Discover Your Calling by Kingsley Kelechukwu - HTML preview

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Purpose makes life meaningful and purpose makes life beautiful. The Bible testified in Genesis1:31 that God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. Why? Because everything God made fulfilled the purpose of its calling. Everything worked in accordance with God’s plan and purpose for its existence and this is why when God looked at all he had made and saw them doing exactly what he had created them to do, he said it was very good. God saw his essence being made manifest in all he had made, all had meaning and very beautiful because they all did the work God created them to do.

God created everything in his beauty and the beauty of God is seen in Christ. Christ is the beauty and essence of God and this is why when God looked at everything he had made in Genesis1:31, he saw the manifestation of his essence in all he created and this, gladdened his heart and he said it was very good.

Likewise, everyone on earth is created in the beauty and essence of God. When God looks at man, what he looks at or looks out for, is his essence in man and when he finds it, it pleases him and he’s satisfied. The essence of God is his purpose and the purpose of God is his glory. When God called you, he called you to life in his essence, life in his purpose and life in Christ. This is the beauty of your life on earth, this is why you are born. You are made and fashioned for the glory and purpose of God.

Your life is meaningful and beautiful when it’s lived in the plan of God. This is why Jesus came down to earth and died on the cross, this is the essence of salvation. Everything Jesus went through on the cross of Calvary was to restore humanity to the very plan and purpose of God. God heavily invested his treasures in you when you were created, you are designed for his purpose, made in his essence. God loves you so much that he cannot stand to see you fail in life, you are too loaded to be wasted. Your life is well structured with a wonderful plan by God that it is abnormal for you or any other person to be misplaced on earth. The heartbeat of God is to see everyone manifesting in the beauty of their calling on earth, living life according to God’s plan and purpose, revealing Christ to the world by doing what God called and assigned them to do. There is no greater worship to God than doing what God called us to do on earth.

We’ve been called for the glory of God, fashioned for his praise. This is the beauty of our calling and the essence of our being. The glory of any created thing is seen in the manifestation of its purpose.

There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. 1Corinthians15:41(KJV)

Everyone is different in glory, your purpose and beauty is different from mine. The sun and the moon both serve as a source of light but their glories are different because of the difference in their assignment. The brilliance and distinction of the sun is visible when it shines during the day. While the brilliance of the moon and the star is visible at night. The beauty of the stars are seen evidently at night when they shine brightly in the skies. Likewise the beauty and swift movements of fish in water. The beauty of everything is seen when they are found in their rightful place, fulfilling their purpose.

The glory of God is already within you because Christ who is the express glory of God is living inside of you. And the essence of Christ in you is for the beauty and glory of God to be revealed in your world

And those he predestined, he called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. Romans8:30(NIV)

God is willing to showcase his glory in your life if only you are willing to walk in his plan and purpose for your life. The only assignment God has given us on earth is to manifest the beauty of Christ in us by doing the good work he called us to do and fulfilling his purpose.


We are wired differently, gifted uniquely and individually distinct for the work God has called each of us to do. God has given us everything we need for a prosperous and fruitful life. Everything we need to be relevant, valuable and productive on earth has been given to us. We have God’s gift inside of us, gifts given to us for service, production, fruitfulness, value, profiting and every good work. God gave us great potentials as gifts and these gifts are the seeds that God has given to us for our fruitfulness on earth.

When the master gave talents/gifts to his servants in Luke 19:12-13, he instructed them to occupy till he comes, meaning they should put the talents to Work until he returns.

“He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return, And he called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come”

NIV translation says, “So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. Put this money to work,’ he said, ‘until I come back.’ Luke19:13 In Ephesians 4:8, Christ ascended and gave gifts to us.

