Curators of Souls by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Chapter VI

New Concepts Mental

In those bygone days Crystal rays, which happened on Earth

not only affect humans physically, causing them to change their

behavior, both personally and for his fellow men and animals. As

the whole nature in general, going to respect them and helping all

species to evolve the Conscience. First they learned and then taught

other beings latest developments in the Ground.

Some symptoms to humans due to exposure to UV Crystal also

altered their mental bodies. These changes were felt in many ways.

Just as stress, tension, high levels of anxiety.

This was because the new energy to penetrate the brain brought

about a greater strain on it. Leading at times to depersonalize

beings, making them feel unable to go to whatever. They felt that

something was turning in their minds but do not know what it was

exactly. This new energy removed old thought patterns, leaving the

mind cascades a new consciousness in every being.

José Cruz

Many of these people, resorted en masse to hospitals and specialists

in all areas of health belongs, but could do nothing for them to be

not only prescribe drugs or therapies, but nothing did change the

intention of this new light-colored Holy Crystal, when looking for

the needy beings Trustees of Holy Souls, and others who

immediately went to ILUC them in the most convenient ways to

solve each case, leading them to consciously become aware of the

changes that were going on, then immediately began to treat

themselves and to heal themselves, that in most cases were just

passing situations and less mention, sometimes are just a few

weeks, others months or years leading to achieve.

The Souls of Trustees felt that when one was getting to be able to

start to change mental Spirit, advised to accept lovingly all that

feels, only with the heart completely open to these new energies. To

indicate a good physical maintenance consume only vegetables,

fresh fruit, water, clay minerals for muscle spasms, baths, and the

maximum stay in contact with moderately and sunbathing. And get

plenty of rest, without forgetting to meditate a lot, because nothing

was felt in humans, if they were not able to receive these new

cosmic energies. If they came in large quantity and intensity was

because they had the capacity to support such. Because the more

you deny assuming that part of the Universe, and suffered most

were late before the other, those who insisted on not to accept these

proposals knowledgeable of the entire evolutionary process of the

Planet. They had to wait for several Reincarnations future to

evolve over the millennia up. These beings that refused to accept the

new evolutionary consciousness were those who lived permanently

in the mind, as everything she built.


Curators Of Souls