Discover Your Calling by Kingsley Kelechukwu - HTML preview

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Everything God created, he created a success. Genesis 1:31a says,

“And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good”.

Everything made by God is a huge success, all that God created is a perfect reflection of the ideas in his mind. Nothing God created was made a failure in his plan, everything he made is a huge success and that includes you and I. Everything created by God conforms to his design, they are all positioned and operating just as God has originally intended and not one out of everything created is failing or misplaced in function. Everything is a success where God has created and positioned them to be. This is the very reason why you and I created in the creators image are not permitted to fail in life, failure is not an option because in our DNA as Gods children is no failure found. Other creatures created by God are all succeeding in their various assignment and if our father who is the creator created things that we see today as successful, it then goes to tell us that we who are his heirs, have within us the DNA of success. We can manufacture or create things, we can venture into businesses, we can do something creative with our ideas, skills and abilities and it will come out successful. It means that inside of us is the capacity to produce something successfully. I believe God first saw the success of all he created in his mind before proceeding to make them a reality outside. Success is first possible on the inside before its made manifest on the outside. Inherent in every person is that ability to be all he or she is created to be, do all he or she is designed to do and become transformed into the person he or she is called to become. Your success is hidden in that area of life where you have instincts for positive creations and good judgements, that area your decisions and choices are often productive with value. Success is the potential destiny of everything made by God. God gave us a blueprint for success in Genesis 1:28 when He told us to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and have dominion. God gave man four levels of success which is fruitfulness, multiplication, replenishing and having dominion. In order to run the race of life gloriously, navigating through the various levels of success to reach the pinnacle of your destiny, you must first be on the outside, that person you were created to be.

Look around you and you will see men and women who are highly successful and fulfilled in one area or the other and a closer look at these successful and very fulfilled people will reveal to you something common amongst them, and that which is common amongst them is that they all discovered their place of calling early enough in life and are focused and dedicated in fulfilling it.

Life is like a field with so many tracks to run, nobody runs in the race of life and wins in another man’s track. You win only in your lane. And like a field for planting, when you sow your seed in a fertile soil which is in your calling, you reap a bumper harvest and you’ll produce bountifully fruits. But if you go ahead to sow your seed in the wrong soil which is in someone else’s calling, your seed will not sprint forth and all your activities and efforts to see increase will be wasted because the land where you’ve sown your seed is not a fertile ground for your seed to flourish and grow. You can only plant your seeds in the ground God is calling you to sow for that is where your seed have potentials to produce and give you great increase. Your place of calling is your fertile ground and that is the ground where the potentials in you, ideas, skills and talent will excel.


To be fruitful starts first from within. It starts with a giving mentality, you must first realize that seated deep inside you is something you can give, God planted within you a seed that is to produce fruits outside. You must first look out for what the seed in you really is. You need to first uncover what you are carrying within you. What is it that is hidden in you that you’ve not been able to realize as a seed for the success of your life?

Anything that is successful and big today started small as a seed. To bear fruit or to be productive, you must first plant that seed. A discovered seed is a potential fruit, until you discover the seed in you-your inherent abilities, skills and ideas, you have nothing tangible to plant in the world that will yield the much needed fruit designed to serve others and you. As a matter of necessity, you have to see that idea in your heart as a seed in your possession, that your talent or ability is your seed for success.

When you see your possession as your treasure, you’ll treasure your possession.

Every seed in itself is without value but the value and worth of every seed is seen in the value you put into the seed. When the good seed is planted on good ground, it sprouts and develops, it grows, matures and starts to produce good fruits. That is what your ideas and abilities can do for you, that’s how you are to engage them for great profiting. Any idea or ability you ignore without proper engagement in works will suffer and will not profit you. The ideas, skills and abilities you have are to yield results, they are to produce good fruits.

You must understand that behind every activity of your life is a move to succeed. Everyone either consciously or unconsciously make moves that they feel or believe will take them closer to that success that they desire. I am yet to meet that person who desires failure in life. Everyone desires to be successful and this is because inside everyone is that yearning to be in the world a person of significance, relevance and value. Only a few understands that true success in life is only found in the fulfilment of ones calling on earth. Even believers are yet to discover this truth and most of them are limited in life by ignorance. Hosea 4:6 says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge..” ignorance is never an excuse in life, there is no exception for the ignorant. When you lack the required knowledge needed to position your life rightly and make full proof of the very assignment God called you for, it means you’ve personally relegated your life and settled for a limited life of mediocrity and misery which will in the long run characterise your life with deep regrets and sorrow.