“But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of

Christ. Wherefore he saith, when he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.” KJV

The gifts and abilities within us are the resources of God in our possession. There are treasures for our trading. God requires that we use them in creating profitable value that are worthy of God’s praise. The talents and gifts in your possessions are the money and treasures within you-the riches in your possession. You are wealthy and so rich in potentials and abilities on your inside. Material Wealth and riches on the outside are a product and an expression of the enormous immaterial wealth within. Therefore, stop looking for money elsewhere, you have abundance of money as treasures inside of you. You are so rich as a result of the enormous deposits of talents in you. There is great value for the treasures you carry, and if the treasures within you are converted for economic or social benefits, the reward in monetary value will definitely be immeasurable, for the value of the gift of a man is immeasurable, it’s more than silver and gold.

Imagine a land that is abundantly rich in gold or crude oil, the occupants or rightful owners of such a land if not aware of the deposits in the land they occupy may live all their lives in penury and abject poverty, going out to external places in search of material resources when the greater treasures are lying dormant within their possession and yet they know it not. This occupants may live the whole of their lives not knowing the resources in their possession and may end up dead in ignorance of what they have. But a conscious knowledge of such valuable deposit in a land of your possession, knowing that you have such treasure in your possession as your own will first transform your mind, instilling in you a rich consciousness as your self-awareness and esteem now changes to suit your new discovery of what you own. You’ll start seeing yourself in the light of the value you have subconsciously placed on the treasures you have. Note that our gifts and talents are far more valuable than gold, silver, crude oil or any other natural resources here on earth, and at such we must place a very high value on our abilities if we must maximize and trade profitably with them.

People who discover gold or crude oil in their land, if they truly know its value and worth, understands instantly that wealth has been discovered. They subconsciously know that they are now very rich and wealthy because of the economic relevance and value of the treasures they just discovered. Likewise, when you discover your potentials, you should understand that a greater amount of wealth lies within your possession, one that has great economic value and social benefits. The wealth within you is the source of the wealth you will command outside of you. The world submits its treasures to you to the degree of its satisfaction of the wealth you’ve released to it. The money that you most often lack is as a result of your inability to discover and convert the treasures within you into valuable substance, products, services and offerings. You are called and equipped with talents for a specific purpose, and your purpose demands that you engage your talents in activities, or works that are productive and profitable, works that improve and enhance the quality of human lives in ways that satisfies the plan of God for your life. This work must be one you are naturally attracted to, because God calls you into tasks you have a natural inclination for, he calls you into works you’ll find pleasure in doing, one you have the capacity to perform.

When Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden and was assigned a responsibility (work) to perform, Adam named everything within the Garden of Eden in accordance with the revelation he received from God, it was never recorded that he was overwhelmed, displeased or tired of the work load that God assigned to him. He embraced the work he was given, he diligently performed his task without pressure or struggles. All the wonders he performed in the Garden, all the exploits he did were possible because everything Adam did in the Garden of Eden was an expression of his potentials, the works he performed were manifestations of the divine revelations he received from God. When your work is an outward manifestation of the revelations you receive from God, miracles and exploits are inevitable.

The Work God has called you to do is difference from what I am being called to do, what God reveals to you is not the same with what he reveals to me, and to the degree of our individual gifts and revelations from God we are expected by God to manifest and function on earth. God expects us to deliver to the world all that we have received from him, whatever we’ve received from God is to be a blessing to us and to our world.

Also, the way you are fashioned and the potentials in you are way different and unique to you alone, God made it so for the purpose of his call for your life. God made you different from every other person so that your difference may become your uniqueness and relevance in your world. It was never by chance that you are endowed with that unique feature that is different from every other person, it was not a mistake that the way you look is far different from every other person you see around. It was not an error that you have a very striking and unique gift or ability that is uncommon. Your difference and uniqueness is a blessing. God allowed you to be different for the very assignment you’ve come to earth to perform, God made you that special for a reason that will either make you a source of hope and an inspiration to countless others, maybe the reason you look that way may be because of the role your look will play in fulfilling your purpose. The truth is that your make up and feature is for a purpose. Everything God gives you is for the actualization of his plans for your life. Therefore, accept the way you are, appreciate and love yourself and find out what God wants you to do with what you have. There’s something you can do so well that others will admire and appreciate, an area you’re good at that gives you a sense of control and distinction in life, all you need is to discover that potential in you and employ it, put it to work and it will in turn serve you better.

