Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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There are few verbal equals at arresting attention than the word “Gold.” Gold is considered the ultimate in precious metals, and highly desired for jewelry, dental work, reliable mechanical function, artwork, and a number of other uses where durability, dependability, and functionality are important, but most of all it represents wealth. When standards are referenced, it is the “gold standard” that is prized most. Some people refer to retirement years as the

“golden” years. Certainly, the most desirable metal of the Olympics is the gold one, designating the ultimate winner. But, there are other things of great value referred to as “gold.” Think about it!

The substance of the New Jerusalem, the permanent, eternal home of the saints is referred to as made of gold. Moreover, the faithful work of God’s people that will survive the fire at the Judgment Seat of Christ Jesus is referred to as gold, silver, and precious stones. I Cor.


Perhaps all of this is meant to underscore the extreme value of what is ours in the here and now to give away. It is what Solomon said in Proverbs 25:11 “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” Without doubt, this is the gold most presently, and acutely needed in a world of failures, dross, and discouragement. An encouraging word, not useless flattery, is so golden. It reaches the heart, and gives heart in a time when it is needed most.

To someone drowning in discouragement; to someone looking for a way up; to someone who is worn down with health, financial, even spiritual problems, a word fitly spoken is as pure gold in a pitcher of silver. The most wonderful thing about this is we all have a virtual bottomless vault of such apples of gold to share, and having shared them no shortage is realized, rather, wealth is increased in the sharing.

So, what is holding you back from helping yourself by helping others with these apples of gold in pictures of silver? Whatever it is, it is an impoverishing agent both to self and to others.

Since we cannot bankrupt our supply of “golden apples,” ought we not to give as many away as opportunity presents? So, “God bless you, my friends” you are made in the very image of Almighty God. You are so important, and the very Creator has plans of great goodness for you, who trust Him, and follow Him. He has made it possible for you to do this, and to be an ambassador of His, giving away God’s great bounty to us all: words fitly spoken: apples of gold in pictures of silver.

Solomon said, “As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.” Proverbs 25:12

FOR THOUGHT: Think of yourself as a giant repository of wealth. It is yours to give away. Try it now! You will find each apple of gold you give to someone will increase your own wealth of life beyond expectation. How did you feel when you presented someone with a golden apple?