The revealed key to a meaningful life of success

Some years ago, precisely on 14th of May, 2014. When I was waiting on God for a discovery of the work God has created me to do, I was tired of not having a specific knowledge of my life purpose, vision and mission. On the 3rd day of my 7days prayer and fasting, as I was in a quiet place studying the Bible after I finished praying, suddenly, as I read Romans 8:19, I heard loud and clear the voice of God in a very strange way that I cannot truly describe, and he said to me, “My children are frustrated, miserable, confused and poor, they are misplaced because they are not where I have called them to be.

He went further and said to me “Your calling is your way, your truth and your life”.

This is the encounter that transformed my life, it is the revelation that set me on the path of my great destiny. It is the discovery of the very purpose of my calling. After that encounter, I sat for some hours, pondering and meditating on the vision that God has just revealed to me and from that moment till this very day, that vision has been and will always be the foundation for all the revelations and leadings of the Spirit of God in fulfilment of the purpose for my life.

Your success in life is found in your purpose, the place of your assignment. What God has called you to do is the work that holds the key to your creativity and fruitfulness. The place of your calling is where you are designed and graced to function successfully. You cannot succeed in a place you struggle to function, any task that you lack understanding of, you don’t excel in. Success carries with it everything good and excellent, it carries with it pleasant reports and confidence. In the area where you have ability to function is your potential for success. It can be found in your experiences or in your daily activities, it can be found in areas where your reasoning is most creative and your imagination innovative. If you can run down memory lane and recall the places and points where you exhibited these attributes of success, then you can be certain to figure out the area where you’re designed to succeed and excel in life.

Success is God’s nature and in this nature he expects you to manifest because the abilities you need to manifest success is already in you.

In Mathew 25:14 we are told of three servants a master entrusted with different talents/resources according to their various abilities, two went ahead and did business with their talents/resources and succeeded in creating value which in turn gave them profit, double of what they invested and when the master came back, he counted it to them as success. One out of the three refused to do business with his own talent/resources but kept it hidden waiting for the very day the master will come for it. He never saw a need to use the talents God gave to him in creating value that are beneficial and profitable. But when the master returned and found out he never put his abilities to productive use, he counted it to him as failure.

Success is achieved when the seed in your possession is converted to valuable fruit. When a desired expectation is timely achieved with excellence and precision, when what you can see on the inside becomes the reality you produce on the outside. Success is when you are able to timely achieve a tangible representation of your creative imagination in ways it aligns with your original purpose in Christ.

True success brings satisfaction in life and it leads to the fulfilment of purpose which is the plan of God for you and for me. When God formed you, he instilled in you the capacity and the drive to succeed, it is your sole responsibility to function in that capacity and until you are able to discover your area of calling, nothing you do will ever give you that feeling and sense of satisfaction that work truly offers.

The first step to take in your journey towards achieving a life of success is to discover your place of divine assignment, the area where God personally called you and endowed you with abilities and capacity to succeed, that area that suits and supports the potentials in you and the field where your abilities can be maximized with an increased opportunity for your success. Life is not to be lived by chance neither is life a game of luck. Life is predictable and you determine the outcome of your life.

Nothing in life just happens including those negative situations and adverse circumstances that are way beyond our control. Most times we are confronted with adverse circumstances that disrupts us in the most painful manner, challenges that cause us discomfort, pain and bitterness. Most often, this negative challenges are only a divine set up by God to stretch us and cause use to discover more of ourselves, know who we are and the potentials within us. This challenges creates opportunities for us to trail a whole new different path, causing us to venture into works that has long been calling to us which we never gave attention to or even regarded. The sudden adversity may be to open our minds to an opportunity or a course that will redefine and change the trajectory of our lives, an opportunity that will move us from where we thought is best for us to where God has blessed and ordained us to be, the place he has called us to succeed exceedingly...


