Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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When there are no banks to restrict the flow of water, a river ceases to exist, spreading as a lake to harbor whatever filth may come its way. Similarly, when there is no restriction of human life through the foundational laws of the Judeo-Christian ethic every man does that which is right in his own eyes. The resident sin in men runs rampant.

The twenty-first century world clamors for chaos, and is not unlike the description presented in the second Psalm. “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD, (Jehovah/Jesus) and against his anointed (His church, the pillar and ground of the truth) saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” This Psalm may be shown to have historic value, but it certainly is applicable to the current time of the last days.

Civilization has risen to great heights by obedience to the laws of the Creator/God of the universe. However, as the holy bands and cords are cast off, iniquity and chaos rush in to fill the void.

Moreover, the process is somewhat subtle to the theologically ignorant. It is not an immediate, full blown honoring of evil, but it begins with a denial of God as the Creator of the universe, and all life therein, and proceeds to finally deny God altogether. Additionally, wrong is called good, and good is called wrong. The end result is the production of a godless, antichrist society that Paul wrote to Timothy about so long ago in 2 Tim. 3. It is a setting of the world stage for the final act of the age; precise, accurate, unyielding judgment in full measure.

Why are men willingly ignorant of eternal truth, and determined to cast off the bands and cords of the Creator? It is because of the presence of sin, and their love for darkness rather than light, as Jesus put it in John 3.

While this present age of grace lasts, it is called TODAY. The plea of the Holy Spirit of God to the heart of every person is to repent of sin, and take the light yoke of the Lord Jesus: to serve Him in the goodness and blessings of a live well lived.

The Holy Spirit never shirks responsibility, so wrong doing in every person is met with a sense of shame and reproach. It has a purpose, a very important purpose. It is the open door to repentance and forgiveness that cannot be obtained any other way, and it will not always be available. Consequently, men should be wiser than those described in Psalm 2. Instead of counseling together to break bands and cast off cords, they should welcome with open arms the conviction of the Holy Spirit and that open door of repentance while it remains.

FOR THOUGHT: Changes brought about over the last 70 years are staggering; more than what was experienced for thousands of years before then. Do you think the rapidity of these changes tend to move people away from faith to embrace more fully materialism? Do you see the church being marginalized more with each generation? Where will you cast your lot in life?


An old, favorite hymn in older song books is “Bringing in the Sheaves.” Children often hear this as “Bringing in the Cheese,” and wonder what it is all about. Indeed, the polling of a modern congregation of adults revealed that they also did not understand the meaning of the world “sheaf” the singular of “sheaves.”

In Biblical times, grains such as wheat, barley, oats, etc.were harvested by hand. The grain stalks were severed close to the ground with a sickle or scythe. An arm load of the severed stalks were then tied into a bundle: a sheaf to be transported to a threshing floor where the edible grain was removed, and the residual chaff and straw separated for other purposes.

So, bringing in the sheaves spoke of an abundant harvest. It was a time of rejoicing for the blessing of an overflowing food supply for families, animals, and for substance of trade for other needed things.

In the spiritual world, a sinner saved is a harvest of eternal joy. Snatched from the flames of hell, he is both a part of a harvested sheaf as well as a new harvester of yet others who make up sheaves for the master, and rejoicing for all. In the Day of the Lord, many of God’s people will be joyously surprised to learn how their dedication to Christ Jesus has influenced others, even sheaves of others. Likewise, there will be tears of sorrow shed over wasted lives with no sheaves for the Master; perhaps not even a single sheaf.

Truly, the cheese in the child’s understanding may bring smiles to the flesh, but sheaves will bring eternal joy in the presence of the Lord. How then shall an assurance of sheaves be anticipated? As with any other harvest of good things, seeds must be sown and watered. The seed is the Word of God, and the water is human tears of love and compassion. The Psalmist wrote: “They that sow in tears shal reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him,” Psalm 126:5-6.

Hear then the Lord Jesus as He says to His disciples, “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35. Let the cheese have its place, to nourish the body, but let all of God’s people be concerned with the welfare of never-dying spirits of men. Let us work to bring in the sheaves for the glory of God.

FOR THOUGHT: With the love that a lot of church folks have for potluck, one might wonder if the cheese is not more important to them than the sheaves. On the other hand do you think that often people try to force a harvest of sheaves when they might be better off sticking to the cheese? In other words, isn’t it true that God alone must be the force in individual hearts to produce heaven bound sheaves? Are you one shock of good wheat in God’s sheaves?


Sometime back, I drove past a sign that read: CHURCH OF THE BURNING HEART. I thought that was a little unusual for the name of a church. Upon further inquiry, I learned that it was like so many other religious clubs that dot the landscape in these last days. It was what one would call independent, but more precisely non-denominational. That simply means it does not affiliate with any known and named group of churches both in affiliation and in doctrinal standing. Of course, there are enough non-denominational churches that they would be a denomination but for the lack of affiliation among themselves or any cohesiveness to their doctrinal standing. It seems they just want to present themselves to the public as totally free, thus better, than any church that is known by its doctrinal standing. As a result what is commonly held among them is the doctrine of universal, invisible church which necessitates open communion. Furthermore, they have no qualms about baptismal source or mode, and most do not maintain a church membership role due to their universal thinking. But these things effectively negate personal responsibility, and personal accountability in the mind of men who have an innate desire to worship God due to their being made in His image. However, the appeal succeeds largely in moving men into further estrangement from their Creator by a form of godliness that denies the power thereof.

