Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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Faye Boyette Wise

FOR THOUGHT: The able pen of Faye Boyette Wise has blessed minds, hearts, books for many years. She has been a special Christian friend and blessing to the author for nearly fifty years. Do you have such a valued friend? Are you willing to be one to someone else?


The modern phrase: “Pitch a shoe” is an expression of frustration, anger, and/or rejection.

Though used in modern times, especially in the South and Midwest for the expressed purposes mentioned above, it is also an ancient action that took place literally under certain conditions.

Let’s think for a minute!

In securing the role of Kinsman Redeemer to Naomi and Ruth, Boaz called a witnessing council at the gate of the city to witness a cunningly engineered proposition to a closer kinsman that he might reject the option, leaving Boaz free to purchase the fields of Naomi, and the right to Ruth as his wife. The one closer than he verified his quit claim to the option by loosing or pitching his shoe! See Ruth 4.

In Deut. 25, the specifics of the above law are spelled out. Here it involves the loathing spittle of a widow as well as the loosed or pitched shoe, which forever designated the house of the rejecter as the house of a loosed or pitched shoe.

Aside from the ideas of modern anger and ancient rejection, there is another great teaching moment in the title’s phraseology. Once the manufacturer of shoes hired a salesman to market his shoes to the people in Africa. The salesman booked passage, and upon arrival found everyone barefooted. He told his boss that there was no need to send him shoes because the people here did not use them. In frustration (pitching a shoe) his boss sent another salesman to the same place. Upon arrival he too found everyone barefooted. He immediately wired his boss to send a boatload of shoes because no one there had them. What a difference in attitude and perspective! His was not to “Pitch a shoe,” but to “Pitch for shoes!”

Too often, folks are reminded of a ministerial lament that people are not church-minded or even mindful of the Lord, and pine away in discouragement. Perhaps we would all do well to take on the perspective and attitude of the second salesman. If folks have no or little regard for the Lord and His work; if they do not profess to be saved, then perhaps a fertile, wide open field of great harvest is found. But they must be presented with the gospel. The Holy Spirit will do the rest.

In the story, if the people in Africa all had shoes, but worn-out ones, perhaps the first salesman would have rejoiced. But had that been so, it would mean that others would have already cornered that market, and would not be content with a one-time sale. Maybe, just maybe there is a parallel here to be thoughtfully considered: Not pitching a shoe, but making a pitch for shoes. That is not seeking to build on the work of others, but winning the lost, and teaching them the glorious gospel

FOR THOUGHT: Do you ever wonder why some Christians seek excuses to not serve the Lord while some others are eager and enthusiastic about doing so? What do you think makes them different? How do you feel about engaging in spiritual activities? Are they a burdensome necessity? Are they a joyful opportunity? Why is that?


There is a natal bond between planet Earth and mankind. From the initial days in Eden it speaks of his prime directive or purpose. Think with me!

Adam (mankind) was the name of the first human. Add the feminine ending (ah) to that word in Hebrew and one has “Adamah” which is translated as “Dust, soil, dirt,” the substance of the planet. So, Earth is the mother of mankind, and God is the Creator/Father. Adam was made to be a man from the same elements as the soil, and God breathed into his nostrils the breath of lives: (yes, lives, plural) physical, mental and spiritual. Thus Adam was made the lord of the life sustaining planet. Inquiring minds want to know why.

Previously, the earth was under the care of Lucifer and the myriad of angels under his command. Lucifer coveted the position of the Son, originating opposition to the Will of God; hence, sin! It is believed that Lucifer is responsible for wrecking to the point of utter chaos what was a perfect, life-sustaining planet. Gen.1:2.

Logic would indicate that a controversy over ownership of the planet ensued between God as Creator, and Lucifer claiming it was given to him. There being no other super powers to settle the argument, the planet would thus speak for itself. Of course, being without a brain, or mouth, that seemed impossible, but here is where the import of the bond becomes underscored.

God caused the planet to give birth as it were to one like itself, but who could reason, speak and make decisions.That would put Adam into the position of being a walking, talking dirtball, which seems a little humiliating. Actually, it is an extremely exalted position. He would speak for the planet.

So man must be subjected to the influences of God and Lucifer. Eve being deceived and Adam choosing her over the word of his Creator brought sin to the species, and a yielding up of the lordship of the planet to the fallen archangel.

But the story does not end there. The Creator chose to become one of His created beings and succeed where Adam failed. Since it was a decision of commitment that brought sin, it is likewise a decision of commitment that brings life and righteousness. It is also the purpose of the Creator to bring man to a high level of spiritual maturity that will enable him to do in the millennial reign of Christ what he should have been doing from the beginning. He will rule the earth in righteousness to the eternal glory of Jesus, and to the astonishment of His unfathomable grace. Paul says in Romans 8 that the creation groans in travail, awaiting the glorious liberty of the sons of God (its offspring) in which it also will be finally freed from the power of bondage. There is a good reason earth is called “Mother Earth.”