Everyone in life is created to be a success. The truth is, anyone can succeed who cares to know how. It never really matters the circumstances surrounding your birth, whether you were born by an insane mother or raised by an irresponsible father, it doesn’t matter whether you were picked from the gutters, or your parents abandoned you on the streets, whether you came from a very poor and wretched background or you have no background at all, it doesn’t matter. Maybe you are coming from a family, village or environment where you were told or that you saw that nobody ever achieves any good thing in life, maybe you are tired of the kind of life you are living, then this book is for you because the calling of God for your life is not dependent on the circumstances of your birth or the conditions surrounding you. The assignment of God for your life is within you. It is not outside of you but inside you, it is the treasure that you came into the world with. It is not the outside surrounding or situations challenging you that defines who you are, not even the family where you came from determines your worth in life. Your value and worth in this life is determined not by family status or background, not by conditions of life, friends or society but by God. It is the value placed on you by God that made him sacrifice his only Son for your sake just so you will know that you are very important and valuable. You don’t need to look down on yourself, you don’t need to live life in confusion and misery for you are valuable and highly significant on earth. The same quality of value that God place on you is what he expects you to deliver to the world. Therefore you don’t need to worry over your inability to have access to some of the education or training that you think others have. What you need to succeed and create significant value and impact in the world is inside you and not outside of you, just discover what you have, figure out how you can make it of value to others and start serving the best of it that you can.

Everything you need is right inside you, no man can take away from you the very assignment you came into life with, no man can take from you the path designed for you by God for your glory on earth. You may be misplaced or misdirected in life, but the truth is, your true path exists and this is the essence of this book. This book has been written to help you discover the path for your life, the purpose for your living and the work you’ve been gifted and called to perform.

Consider a BMW car, which from the manufacturer’s stand point was designed and manufactured to give you comfort and style as you drive in it. It was made to give you that pleasurable experience that luxury affords as it carries you from place to place. That is the very essence of the BMW car. Then, imagine that you have that same BMW in your possession and you kept it at the back of your house for use as trash where you put your dirt and rubbish. Though the BMW car is in your possession, you have only succeeded in misusing and abusing its purpose but you will never succeed in taking away its purpose from it because the purpose of any product is determined by its manufacturer. You may misuse the car or abuse it but the very day the purpose of the BMW car will be discovered and used for its exact purpose, that is the very moment you will see the glory of the BMW car, the beauty of the BMW car is not revealed when used for storing dirt and trash but rather it was made for more, it was designed to carry you about from place to place in comfort and style that is how it fulfils its mission, that is what it is created for. Anywhere the BMW is being taken to, any place, location or country, that is what it will do, conveying people from place to place, that is what it is made to do, that is its relevance and beauty and that is what excites the manufacturer.

You are born for a particular purpose in life and situations, challenges and conditions notwithstanding, you owe it to yourself as a responsibility to discover that purpose and key into it. Any life you live outside of that purpose is like that BMW car that is being stagnated and used as a trash when it’s originally designed to move people from place to place.

A great man once said, “When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable”. A discovery of what you are born to do will set your life on a success mission all your days, instilling in you that sense of urgency and dedication to work that sets you up for greatness and glory.

It breaks my heart when I see people look down on themselves or try comparing themselves with others, when people see others who are doing well in their various fields and consider them far better or more luckier in life than they are, it makes me feel so sad because I know that life itself is an opportunity and no two persons are exactly the same. People are different with separate missions and abilities in life. Everyone has potential for greatness in line with their mission on earth. Anyone can do so well in life who discovers his or her calling and is committed to excelling in it. It is your destiny to discover the calling upon your life and to fulfil it. The condition you find yourself in life should never decide your fate. Your life and destiny is hidden in Christ and God alone decides who you are and what you are born for. So without a good relationship with God, you are truly lost in the affairs of life. But Christ have redeemed you unto glory and grace and that’s why he gave me this message at this time for you so you will come into the destiny prepared for you, fully manifesting on earth the light of God in you, showcasing his marvellous wonder in praise to his name.

Now you know and can see that there is a great destiny for you, a great work to be done. Now you understand that you are here not for joke but for a serious business, now you see why Jesus had to die for you and pay the great price of shedding his precious blood for you so that you will not waste your life pursuing shadows but rather that you live life with a mission and a sense of direction fulfilling the very reason why God created you. That is the only way you can bring Glory to the father in heaven.


