

Repeat it every day if possible, or work on your vision board every day, by adding pictures, phrases or just sit on front of your board with the mental intention that this is going to happen to you. When you visualize there you should not have any doubts. Doubts or self-sabotaging beliefs get in the way so do not allow these thoughts to enter your conscious mind because they will try to disrupt your ideas. Let them come and go like a breeze without giving them any more thought.

Continue with this process a long as you find it enjoyable and interesting. When you have some changes to make them, make the changes, we are always changing our nature so our visualization board will also experience some changes over a week or month. If you find that a goal or wish has changed make sure you create another set of clear goals or situations. Keep it fresh and flexible. Be flexible, do not think that your ideas or vision board should be engraved in stone, make changes when needed.

Once you achieve the first elements of your visualization, go to the next set of visuals. Remember to pat your back every time you manifest something that was materialized because you put so much effort into it, do not think it just happened randomly or by coincidence. You made it happen through your mental effort. As you see this basic process of manifestation is quite simply. Have fun and enjoy the ride.



ALL YouR DesiREs To Life