Pornography as a Potent Example
Pornography totally emasculates men that already at their core have either a spirit of unworthiness/rejection/abandonment.
Porn is a counterfeit comfort that idolizes the feminine form (idolatry), coupled with masturbation (self idolatry) will totally confuse the addicts soul which God made for communion, relationship and intimacy.
This will produce a full blown non-God fearing compromising Spirit of Ahab ruled over by a spirit of Jezebel.
Mainly with men, but more so now days women as well, satan is using pornography(soft and hard) to seduce and captivate our children as young as possible. This ensures that our youth learn to hide a part of themselves (shame and unworthiness) and fear to open up. Producing thinking that, ‘no one will truly understand me/ my feelings’, and deepen the sense of their dreaded shame from this addiction. Porn coupled with masturbation(self idolatry) and a spirit of lust fully traps one in a cycle which includes addictive hormonal highs to make it even more destructive.
Guilt says I did wrong, but shame says I am wrong.
Guilt says I am obligated( outward focused), but shame says I am worthless and not able to make am-mends (self focused).
Most young men that struggle with the addictive objectification of women in pornography (idolatry) have shame embedded in at their core, formed from a lie about themselves that Jezebel has orchestrated well in advance to snare them in her web. The more they struggle fight