As more and more of these types of “churches” arise, one may wonder at the wonder of it all. Would the Holy Spirit lead men to a form of worship that is in rebellion to plain biblical teachings? Is it possible that God would accept a form of doctrine that is out of conformity to His Word? Has the blood-bathed battle of His churches throughout the last 2,000 years been in vain; their form of worship and division of the Word of truth wrong?

The apostle John has the answer in his first epistle: Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.” 2:18-20. Compared to Holy Writ, a better name for the aforementioned group might be THE CHURCH OF THE HEARTBURN, big time!

As sweet as they are, let it be recalled that Jesus did not make His people to be sugar, but salt! Moreover, the disastrous results of salt that loses its savor is graphically presented in plain terms! Matt. 5:13.

FOR THOUGHT: The question that remains begging is may the Creator God of the universe be worshipped in any way men see fit, or must He be worshipped in conformity to His Word? Could

“Burning heart” be understood as “Heartburn?” Who is in the driver’s seat in these things? Is it God, or is it men?


The indispensable, foundation, and cornerstone of Christianity is the reality of the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus, The Christ. In this singular truth do all who claim to be Christian agree.

That fact is not argumentative, optional, acceptable in any possible way of any alternate viewpoint. Of course, there are religions that scoff, and deny outright this foundational fact as being a myth or the fanciful concoctions of crutch-needing fanatics. Consider this with me!

Islamic people will agree that Jesus was a prophet; that He was virgin born; even that He lived a sinless life, but vehemently deny that He was the only begotten son of God; that He died on the cross and arose from the dead. Their take is that Judas Iscariot was substituted for Jesus before the actual crucifixion, and that Jesus went to heaven unharmed.

Again, the Mormon religion scoffs at the virgin birth of Jesus: that it was the Holy Spirit that caused the virgin Mary to become pregnant, and that He therefore was NOT the ONLY

begotten Son of God. Their take on this is that if that were true, then it would be very dangerous to confirm females, lest the Holy Spirit make them all pregnant, inundating the elders with children to care for, which would put them in dire straits.

Well so much for the doubters and scoffers. If one can think of it, there is probably someone out there teaching it regardless of how it may contradict the clear statement of the Holy, plenary, inerrant Word. I think of my mother who often said, “You can hear anything but meat frying and money rattling.” That is to say, all talk and no substance!

Thankfully, the universal, Holy Spirit conviction placed upon all men is that they are, without exception, sinners. Moreover, no sinner is able to redeem himself from that state, let alone pay the redemptive price of others. Then let it be shouted from the rooftops that the Bible is the ultimate truth; that Jesus was and is the only begotten son of God! This fact necessitates that He had no earthly father; hence virgin born. If this is untrue, no one is saved; all are condemned without remedy; hell is the only eternal destiny, and Christians are of all men most miserable.

Thus did the angel correctly and forthrightly declare to Joseph “. . . fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shal save his people from their sins.”

Matt. 1:20-21. My Savior was God and man. He walked among men, paid the sin-price of men, but he was not an offspring of earthly men!

FOR THOUGHT: Aside from the ultimate authority: the Word, if the Holy Spirit effects a birth from above in every believer, why would it be thought a strange thing that the Holy Spirit should effect the birth of one in material life, even Jesus? Every man is a sinner. Do you know of a way that a sinner may become sinless?


“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.” Psalm 1:1-6

Pick it out! In the Psalm above, there is (1) something to NOT do. (2) something to do.

(3) The attendant reward of life of both actions, and (4) the future status of those values and lifestyles.

Believing that these things are literally true, what kind of commitment should every person make to the Great, Creator, Savior God? Those who have the “born from above”

experience in life know right well that they came to God in repentance of sins, accepting Christ Jesus as their personal Savior, and that without any reservation. But, in the course of life there are the battle lines and conflict times. Being a Christian is enjoyable from the viewpoint of formal worship, social fellowship, and times of ease and peace, but what about the other times? When life becomes stormy, friends are critical, oppression heated, embarrassment certain, or for some other reason we become just plain doubtful. What then? Often commitment to Christ falls victim to fleshly reservation to alter or tweak that commitment to a more comfortable position in the flesh. But do we have that right? The answer must be a resounding “NO” we do not! Moreover such failures in Christian life evidence that the wonderful, promise-filled scriptures as Psalm One, Romans 8:28, Hebrews 13:5 do not have their place properly embedded in the heart.

A committed relationship with Christ Jesus is not a “tit-for-tat, if you will do this, I will do that,” affair. It is more like a binding contract that consists of a blank page of paper offered to God with your signature at the bottom. It is a willingness for God to implement whatever terms of life he has designed for you in the full realization that He is the Creator; we are the created; we are the saved; He is the Savior. We are the subjects of judgment; He is the Judge. Any withdrawal of our commitment to Him, or any reservation or exception to His will must be labeled plainly and simply what it is: sin! Obedience to God is not just a good idea, it is always right. Resting in His mighty hands is the best possible place for one’s life. It is also the place where His choice blessings are realized. Maybe it is time for many of us to revisit our commitment to Christ in day to day life. The outcome of that commitment will be realized as revealed in Psalm One. There will be no exceptions.

FOR THOUGHT: If commitment to Christ is to be taken as seriously as the Bible presents it, how can it be right to say “Just attend the church of your choice?” Should it not rather be

“Attend the church of His choice?” How can there be justification of life fashioned by personal preference, social mores, and not by the teaching of Him Whom we profess to worship?