FOR THOUGHT: Do you think many people understand the natal relationship of mankind with the earth, and the responsibility they have to live and speak righteously for it? Can you envision creation groaning in travail, awaiting the liberation of the sons of God? Can you imagine the molecules in multiplied trillions rejoicing in liberty when their offspring is liberated? Are you prepared for this soon coming day?


“These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” Proverbs 6:17-19.

Much has come to light in recent times that most every thinking person has known all along. It is sickening details of the business of Planned Parenthood which more properly should be called “Planned Un-parenthood.” As the grisly details are forced upon the general public via various media, those who value life are made sick to their stomach. But what did folks think was going on inside abortion clinics anyway, a picnic! Think about it!

To abort a human life growing in the womb is to forcibly stop the progress of that life, in other words, to kill him/her. That is accomplished in the most brutal fashion, and it is being done by the thousands each year in this country. Now it has escalated to the business of selling the body parts for stem cell value to the highest bidder. How could the children of the greatest generation of Americans plunge into the cesspool of the sorriest generation of selfish murderers? It has to do with abandonment of Judeo-Christian morals in preference for the ROOT of all evil. It is a stark reminder that Satan is still the god of this present, evil world.

The sinking of America into the quicksand of sin is part of a master plan that is far from simple. Some of its multiple facets may be easily identified by thinking people of faith.

Following WWII, the industrial age hit big time. The offering was material progress for all. The base selfishness of the flesh wants all the luxury available, and it is willing to sell its soul to have it. The LOVE of materialism, equated to money, quickly took ascendency over spiritual values.

Soon, it took both parents working outside the home to fulfill desires. Children which would have been better off left to themselves were abandoned to the anti-god forces of the world that taught them evolution, mocked spiritual things, and instilled in them via media that the really smart persons spent life in pursuit of material fulfillment. Moreover, the strongest God-given urge to mankind, that of reproduction was not subjugated to Christian morals, but to “If it feels good, do it! It can’t be wrong if it feels so right!” But the initiation of innocent, precious life became a major block to the pursuit of material well-being and sensual gratification, and it had to be eliminated even if it meant killing him/her. So the powers that be sought ways to ease the conscience of those so selfishly willing to do anything to not take responsibility for their own immorality. They changed the whole concept from murder to a “right” to control one’s own body.

They called it simply clinical abortion. Tax dollars began to pour into the slaughter clinics via the rulings of the court system and evil lobbying efforts on a congress of base men, bent on protecting their own material gain and positions of power. It was not hard to do, but it is not over, yet.

So what about the ultimate end of this whole sordid affair? Millions of eternal lives are with Jesus whose parent (s) preferred murder to allowing them enjoyment in the banquet of life.

Their dastardly action did not un-parent them, rather it made them the parent of a dead child whom they will meet in judgment when they stand before the Judge of all men. What then!?

FOR THOUGHT: “Selah!” (Just stop and think about this)!


As a child during WWII, living on the backside of Fort Chaffee, armored vehicles, tanks, convoy vehicles, bivouacking soldiers, guns, ammunition, and gunfire were all too familiar. So it happened. In the very first few days of school I was all decked out in my favorite, green, homemade overalls when, unknown to me, a photographer set up in a classroom to take individual pictures. This would be my first. However they used unfortunate terminology. They said, “We are going to shoot you!” Oh, I cried and tried to get away. The big, old camera was a giant, long box sitting on a tripod with a huge black cloth hiding the cameraman. The only thing I had ever seen resembling that was a machine gun. It took the photographer and two teachers to convince me I was not going to get shot, and to restore to me some semblance of order. Even then they had to demonstrate. It was a fearful time for many of us.

Even so, many unlearned Christians live in fear as well. They fear that something bad is going to happen to them when mention is made of the judgment as in Hebrews 9:27. But for God’s people, the day of judgment is not one to recoil from, but one to look forward to, and to rejoice over. If some of God’s people continue to live fearfully, even so carefully that they do not do many wrong things, they may still know the sorrow of losing reward having neglected so many right things; consequently, be saved so as by fire, I Cor. 3:9-15. But for those who press forward in life in accord with God’s marvelous Word, the judgment seat of Christ will be a time of unimaginable reward and of great goodness.

If I had not been persuaded that the big box sitting on a tripod was a good thing, I would not have my first grade picture, which, by the way, has provided more than its share of chuckles as it brings all those memories into focus. I remain glad that what appeared to be bad for me was really good for me! Say, does that make Romans 8:28 come to mind? “For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God: to them who are the called according to His purpose.”

FOR THOUGHT: Do you know that the Bible tells us that the goodness of God leads us to repentance? Repentance (turning away) from sin is acknowledging sin and evil in life. Do you see why some are reluctant to yield to this activity? Do you understand what Satan means to be your ultimate destruction, God convicts one of, and brings the repentant to goodness and life? Have you faced what is wrong in your life and repented of it?