Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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From the hall of personal memories of decades long past, comes a story underscoring bad decisions and bad results. On a rare occasion both mother and father were absent from the home. Teenage sister decided she would make some cinnamon rolls. Well into the process, she discovered the cinnamon container to be empty. So, she sent my little brother, about age 6, to the local grocery store to buy cinnamon. No money was involved as all things were charged, and paid for weekly. It remains a mystery why I, several years older, was not sent. Regardless, here is where things went awry.

The trip to the store ran right by a neighbor’s house who loved practical joking. He stopped the little brother, and asked where he was going. Being told, he insisted there was no need to go to the store to get “simminon” as little brother pronounced it. He said there were lots of simminons right here on the tree, and he could have all he wanted.

The longer it took to gather the “simminons” the more anxious and angry the sister became. When he showed up with a can full of persimmons, she really blew her top! She literally ran all the way to the store herself to get a can of cinnamon. I can still hear the laughter of the neighbor, now joined by my own at the frustration of the incident. But, it underscores an important lesson of life.

Good results necessitate good decisions. The desired results from a messenger demand a knowledgeable messenger who understands the goal, and who will not be sidetracked by someone offering a substitute or shortcut. The world is full of messengers with erroneous messages which they, themselves do not understand, but are quick to offer as a substitute for

“thus saith the Lord.” Note 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. It is to such a scenario that the words of the apostle Paul to the Galatians comes to mind: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: whatsoever a man soweth, that shal he also reap.” Gal. 6:7.

Do you expect good results at the end of your trail of life? What kind of decisions are you making? There is one Creator of heaven and earth; one author of all life. He is the One that should be trusted. Why would anyone trust any other?

FOR THOUGHT: Upon whose word are you trusting for the eternal destiny of your never dying soul? Is it other than the Word of the Creator God? If so, it is extremely important that you make some immediate changes.


The ancient Hebrew language in which the Old Testament was written employs a written indicator of a direct object in a sentence. The linguistic sign is transliterated “eth” and is not translated since it is understood as only a sign or pointer of what is coming next, grammatically.

However, no matter what rule may be generally applicable, there will be times and instances when the rule is broken. In case of the direct object sign, it is sometimes translated “with” or

“from” or “even” without any clear reasoning except translators thought such translation made the idea clearer in English. I have also noticed that taking such liberty with language may create more problems than those it intends to solve.

Attention is drawn to Genesis 4:1 which states, “And Adam knew (eth) Eve his wife and she conceived and went on to bear a child (eth) Cain; moreover, she said I have gotten a man (eth) Jehovah.” (literal translation). Notice that the direct object sign (eth) is used three times in this verse. In the English Bible, it is (properly) not translated the first two times, but translators assigned the word “from” to the third usage. There is no just or consistent cause for this translation, and if a translation were to be made here it more probably should have been “even”

The reason being that the uniform translation of the verse conveys the idea that Eve thought she had given birth to the Messiah of Whom the first couple had been informed, and Whose sacrifice had been portrayed to them to cover their nakedness.

Of course, the coming of Messiah was some four thousand years in the future, but that information was not conveyed to them. The vicissitudes of time was not the point, but belief in God and His Word was the point. Not many references to the span of the ages were made until the prophets Ezekiel, Daniel, and Isaiah. Even those great men of God did not see nor understand the great span of time of the church age.

Of course, Cain was far from being Jehovah. He was a mere sinner, and the first murderer, which soon became evident. So, men have received promises, and in them looked onward, forward, and were not disappointed in the faith. They received the fulfillment of so many promises! Some were so fortunate as to walk and talk with Jehovah (Jesus), and all of us who believe in Him will see His coming again, and be transformed to see Him as He is. We may be so grateful for the faith of mother Eve. Her son was not to be the promised Messiah, but the important thing is that she looked for Him.

FOR THOUGHT: What about you, dear reader? Are you looking for Him? Pause and consider the blessed promise that can be yours in Hebrews 9:28.


“Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.” Matthew 12:33

Political correctness pointedly detracts from reality. It is designed to soften, if not to outright deny reality. It certainly creates a sense that reality does not matter so much. Consider typical examples: one is not short, but height challenged. One is not overweight, but weight challenged. One is not ignorant, but simply intellectually challenged. On and on it goes, ad nauseam!

Now, extrapolate that method of thinking into the spiritual realm. It comes up something like this: one is not saved, he is just spiritually challenged. One is not backslidden, but is simply obedience challenged. One is not a dependable church member, so he is fellowship challenged.

One is not baptized, just initiation challenged. So, on and on this may go, ad nauseam!

In spiritual matters, too many people have learned the spiritually correct answers to basic questions. But, their actions show beyond doubt that they do not believe what they profess by those answers.

It is reminiscent of what holy writ recorded from the prophet Isaiah about some religious folks a long time ago. “ Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precepts of men: “ Isa. 29:13. Many years later, Jesus referred to this scripture by saying, “. . . Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.” Mark 7:6.

Spiritual and political Correctness is not new, and the charade continues. But, true belief is demonstrated in actions. If people really believed that The Creator God will one day split the skies in return, and that all must stand before Him to give an account of the deeds done in the body whether they are good or evil, they would not simply cast off such awesome responsibility with fleshly ease. They would not seek to quickly justify it by watered down phraseology. Rather they would run to the altar of God in repentance seeking reconciliation with their righteous Creator.

FOR THOUGHT: Let the lyrics of a great old hymn be words of meditation!

“One day you’l stand at the bar of God,

One day your record you’l see,

One day you’l answer the question

of life,

What will your answer be?

What will it be, O, what will it be?

Where will you spend your eternity?”

What will your answer be?