Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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The English language has some wonderfully anthropomorphic collective nouns for the various groups of animals. We are all familiar with a Herd of cattle; a Flock of chickens; a School of fish, and a Gaggle of geese. However, less widely known is a Pride of lions; a Murder of crows (as well as their cousins the rooks and ravens); an Exaltation of doves,and, presumably because they look so wise, a Parliament of owls. Now consider a group of Baboons. They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive, and least intelligent of all primates. And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons? Believe it or not ........ a Congress! Is it not weird how this description parallels a branch of government as well as animals? I guess that pretty much explains a lot of the things that come out of Washington! It seems more prominent today than it did years ago.


Well, as the clock struck midnight, officially ending the day, it was much as other days except a few times in recent years those days were supposed to be the end of the world, the return of Jesus, etc. Of course those things did not occur, nor were there many who thought they would, but in retrospect I just need to say: so much for the fruitcakes that know more than Jesus knows (according to them). The world has not ended…..the age is not over… the rapture has not occurred. Did I think it would? Certainly not on the day designated. Has this sort of thing happened before? Yep! Will it happen again? Yep! Why anyone would pay any attention to it underscores biblical ignorance. Well, at least the fruitcakes are proving themselves to be false prophets according to Deut. 18:18-22. Maybe that alone is a good thing.


An intellectual scholar was once described in homespun wisdom as being “educated beyond intelligence.” Of course, there is humor in the description, but beyond that, it seems there is also some sobering truth. It occasionally appears that the more a few folks are educated, the more they appear to be ignorant of what is truly important in life.

On the other hand, those hearing the words of the truly wise man, Solomon, will have their feet firmly established in true wisdom. He said, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7. Doubtless, the wise man had encountered a few fools in his day, but it is also obvious that he had listened well to his father, King David, who described those who deny their maker in favor of preposterous theories in these words, “The fool hath said in heart, There is no God…” Psalm 14:1. The practicality of truth over theory shines so brightly that those who turn from it really do give cause to wonder if they have not been educated beyond their intelligence!

FOR THOUGHT: What are some of the descriptive terms of the world as you see it from time to time? Even so, God so loved the world, not the present system of sin and death, but the inhabitants of it that death eternal y claims without faith in Him” Thank God for His love to us!


“For this is the will of God, even your sanctification…” I Thessalonians 4:3. “.. .God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.” 2 Thessalonians 2:13.

“Sanctification, sanctify, and sanctified” are terms mentioned often in God’s Word.

Moreover, to understand their meaning, one must take into account the triune constitution of every person. The salvation and sanctification of the spirit of man is instantaneous and permanent upon repentance from sin and trusting Jesus as personal Savior. It is then that the continuous battle of the mind-life engages sanctification as a process that leads to justification in the sight of God.

Just what is sanctification and why is it a process? The original language terms of the Bible which are so translated denote “set apart, holy, or hal ow.” Of course, in biblical context they denote “with reference to God.” When one is born-again, his spirit is instantly sealed forever (justified) by the Holy Spirit of God, Eph. 4:30. However, the struggle from the new-birth to the grave is lifelong. The Holy Spirit works through the Word to inform, solidify, and restrict the substance and perimeters of life. These things then are referenced as sanctification, or the process of being more and more set aside in the things as the Bible would have all of God’s people to believe and do; the end of which is justification of one’s mind-life on earth. Those who are so sanctified are referenced then as saints, so made by the work of God from within, and not by the silly conferring of the title by other sinful men. As the apostle Paul stated, “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” I Cor. 1:30.

In the Lord’s prayer, He prayed that the Father would bless His church, saying, “Sanctify them through thy truth: they word is truth.” To this Paul adds of the work of Jesus for His church, “That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.” Eph. 5:26.

Finally, sanctified people have an important act of sanctification to accomplish themselves. I Peter 3:15 states it forcefully, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” “Sanctified;” it is an important Bible “Be” for every disciple of Christ.

FOR THOUGHT: Do you fully realize that God’s loving provisions for man is not only salvation of his never-dying spirit, but also of his mind-life, and ultimately his body, too? Where are you in this relationship with God? Are you spiritually saved? Are you living for God by seeking to discipline yourself through His word as a disciple? Are you actually expecting a new, immortal, incorruptible body after your present corruptible one expires? Do you see a process of sanctification in all this?