Sometime ago in 2017, my wife and I were invited for a program that held in Glorious Praise Event Centre, an event located in Port Harcourt where I was opportune to meet a woman whose life story really touched me in ways that made me understand that your condition notwithstanding, you can succeed. This woman in particular, lost her both parents and was chased out and rejected by her extended family members, she was forced by her predicaments to enter the streets at a very tender age without a clue of where in the world to go to for assistance. In the midst of her confusion and pain, a thought came into her mind to go locate a nearby church and seek for assistance there. She obeyed the voice and when she located and entered into a nearby church, she found favour and help came her way. The church members came together and cared so well for her, they even went as far as seeing her through her education. She said in all those periods of pains and tears and in all the plights she had to pass through as an orphan, she said with all the painful experiences of her past, a new strong passion and love for orphans was conceived in her and with this passion, she made a vow never to allow any child go through the same dejection, pain and misery she suffered as an orphan and that inner pain in her turned into a mission for the rescue of dejected orphans and today the reality of that vision is seen evident as she is the founder of an orphanage home called Jesus Orphanage Home, a home that provides, cares and trains hundreds of orphans and widows. God allowed her to go through that situation early enough in her life for her to conceive a pain in her heart that became a passion for the less privilege. Mostly, God puts our success where our pain lies, Moses in the Bible hated the suffering of the Israelites in the hands of the Egyptians, why? Because his success is in delivering the Israelites from the bondage of the Egyptians. The reason why we feel so much pain or discomfort over certain occurrences or situation may be because God has made us to be the actual remedy to the discomforting situation or a solution to the adverse conditions. And the good thing is, in being the needed solution or in actualizing Gods plan, we are manifesting success. Is there any negative experience of the past or challenging situation you feel passionate about that you really want to be a solution to? Do you really feel that God is calling you to do something in an area that is of deep concern to you? If your conviction is so strong, then God may be the one speaking directly to you to answer the calling for your destiny. God has entrusted you with the capacity to bring about the needed solution.

Nothing just happens in life, life is created in order. That pain or discomfort may be a signal or a process to a justified end. If the woman never passed through her pains as an abandoned orphan during her childhood days, she would never have gotten enough passion for the less privileged Orphans to be to them an answer to their situation. Everything in life works out for good the scripture says,

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) KJV

God designed the activities of everything he created to work for the good of his children. When your heart is set for God to do his will, when you are ready to follow the direction and leading of God regardless of the circumstances, prevailing situations or condition of life, God makes all things work together for your good.

When you are functioning in God’s plan for your life, you are Gods responsibility.

Nothing you’ve been through in life is a waste. God predestined your success and has hidden most of your gain in life in the places where you most likely feel pain. Looking around you, there are things and occurrences that you are so convinced are not supposed to be, yet they do exist and there are some other things you also believe strongly should be in place and you know will be highly beneficial to humanity that are not yet available or has not yet being. No matter what it is you think, if you can believe it so strong in your heart, then it is a possible reality that God is impressing on you to make real and make happen. It is the success that God is calling you into in the place where you are. You should go get it done, If you need to research, do it. If you need to be coached, get coached. If you need to be trained, get trained. If you need an extra education, go get it. Go all out and do the needful, whatever it is that will get your vision off the ground of your imagination and idea to real life actualization, do it! It is your calling and it’s pushing you to succeed and be a great success.

Life is a deliberate adventure, one you consciously decide to become who God wants you to be, do what God wants you to do and be where God wants you to be regardless of oppositions, situations and challenges.

This is what I call true success, when the life you’re living is a visible expression of the reason why you were born, when you’re living your life doing what God has called you to do in ways he destined you to do them.

Everything God created, he created to carry out an assignment, to serve a purpose, to meet a need and to succeed greatly. Success is the destiny of the called, the identity of them that walk in divine purpose.

God predestined all things, whatever God begins, he already has determined its end. When God creates something, he already knows the future of that thing even before beginning the process of creating them. Everything God created, he created for his purpose and this is why you flourish and enjoy divine favour, protection and provisions when you are functioning in God’s will. We humans give quality attention to whatever serves our interest. Whenever we notice that something has our interest or is doing our bidding, we naturally create room for that thing to flourish. This is just from the natural point of view so imagine what it will be like from God stand point. The abundance of God’s provisions are made available to them that answer to his calling. If God gives you an assignment, see to it that you deliver his assignment. True success lies in the achievement of God’s plan and purpose for our lives.