Did God Create Satan And Demons by Emmanuel Keih - HTML preview

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Many people like to ask questions such as; “What kind of fruit was it? Was it a real tree? Was it a real fruit? Why was this tree planted in the middle of the garden? Was it a real garden?” Most people think that it was not a fruit in the literal sense of it but it was just figurative. They say the bible is too holy to just glaringly call a spade a spade. Such talks are more fitting to people whose culture allows for euphemism.

 The bible, truly speaking, is the most direct and to the point book the world has ever seen. It says a thing as it is regardless of how embarrassing it might have been.  Therefore there is no need for this section of the bible to have some hidden facts. The bible could never say it was a tree but meaning something else. The bible is the most straight forward book in the world. It was never written in riddles.  Riddles and parables in the bible are clearly mentioned.

 Most people say Adam and Eve ate a fruit. The bible does not say so. Genesis 3:6 “…she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat; and she gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat. (The Holy Bible Revised Edition) When put plainly it can be said: “Eve took the fruit and started to eat one of them, then she gave her husband some and he ate one of them as well. Even if they had shared one and the same fruit there is nothing sinister about it. The fact that Eve ate the fruit in her hand first, makes it literal and not figurative. If Eve had eaten the fruit at the same time as Adam, perhaps my mind could have been boggled a bit.

If The Almighty God had used the name tree figuratively, He would not have warned Adam against the eating the fruit thereof alone. God Almighty would have waited until Eve had been created. Common sense dictates how absurd it would have been for our Good Lord to instruct Adam not to eat that fruit meaning something else. Adam would have been left confused as to how such a thing could be eaten up. God Almighty is not the God of confusion.

The Almighty God had actually pointed at the tree which was a distance from them and told Adam not to eat of its fruit. If God Almighty had wanted them not to engage in sexual intercourse, he would have plainly said so. Later we hear Eve telling the snake that: 'God told us not to eat the fruit of that tree or even touch it; if we do, we will die.' (GNB) This shows us that Adam had told her about it for God Almighty never said the tree should not be touched. Adam tried by all means to keep Eve a distance from that tree.  When Eve saw that snake she was alone, Adam was not there. That is why the bible says: “The snake asked the woman...” If they were there together it would have been written thus: “The snake asked them or Adam and Eve.” It is obvious Adam came to Eve later on. Eve then started to eat of the fruit alone. If it is figurative it makes no sense now for the snake cunning as it was is never said to have eaten of the fruit together with Eve.

If the tree was just figurative how were they going to avoid touching their bodies? 'God told us not to eat the fruit of that tree or even touch it; if we do, we will die.' (GNB)  If it was not a real tree but some parts of their bodies how were they going to avoid touching those parts. It is just unthinkable.

If God Almighty did not mean a real garden with real trees and real animals but their bodies, where were the angels placed in or on their bodies which the bible states were put at the eastern side of the garden? Which part of their body is that eastern side? Where is the flaming sword which turns in all directions in their bodies? The failure to answer these questions is the proof that it was a real tree in the middle of the real garden.

Moreover God Almighty never planted one tree in the middle of the garden of Eden, He planted two trees there. One was the Tree of Life and the other was the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If that garden was a body of a human being and the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, as most people like to say, being the genitals; what would the Tree of Life be then? Secondly where would it be situated in the body of a human being? Perverts like to distort things capitalizing on the ignorance most people have of the scriptures. The irony is most people read the bible a lot but fail to read it with understanding.

 I hope now you have seen that God Almighty had literally planted a tree in the middle of The Garden of Eden. If it dawns to you as well; I say Amen to that.