Did God Create Satan And Demons by Emmanuel Keih - HTML preview

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Human beings were created by God Almighty for a special purpose. They are the only creatures God created for that purpose. God then gave human beings brains with power to think constructively or destructively. It is up to the thinker what it is he wants to do. God wanted human beings to think of the best ways they could come up with to worship Him. He also gave them all senses one could think of. The purpose thereof was and to this day is that they should worship Him.  The best form of worshiping God brings out joy and  happiness even to the doer. Nevertheless worshipping God  should never be in any way dominated by sensual feelings.   Any dance made in honour of God has to be glorious and godly. God forbade it that He be worshipped the way other gods were or are still worshipped. Read Deuteronomy 12: 30- 31 “Don't try to find out how they worship their gods, so that you can worship in the same way. Do not worship the Lord your God in the way they worship their gods,” (GNB) God wanted the way He is worshipped to be His and His alone, hence it has to be unique. The joy His worshippers experience has to be different from sensual gratification reached by idol worshippers. 'The worship of God Almighty should arouse spiritual joy which should only be experienced by those in spirit.' (EKR)

God gave human beings the ability to talk, write, and do whatever they want to do on earth. God is pleased with all the things people do on earth as long as they are good and not detrimental to any of His creation and also in keeping with His ethics. The act of doing good things to other people as well as the act of caring for all that He had created is one of the best ways of worshipping God. Yet this form of worship becomes complete when paired with attendance to places of worship.

A person can worship God privately alone or with other worshippers but he has to be affiliated to a church denomination. Jesus asked for those willing to follow Him to do so in front of the congregation. So no one could just choose to follow Jesus without other members of a church witnessing it. One has to be among a group of people and then confess his faith . God does not like it if a person has clandestine relationship with Him for there is nothing illicit about it. Even if the worship of God by Christians is made illegal, it is much better for one to be known then be persecuted if needs be. Early Christians understood this well.

God Almighty likes it if a person supports those who have made it their full time occupation to serve Him. People who need that support are His priests. No priest has to starve or be needy. God does not like that. Each and every church must make sure priests' needs are met. They must not support their priests with a hope of receiving favours from God in return for whatever they might have done for the priest. They have to understand that it is incumbent upon them as the church to support their priests and all in the service of the Lord God Almighty. A priest who is also employed by a certain private or public company is not found in the bible. Read Ezekiel 44:16 God Almighty has this to say concerning His Priests “… will enter my Temple, serve my altar, and conduct the temple worship.” God also makes it clear how people have to care for His Priests. Ezekiel 44:30  The best of all first fruits of any kind, and every of every sacrifice of any kind from all your sacrifice, shall be the priest's; (NKJV)

Those failing to support their priests and their  churches defile their souls. Those supporting the priests and  their churches are obedient to God Almighty. God loves all  those who do so and to Christians no blessings should ever  be expected in return. Christians have to earn their blessings  from their daily conducts as written in Matthew 5:3-11.  People have to worship God and support His work without  expecting any form of compensation from God thereafter.  People are all obliged to support their priests and churches.  Such services are received with great adulations in heaven.  God had already offered all He had created to people to use  and enjoy. It is only unjust people who turn selfish and rob  others of things God had given to them all free of charge to  share. Such people are evil and are despised by God. No  matter how wealthy they may be. They are despicable.  (EKR) 

Priests and any other person serving God Almighty  who steal from the coffers of the church not only defile their  souls but cause a curse to fall upon their generations. Their  generations  will  in  most  cases  be  wayward  and  uncontrollable. What has been given out for God’s work must  be used entirely for it. Priests have to be given stipend  sufficient enough to satisfy their needs as well as their  families' if they are married. Priests must be exemplary to all  to see how people who serve God Almighty and who get  support from the church should be. Priests as well as all  people who fear and love God Almighty have to teach their  children the ways of God Almighty without compromise.  They have to instill the love of God Almighty in the heart, soul  and mind of their family members especially their children or  children they are guardians to at the very early stages of  their lives. They have to continue drilling the ways of the  Lord God Almighty in their children every day. If they go to  church on Sundays or on worshipping days, no member of  their families has to be left home unless ill or looking after  the sick. All homes of people not only priests have to shut  and lock their doors on the days of worship and all roads  have to be turned into trails of people, every morning, going  to their different churches or their places of worship. (EKR) 

It is very much easy for people to go in droves to political party rallies, or to games in stadiums and halls yet it is very much difficult for them to come in multitudes to the places of worship, out of love not fear of any intimidation or harassment or retribution in hell. God Almighty is pleased with those who worship Him with elation from hearts.

