Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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Easter Sunday, has come and gone, but it evoked questions in the minds of some who would like more information. This is an attempt to provide such for further thought.


Exactly what day of the week was Jesus crucified, and how can one know for sure?

Exactly when was the veil of the Temple torn into two pieces, and just what is that supposed to mean?


Exactly when did the earthquake occur in connection with the crucifixion of Jesus?

Exactly when did the great number of saints arise from the graves to be seen in Jerusalem?


Exactly why did Jesus forbid Mary to touch Him near the garden tomb, yet invited the disciples to freely feel his body?

An address of the 2nd question finds uniform harmony in the gospels. This is not to imply that there is disunity, but often scriptures tell of an event happening without a clear context, and that requires diligent study. However, the scriptures declare that there was an earthquake while Jesus was on the cross, and at or immediately after his death, the veil of the Temple was rent from top to bottom. Matt. 27:51-53. The import of this is of immense value.

Think about it with me.

The Temple veil separated the outer room (the Holy Place) from the innermost room (the Holy of Holies). Therein resided the Ark of the Covenant. No one was allowed to enter that room except the High Priest on the annual day called Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). He could enter only after ceremonial cleansing, and his purpose was to sprinkle the sacrificial animal blood on the top of the Ark, which place was known as the Mercy Seat. The Spirit of God would consume it from that place, and a temporary covering of the sins of Israel was portrayed until the one sacrifice of the Lamb of God occurred. Jesus is that Lamb! His sacrifice not only paid the sin debt (John 3:16), it bought the church (Acts 20:28), and opened the door freely to all to approach Him in repentance. His sacrifice is valid for all, and for all time ( Heb. 7:28). There is now no other mediator between God and man, but the man Christ Jesus, 1 Tim. 2:5) Thus are we all encouraged to come boldly before the Throne of Grace with our petitions and supplications (Heb. 4:16). Friends, no entity in the universe can stand between you and God.

Are you letting this grand privilege slip away?

FOR THOUGHT: Have you studied the Bible enough to appreciate that the Old Testament Tabernacle and later Temple were shadows of New Testament realities? Do you see that the occurrences related in Matthew 27: 51-53 are not just unusual events underscoring the magnitude of the crucifixion, but symbolic of unmistakable spiritual realities every disciple of Jesus should know? Make plans now to fill your knowledge gap on these things.