I am called to be a Minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, commissioned with the mandate to restore God’s children to their calling in Christ. My mission is to establish God’s children in their calling in Christ so they may live the glorious life God created them to live: I am a teacher, a preacher, a counsellor, a writer and a leader. I am a communicator of truth in every sense of it; it is my calling and passion.

You are called differently for your own special work, which is the task for your life. It is God who calls every man in accordance to the very reason why he created and placed him on earth. When the time was ripe for Paul to launch into his assignment, God gave a specific instruction, “... Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.”(Acts 13:2) and for that specific work that God have called you has He adequately gifted you to carry out the task and most often, the experiences and trainings that you had in the past where preparing you in disguise for the calling upon your life.

Your calling may be in the field of Law, entertainment, engineering, business, national transformation, name it; God can be calling you in a very different field but know it that no calling is greater than the other, the fact that your friend, brother or any close associate is doing something else different from the one you are doing, does not in any way mean that what they are doing is what you’ve been called to do, neither does it meant that their work is in anyway better than what God is calling you to do. No calling is more special that the other. Everyone and every calling is special and great in the presence of God. You are called to a unique and different life, very significant and special. It is your responsibility to discover that area of your calling, understand its purpose and start now to build your life around it. No man can live your calling for you; you have the sole responsibility to discipline yourself and live your true identity, become who you’re born to be and do all you’re wired and called to do.

You are reading this book today because I made a decision and took a bold step to live out my Calling in life. I refused to live in denial, I refused to live as a mediocre. I refused to live life in bondage- a life subject to situations, circumstances and conditions. If I had remained rebellious to the Calling upon my life and had gone ahead to do something else, maybe pursuing a carrier in engineering with my certificate as an electrical and electronics engineer, then I wouldn’t have had the privilege of writing this book and I would have succeeded in hindering the move of God in my life which God prepared in advance, that through this work, many will get to discover their calling and step into the plan of God for their lives. The truth is, so many destinies are tied to your manifestation and so many problems of life awaits your rising. Until you manifest yourself and deliver to your world all that God has delivered to you, you may never find peace and fulfilment for yourself in life. There are so many people out there with enormous passion, wonderful insights, great talents and powerful visions out there, lying dormant and suppressed by the adversaries of life, so many out there are with powerful dreams and ideas but are unable to discover themselves or emerge in life because in the plan of God, your manifestation is greatly needed to bring about their awakening. Until you manifest, some dreams may remain unrealized and some potentials untapped.

I strongly believe that as you continue to read through the pages, the greatness in you will arise. You will become enlightened by the revelations contained in all the pages of this book and your understanding to the calling upon your life will be clearly revealed to you by the Spirit of God.

It is my passion and Calling to see you become all that God has called you to be and it is my responsibility to relay the messages as given to me by God with the purpose of helping you uncover the hidden treasures within you and the mysteries of your calling so as to launch you into a higher dimension of glorious life that awaits you.


The world is not permitted to honour a man whose life is a contradiction of his true identity. It takes self-discovery to be discovered by your world. Self-awareness and the consciousness of your identity guarantees you command of the world’s attention. Wherever ignorance abound, mediocrity, corruption and destruction reigns.

Ye are the light of the world”, “Ye are the salt of the earth” is a revelation from God himself telling you who you are. God says you are “the light”, meaning you carry something in you that can cause you to shine and be outstanding in the world, you are a star in your world and you are destined to attract the world’s attention by your contributions and impacts. You are “the salt” of the earth tells you that you give meaning to life, you make things happen in your world, you command great value, you’re highly sort after and you’re a blessing and an asset to humanity when you function in your calling. The world is supposed to know you for something, whenever your name is being mentioned, people are supposed to identify you with something significant, people know you by the value you offer the world. You are so loaded that the world needs to discover who you are, you are too mighty on the inside to be irrelevant on the outside. Your impact is destined to go global. You are not a local champion, what you carry inside you has the capacity of influencing nations of the world, your potentials are of global relevance and until you see yourself as such, the light in you will remain dormant and will never shine bright in your world, and until you understand you have the enablement to shine in your world as a star, you will not discover and manifest yourself.

