Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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“And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;” Revelation 2:8.

A fairly short distance north of the ancient city of Ephesus lies the ruins of the city of Smyrna. There, a great church of the Lord Jesus Christ was established under the ministry of Paul and his companions. The church at Smyrna is one of the seven churches mentioned in Revelation chapters two and three. The message of the Lord to this great church, and to those who would follow after in the same environment was one of great encouragement. They, in their trials were to take a longer look at what was really important, to discern the beginning from the end. Accordingly, Jesus presented Himself to them as the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive. They were assured their trouble was not unnoticed by the Lord. Then, they were admonished to not fear the suffering that was coming. In their poverty, they were accounted as being rich. Moreover, they were promised a crown of life for their faithfulness. What a wonderful message to the church folks in their trials and suffering for the Lord.

It was my privilege to visit this ancient site some years ago. Being on a “Journeys of Paul”

tour, Turkey was approached by ship from Greece. As the ship came within a few miles of land, an outline of the modern city of Izmir came into view. The alabaster buildings gleamed in sunlight piercing scattering clouds that had bathed them in fresh, cool rain. In the foreground was the beautiful deep blue water of the Aegean Sea, and above the city in the few remaining clouds a rainbow graced a scene that begged to be on canvas.

Izmir, the surviving, thriving city of ancient Smyrna hosts a population of perhaps two million. When I arrived there, the city had recently installed the first traffic lights, and most did not know what they meant. So the operating law of traffic was who had the loudest horn, and who was bold enough to push forward first. I observed that any desirable dwelling had armed guards patrolling the property however small. Inquiry revealed the country enforced squatter’s rights. Any four walls and roof were home, and occupants could not be moved, so the constant vigil to keep people away.

The ruins of Smyrna are not as prominent or large as some others, but enough remains to testify of a thriving city in which dedicated saints of the Lord paid a heavy price to advance the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our group paused and gave thanks for what the Lord’s church did here among so many enemies of the gospel, even the synagogue of Satan.

Being there was a grim reminder that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Modern churches conquered by the world, and its synagogues of Satan soon turn to belittle, and marginalize true churches who love the Word and seek to advance its cause. Because that cramps their style, their wrath is often incurred. It is just at such a time that the faithfulness of Smyrna should be remembered, and their example followed.

FOR THOUGHT: How much do you know about church history and the price paid in tribulation to advance the gospel? Do you think modern churches abandon the very doctrines and principles for which our forefathers gave their lives? Is your relationship with God and His word meaningful enough for you to take a stand as His disciple?


As the end of the present age rushes toward closure, the tiny nation of Israel comes ever more into focus politically and religiously. With the mighty nations of earth thousands of times more powerful economically, politically, militarily, and in population, one may wonder why this is so. It is because God has revealed plans for that nation beyond this age. They shall be grafted back into the root from which they were cut, and which the present “Israel,” the church now occupies by faith. Rom. 11.

Much is said about ownership of the land mass physical Israel occupies. Arabs claim it as a gift from Abraham their father through his firstborn, Ishmael. On the other hand, present day Jews claim the land as a gift from their father Abraham through Isaac.

God promised that land plus a lot more surrounding it to the seed of Abraham. Therein lies the rub for those whose vision and understanding is limited to fleshly matters.

Nominal Christians, and those whose origin, understanding, and practice is foreign to the New Testament ministry of Jesus, get caught up in the controversy as well.

They fail to understand that God chose to use a distinct, fleshly lineage of people to set the stage of spiritual heritage for His greatest work among mankind, namely His redemptive work in Jesus, and the maturation of disciples in the New Testament Church through His New Testament (covenant). Built by Jesus, the human expression of His New Covenant, His church, was purchased with His own blood. Moreover, it was given extraordinary power by the abiding Holy Spirit, enabling it to persevere throughout all ages. With this in mind, the apostle Paul explained the meaning of the Abrahamic promise. When the promise was made to Abraham’s seed, there was never a plurality mentioned, but it was always singular, “Seed.” Gal. 3:16 “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” He went on to explain that the Seed under consideration all the time was not a nation of fleshly people, but the Seed is specifically Christ Jesus.

He will inherit all that land as well as the nations of this world. The good news is that those who are in Christ will inherit with Him. Those looking for inheritance and legitimacy apart from Christ will find nothing but extreme disappointment.

FOR THOUGHT: How does it make you feel to realize that you may be a recipient of the fullness of the Abrahamic covenant through faith in “The Seed.” Does it make you want to learn more and live more fully in the teachings of “The Seed?” How wil you begin to do that as an interested disciple?


Today is the first day of the rest of your life. It is a brand new year. It is a time that naturally lends itself to retrospection, introspection, and prospection. Think about it!

In retrospect, the past year is mentally reviewed. There are failures, shortcomings; sins of commission and omission. But, there are achievements, joys, and the satisfaction those bring as well. Accordingly, the initial days of the New Year are also used to look deep inside for justification or lack thereof of actions past, and dedication with determination to fulfill that which spills over into the New Year undone. Moreover, in prospection the whole New Year is laid out before us all to do the Will of God; to accomplish noble goals that bring honor to Him and to ourselves as well. I do not speak of New Year’s Resolutions. Most of those are broken before the first month is finished. Rather I speak of an honest evaluation of time, and life as the Creator has so graciously imparted it into our stewardship.

It is important to not get bogged down in so many things one thinks should be done before embarking on noble goals. God wants commitment from His children, even resolve in faith to put Him and His work first. That done, it is always astounding what God can do, and will do with one in that commitment.

The story is told of a movie producer who spotted a homeless man on the street. He was so non-presentable socially, but the producer told him he wanted to cast him in a movie.

He gave him the address to appear the next day, and an advance payment for the job. Later, as the man passed a mirror, he noticed how terribly unkempt he was. So, he took a bath, bought new clothes with his money, and got a haircut. The next day, he arrived at the designated address to be cast in the movie. When asked to identify himself he recounted the encounter the previous day. It was then that the producer said he could not use the man in the movie. He wanted him as he was, not as he had now made himself to appear.

How many times have people proposed to serve God when they get other things done or past actions rectified. It is nothing more than trying to pass a pig off as a lamb. God won’t have it. He wants each person as they are. Then He will make them what He wants them to be. The Apostle Paul did not let past things stand in his way. He said, “… but this one thing I do, forgetting things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:13-14.

What a marvelous formula of life!!! Let us all choose it as our constraining and motivating guide of our life.

FOR THOUGHT: Do you know that the desire to present oneself to God as being better than he is in the present is one of the most effective tools Satan uses to encourage procrastination?

It should be remembered that it is not the healthy that need a physician, but the sick.