Priest, preachers and members of the church who commit immoral acts in the premises of the place of worship and inside the place of worship are cursed by God almighty.  Read 1 Samuel2: 22 Now Eli was very old; and he heard everything his sons did to all Israel, and how they lay with the women who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting. (NKJV)

No one could plea to God Almighty on behalf of the sons of Eli for forgiveness. They subsequently died. The act of committing immorality within the premises of the place of worship or inside it is the most deplorable. Even repentance and becoming a devout Christian thereafter could not help.  Read 1Samuel 2:25 If one man sins against another, God will judge him, But if a man sins against the Lord, who will intercede for him?” (NKJV)

People have to teach themselves not to defile what has been set aside as God's. People have to learn to respect places dedicated to the Lord God Almighty.

Remember: “The worship of God Almighty purifies the soul.” The church is the rehabilitation centre of the soul therefore no one, priests and pastors included, should deceive oneself into thinking one is better than others. All sick souls are known by God Almighty only. How the soul is like, can never be felt. Only God is able to see the condition of each and everybody's soul. It is easy for one to defile ones soul without knowing it. One could eat food prepared by unclean people and get one's soul defiled. One could be in a place where a dead person has been or touch a coffin with a dead person inside and defile one's soul. One could share a place with unclean people and defile his soul. One could sin and defile one's soul. One could think of bad things and defile one's soul. That is why it is imperative for everybody to frequent a place of worship once a week, as God has stipulated, so as to flush defilement out of the soul. Ho unto those who break the hearts of people worshiping Lord God Almighty. (EKR)

Jesus Christ Himself had a defiled soul that had to be cleansed first before entering heaven. His soul was defiled by staying and eating with unclean people as well as healing the unclean. When he was on the cross, Lord God Almighty could not come nearer him hence he cried out: “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” When translated it says: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” (NKJV)

If the soul of Jesus can be defiled, all human beings'  souls could not be immune from defilement. The worship of God privately and most importantly with other worshippers is the only way the soul get cleansed. A person has to belong to one of the many churches worshipping God Almighty here on earth. The failure to worship God in the church one has registered oneself with is gross disobedient

People worshipping God have to do it from their hearts. They have to sing to Him with joy. No one has to spare God one's voice. There should be no spectators in the church when the congregation sings. The worship of God is no entertainment. It is better for one not to join the worshippers than to go there and become a spectator.  Cursed is the one who attends the church or who associates oneself with worshippers so as to cause disturbances. The worship of God has to be at all times venerated. Any dance that could be performed for God Almighty has to be graceful and should never express any form of debauchery. God is holy and those worshipping Him have to bear that in mind.

The worship of God should be enjoyable. The fact that God Almighty is being adored should stimulate ecstasy.  Ecstasy to the soul rather than to the flesh. The mere praises rendered to God Almighty have to be fulfilling to the soul and a delight to one praising him. All prayers have to be in praise of God Almighty rather than commandments and instructions directed to Him. People have to bear in mind that God Almighty is the highest authority one could think of. God Almighty is the Ruler above all other rulers. Therefore people have to give God Almighty all respect due to Him.

The worship of God Almighty when done correctly and  properly heals the soul of the inflictions received from the  sinning flesh.  (EKR.)

Priests and pastors, preachers and anybody else who may be in a position of asking for monies towards the work of God, have to learn to stop using words such as; “Put God to the test by bringing Him your offerings so as to see if He would not bless you thereafter.” God Almighty would not have any person putting Him to the test. He has to be worshipped with joy, passion, selflessness and adoration.  God had done almost everything for people on earth expecting nothing in return but to be worshipped, glorified and praised by people. People should continuously strive to do good deeds to other people, for this is part of adoring Lord God Almighty.

Those who are being discouraged from worshipping God, paradoxically by their priests and pastors who claim God Almighty has only to be worshipped by the righteous; are deliberately made to go against Lord God Almighty's commandment that He should be worshipped by all people on each and every seventh day of the week.