Everyman’s performance is to the degree of his understanding and knowledge. When you have the true picture of who you are, it automatically changes your perspective and empowers you with the right mentality and attitude to conquer and emerge in your world. Whatever gives meaning to life is always in great demand and everything that shines in life attracts, your life is meant to be attractive and meaningful. There’s an ability you have that distinguishes you in excellence and performance and that ability is the life in you;” And the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John1:45)KJV

So paraphrasing, “In you is life (Abilities, potentials, ideas); and the life in you is the light (solutions/answers/creations) of men, and the light shines in darkness (challenges, troubles, problems) and darkness comprehends it not.” Light appears primarily to put away darkness, light does not show up anywhere there is no presence of darkness. Lights contradicts darkness and so, what you carry, your innate virtue is designed to bring solutions/answers to the problems and challenges of men. You’ve been created with an ability and you are rich with divine ideas that can solve challenges, restore hope, create answers, provide solutions, bring healing, give satisfaction, aid operations, build systems, bring about relief, create comfort, ease stress or make alive. You carry potentials that has the capacity of creating a positive transforming change in the world. When God thought of reconciling the world to himself, he brought forth Jesus as the saviour. When you think of salvation for your soul, who comes to your mind? Obviously it is Jesus Christ. When you think of Microsoft, Bill Gate comes to your mind. When you think of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg comes to your mind. When you think of a Neurosurgeons, Dr Ben Carson comes to mind. How about Business and Entrepreneurship in Nigeria, Alhaji Aliko Dangote comes to mind. When you think of soccer, Lionel Messi comes to mind. Coming down to ministry, you must understand that the message of a minister is his difference and uniqueness therefore, message of Love brings to mind Prophet TB Joshua, message of hope, motivation and inspirations brings T.D Jakes to mind while the Faith message brings Bishop Oyedepo to mind and message of God’s calling brings Kingsley Kelechukwu to mind. Everyone in life has a unique identity, representing the assignment of God for their lives. Whatever challenge or problem you may think of in life, someone stands as the answer to it. Someone has been commissioned by God to solve that particular problem in life, someone carries the answer to that situation or challenge. It doesn’t matter what the problem may be or how impossible it may seem, God has deposited in someone the capacity and the idea that will bring about the needed solution. Everyone is an answer to a need and it takes self-discovery to identify your particular area of strength and what exactly that God has designed you to do. When you discover who you are, then you’ll know what you’re meant to be doing, you’ll know the need to meet or the problem to solve in the world. You need to understand that the world is urgently in need of you, humanity is eagerly waiting for your manifestation, what you have inside of you is the way forward for you and it’s a great solution to someone. You are carrying something in you that is of great benefit to someone somewhere and you are responsible to deliver it to them in ways it will be of tremendous benefit to them


No man can give what God has not blessed him with, no man can deliver what he never received from above. We all have life within us and it takes divine enablement to have this grace find expression in all we do.

“For as the father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.” John 5:26 (KJV) Jesus speaking in the book of John10:10b said,

“I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.”

When Jesus came to earth, what he brought to the world and all he served humanity was the life in him-the God life (Eternal life) and nothing else. All Jesus did in his years in ministry was to deliver the life virtues within him, all the miracles he performed and all his teachings were all a demonstration of the nature of the life virtue he carries. The virtues within you are the very seeds and treasures that answer to the specific needs of the world, and your delivery of this virtues in service to man is your sole responsibility and duty. No man gives to you that which himself do not have. What you have is what you are called to serve.

