Curators of Souls by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Chapter VII

Opening Spiritual

This new leap in humanity has made people become more

conscious, about what the ruling and held the top of the Earth.

That was nothing they were accustomed to think, but what began

to feel, the Sacred and spirituality that were part of them as well as

the entire Universe.

Being to abolish old patterns of thought, beginning to relate more

to their innermost, as they were discovering their potential values,

then began to discern what was more appropriate to accept them

because of their developments, thereby accepting unconditionally

mental changes in the Spiritual.

At the beginning of this process was a little difficult but could be

inter-helping each other. The change has had the very start in the

physical body, to the extent that they would accept; their minds

began to accuse also the signs of new cosmic energies. Symptoms

such as changes in that new DNA both in body and mind, human

cells were also affected, which in turn began to change skills and

mental qualities to a higher level of human consciousness.

During this change of mind as I previously had one of those human

beings in the physical; also had their ailments to accept these new

faculties energy that they discovered many of them on their own.

José Cruz

As they began to control the mind through meditation or other

practices were changing habits that have previously led there, as

well as its similar animals and even in general. These mental

adjustments were very salient and very strange, for those who

refused to accept spirituality as beginning and end of all that

existed in the Past, Present and Future, and then sought the

Trustees of Souls, due to thrombosis affecting the physical states

and minds. What normally almost always paralyzed his right side

and left side of the brain.

This was because these beings refused to accept what they proposed

the Deity, who came out as a simple Light beings they were. These

negative people who insisted on not to accept these realities, that

the cosmos imposed on them, were rarely recovered this experience,

would have to wait for new/s Reincarnations in order to overcome

this non-acceptance, by love.

Other mental confusion to occur was not able to concentrate on

anything that was once part of a routine life. This is because the

mind was programmed to be able to withstand changes to higher

reasoning. Some people felt like they were about to madness, but

that never happened. These symptoms were due to begin to relate to

your energy body, and at the same time with the new energy that

came from him, becoming more sensitive

The beings of males felt very frustrated, because they are no longer

as active as before, because they begin to feel more intuitive, feeling

part of the emerging feminine energy in them, starting to feel more

calm and considerate. The women also underwent hormonal changes

due to the endocrine system. And they were often taken to cry

without knowing why. No longer was the act of crying releases

hormones, feeling more emotionally balanced. Even the menopause

began to appear in very young children, and disappeared much

earlier than previously. The result was due to the acceleration of the

whole chain Universe metamorphosis.


Curators Of Souls

Because such changes were to take place only over thousands of

years, but need the universe to evolve faster. And by the way the

Earth had been mistreated by humans during the XIX, XX and

XXI, the same that to defend against such attacks, had to make

these changes in a short time. That took about a century.

Other situations were related to children ever later began to

vocabulary. Also this happened because of these little creatures

still; apply the same communicative way, as happened at the

beginning of human existence. That is communicated through

telepathy, which was the mother tongue of them all.

Just as adults mostly forgotten that natural language, the children

were waiting for their response communications through this form,

which is why later began talking to other several decades before.

The Indigo children and Crystal were the major force behind the

renewal and application of this method being communicative

human beings and animals over the years that followed.

José Cruz


Curators Of Souls