Deliverance from Jezebel-Fear, Guilt and Shame Coming out of Babylon by Daniel Wiebrands - HTML preview

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Spirit of Ahab must be dealt with first

Spirit of Elijah Confronts

Jezebel's aim is to produce Ahab men that will easily compromise and allow her entrance. She works as Spiritual Wickedness in High Places to specially infiltrate the four walls of the Church, to bring Gods judgment on it. This will happen to apostate Churches because Gods judgment has been pronounced upon them long ago, but, it will not happen to His true Bride. She will be making herself ready when God's real men raise up like a sleeping giant and tread on the adversary.

  • Ahabs are men that have no real sense of self identity.
  • They lack vision and follow the crowd that pays them the most attention.
  • They compromise easily as the enemy has bound their will to overcome.
  • Innate fear of rejection, overly passive, proud, greedy, envious.
  • Ahab type men have at their core major lies from childhood, stemming from abandonment and rejection mainly from their fathers.
  • Many Ahab type men have false masks that need discernment to see through, the Spirit of Elijah melts it away with a Godly Fathers heart of love.

The spirit of Elijah confronts Ahab's heart condition to bring about repentance, restoration, reconciliation and healing through forgiveness to prepare the Body to make straight the way of the Lord. To defeat that slippery serpent once and for all in the body of Christ. K ing Jehu will rule, who is a picture of our Lord saying, ”Throw her down.

Elijah does come and will get everything restored and ready Matt 17:11 ..Behold, I send my messenger ahead of you, who will make ready Your way before you. Matt ll:l0 He shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. Malachi 4:6 Ahabs core heart lies need to be exposed and then replaced with Gods truth.

Honor thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giv