In like manna that Jesus brought to the world the gospel of salvation and today we enjoy salvation as believers, you and I brought also different gifts to the world and one of the gifts I brought to the world is this book in your hands, many more other titles and projects are yet to be release. These are all gifts God has given me to deliver to the world and it is my responsibility to serve them to you just as he has sent me to. As he himself is the creator, so we are co-creators with Him. He has endowed us with the same ability to create things likewise.

One truth is that each of us know within ourselves what we really see possible, what we can do and where our interest lies. For example, I studied Electrical and Electronics engineering, graduated with good grades but deep within my heart I know it was not my passion and area of interest to be an engineer. I can have a career in it but deep down my heart I know it’s definitely not my calling. I know my talents are not related to engineering and somehow I understood very well, that for me to ever achieve the greatness I so desire in life, I must fit into the very work that my gifts and abilities are well suited for. I understood again that if I was to continue my life as an engineer, I wouldn’t come up as the very best in the field of electrical engineering because in the field of play, outstanding performance and being creative in your work goes beyond academic studies, your intuition, creativity and personal innate abilities go a long way in determining your success. Not everybody in the field are really players, most people are spectators watching and clapping for the very few players who are playing the game. And in the game of life, I refuse to be a spectator, I desired long ago to be among the few who are playing the game, those who are making things happen, the contributors of life. In engineering profession for instance, we have engineers who design and build machines and systems and also in the same profession, we have those who are taught on how to operate and maintain the systems and machines already setup by others. You will notice if you work closely with the few who are into system designs that they go beyond academic studies to deliver the needed outcome. You will see that most of the decisions and actions they take on the field to get the needed results are mostly instinctive and you will see also the grace factor answering to them as their ideas and creative inputs delivers the required outcome, why? Because, what they are doing is what they are gifted and called to do.

I don’t know which side you’ve chosen to belong in life, as for me, I chose long ago to be among the designers and creators of the things that contribute immensely in my world. I chose to be among the few that make things happen and not just a spectator or operator. I want to be in an area where I will have relevance through quality inputs from my creative abilities.

After graduating from the university and finishing my one year national service program, I worked for a short while with a company that service broadcast equipment in Nigeria. After a short period of my work with the company, I discovered I was not passionate with the work I was doing, I discovered deep within me I wasn’t designed for that particular work and I was miserable trying to push myself and make things work where I wasn’t talented or passionate enough to function because the area I was trying to push myself is not my area of strength. It will be to me self-sabotage if I continued to forward a career in Engineering when I am very convinced that I am not an engineer by calling. All my desire and dream, all I’ve always wanted and seen for myself was to be a great preacher. If I had gone ahead with that career as an engineer, I would never had seen the best of myself come alive. No man craves for or becomes interested in what he lacks the ability to perform. The glory of light is seen in darkness. You don’t shine in places you do not provide solutions to problems, you shine when you deliver needed answers to challenging situations.

That calling that is pulling you, the interest that engages your heart may be the area God has designed for you to venture in and use your abilities and skills in bringing forth solutions and answers to the problems being experienced there. It’s like a magnet that draws you towards areas you hold answers to the existing problems. When you are connected or engaged with works that are in line with your calling, works that bring the very best out of you, you’re energized and excited within, you always come alive and most often get carried away as you do the things that bring to you a greater sense of value and fulfilment. It is in doing what you are naturally passionate about that quality is been delivered, for passion always strives to see the best a reality.


The capacity to think/reason is one great power that God has deposited in man to bring about the works of creation. The ability to plan, to imagine, to meditate and to conceive was given man so that the creative man in him may come fully alive. God has fashioned everyone in ways that each of us has the ability to use our brain to create our world in ways it satisfies the plan of God for our life. In reasoning, we engage our minds and if our reasoning are in the areas of our strength, the creative man in us is put into action and having adequate room for expression, creations are birthed as the result. God has blessed us with a natural tendency of bringing forth creations/fruits from the wonderful ideas generated within us and the enormous potentials we carry. For whatsoever good our mind can conceive in thoughts, God has empowered us with the adequate capacity to make a reality.