Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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Doubtless most everyone in the Bible-belt is familiar with one or more old sayings that are attributed to the Bible, but in reality are not there. Here are a few. I suspect readers will all have others to add to the thought.

The Bible says: “Every tub must sit on its own bottom!” This is not in Holy Writ, although the principle is. Individual responsibility is underscored in 2 Thess. 3:10 and 2 Cor. 5:10 to list a few verses. But there are many that teach us to bear one another’s burdens.

The Bible says: “There will be no tears in heaven.” Quite the opposite is true! Tears will not be wiped away from the saints until after the millennial reign of Christ at the readiness to inhabit New Jerusalem on the New Earth, Rev. 21:4

The Bible says: “Before Jesus returns summer and winter will be indistinguishable.”

Sorry! The Bible says just the opposite in Genesis 8:22.

The Bible says: “If a man is saved, he will act like it.” Well, we could all wish. Among the apostles, Judas betrayed Jesus, and Peter cursed to openly deny Him. The Christian struggle is ongoing in every saved person; not to stay saved, but to live a rewarding Christian life.

Repentance is a daily need. Romans 7; I Cor. 15:31

The Bible says: “Angels co-habited with humans, causing the Noahic Flood.” No so!

Angels are ministering (intellectual) spirits. They are sexless as Jesus plainly said, Matt 22:30

The Bible says: “We shall know as we are known, meaning we will have the same level of awareness and knowledge in eternity as we do here.” Sorry again! This is a verse in I Cor.

13:12 taken out of context. It speaks of the completion of the Bible so that all, including Paul could know the Word as plainly as he himself was known. To equate the final state of man as equal destroys the very meaning of discipleship, judgment, reward, etc.

Yes, there are others, many others. The amazing thing is that in this country every family may have multiple bibles. Why would anyone then believe anything some sinful humans told them without checking it out with the Holy Word? Yes, it is amazing, and destructive!

FOR THOUGHT: What else have you heard that is reportedly in the Bible? Do you receive it or them without checking them against the Bible? Have you ever startled a Bible quoting person by asking for the address of a verse of Scripture that teaches what he says? Try it?


“ But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.” Hebrews 2:9

The human family began in the Garden of Eden. In that pristine environment the federal head of humanity had the opportunity to partake of the Tree of Life. He would then be sealed in righteousness, and his offspring would be born in righteousness rather than in sin. But, Adam failed! Consequently, men are born with a sinful nature that forever eliminates any possibility of being in the presence of the Creator in heaven and all that entails. But, this reality was fixed on the day of his creation: whatever happens to man wil be of man’s own doing, and no force wil negate his power of choice! Thus did man find himself to be a sinner in the Garden, dooming not only himself, but all his posterity. The result of sin is death, and death has passed upon all men for that all have sinned. Think with me about this awful, locked-in scenario!

To redeem His creation, God in incomprehensible love and grace affixed His own eternal destiny with that of His creation by becoming one of us. Born of a virgin, the Holy Spirit His Father, He did not inherit the sinful nature, but came into the world as a man to succeed where Adam had failed.

But wait! Death is the result of sin. Jesus is the sinless Son of God. How then could He possibly die, knowing no sin? The answer lies in revisiting the Garden of Gethsemane on the evening of His arrest. Jesus prayed while disciples slept. He sweat as it were great drops of blood in anticipation of the awful deed that was His alone to accomplish.

Upon identifying Himself to the arresting soldiers, they all fell involuntarily to the ground.

Evil had come with evil intent to the righteous, Creator God of heaven and earth. They could not take Him. They could not harm Him. He was sinless! It was only by the grace of God that they were allowed to arise and proceed with their evil deed. It was then and there that Jesus fulfilled the great initial process of “If it be possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done.” This means that Jesus submitted to the massive load of sin. Sin was not in Him, but sin was upon Him. This is the only possibility of His being beaten and crucified. Think!

Here was God in human form doing what no other man on earth could do, defeating sin, and paying the price of every person who through faith would appropriate His sacrifice as their own.

Thus does every member of the human race have hope. One of us has overcome sin, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Because He overcame, we may overcome in Him. What is plan “B” one may ask. There is none! Now, the door is open to life, to heaven, to inheritance in Him.

FOR THOUGHT: Do you know that Jesus said that no man could take His life from Him? It was His to give, and He voluntarily became the substitute of every believing offspring of Adam.

Have you received His precious gift of eternal life? Will you do so now, by admitting that you are indeed a sinner, then inviting Him into your heart as your personal Savior?