Discover Your Calling by Kingsley Kelechukwu - HTML preview

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It’s in our nature as humans to seek greatness in life, everyone desires to be great at one thing or the other. There’s no one who does not admire greatness in life and this is because we are made in the image of a great and powerful God, we’ve been designed in his image to manifest his nature. The greatness of God is made evident in all that he created, everything you see in the world displays and reflects the glory and power of his greatness. Creation validates the greatness of God therefore, wherever you see the handwork of God, there you’ve seen the magnificence of his greatness.

Great men are known by the value and impact of their achievements in the place of their assignment, it’s the plan of God to see his children achieve more in life from the enormous potentials he deposited in them. God will not desire or expect profit from you in life if he has not empowered you with the right resources to bring forth increase. God invested so much in you to ensure your greatness on earth, it will amount to wickedness and evil on your side if those deposits and resources given to you by God are not converted to value that will enhance or benefit humanity.

God has laid out the secret to achieving greatness on earth, and it is found in Proverbs 22:29

Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men”.

Until diligence is put in what you do, greatness is not in view. Diligence in fulfilling your assignment is the only requirement for a great destiny. Many people desire greatness but only a few get to experience it in their lifetime. Most people who desire greatness are really diligent in someone else’s work. Your only business on earth is, doing the work God called you to do. Anything outside of that, you’re only helping another person become great in their work. A job is supposed to refine your abilities, sharpen your skills, empower you with experience, build your confidence and prepare you for your own work. You cannot achieve greatness in another man’s work, your greatness is in your life work- your assignment, and this is your business. Greatness is only possible when you are diligent in the fulfilment of your calling.

This book is a product of my own business and the essence of this book is to help you in discovering your own business- the assignment/work God has called you to carry out on earth.


O Lord God, thou hast begun to shew thy servant thy greatness, and thy mighty hand: for what God is there in heaven or in earth, that can do according to thy works, and according to thy might? (Deuteronomy3:24)

The greatness of God is revealed in his works, everything God created, both in heaven and on earth all displays the enormity of his strength and power. To truly know God, you must first have a good knowledge of all that he created, for everything God created, he created in fulfilment of his will. Greatness is seen in how much impact one creates through the quality and value he or she delivers in fulfilment of his purpose. When God created you, he instilled in you the potential for greatness. Everyone on earth carries greatness on the inside and greatness is to be manifested, greatness is to be revealed, to be seen and to be experienced. Greatness is not to be left idle or dormant, if you are not manifesting your calling, you are far away from true greatness because your greatness is in your calling. This is also the reason why most people are usually not happy, satisfied or fulfilled in the work they are doing. Something keeps telling them that there is much more out there for them, compared to what they are presently doing, that they could be engaged with something far more challenging and inspiring, something that could draw out from deep within them, something that could make them express more of themselves far more than they are doing, something that can give them a greater sense of meaning in life.

There is something you can do so well with your abilities, you can do great things with those powerful ideas on your mind. Anything you are good at, whatever talent you have can be converted to something valuable that can serve the world.

If you can figure out a way to consistently do great works with your abilities, even if you’ve not yet discovered your calling, if you can keep maximising your gift in delivering great and valuable works, soon, your passion will lead you to your calling in life. Where you’re gifted and skilled to perform, there, your greatness lies. It takes great works to be a great person. God designed us to manifest his nature, and greatness is the nature of God therefore, it is our nature and sole responsibility to discover our place of greatness in life and to manifest it.

Whatever work or assignment that God is calling you to do, that, is the work that holds the key to your greatness. Where God calls, there he gives grace for greatness.

One thing stands out for everyone that has ever achieved greatness in the world and that one thing is, great works. The works they’ve done or the works they are doing is the very thing that sets them apart from the rest. Great people do great works and their works are done with purpose, consistency and focus. They know what they want to achieve and they know how to always achieve their goals. God wants us to do great wonders in the world, God wants us to manifest greatness. The only way we can manifest greatness in this life is to do the work that our heart truly wants to do, the work we have the talents for and the work we love and feel a deep connection with. That is the work that will give up the opportunity to grow, to create, to innovate and be productive and at the same time feel satisfied.


Peter toiled all night but caught no fish, why? Because he was doing the wrong work.

But when peter came into his calling, in one sermon, he won 3000 souls for Christ (Act 2:41). When you are in your calling, you enjoy the blessings and provision of God.

The blessings and promises God purposed for you as a heritage in creation are all embedded in the manifestation of your Calling. God has blessed you abundantly because of the task/assignment you’ve been called to undertake and in the manifestation of that calling, you flourish in the blessings of God. In your calling is your freedom to live the life of your dream, for now in Christ, you are free and empowered to become whosoever you’ve discovered yourself to be in God. Now there is no limit or hindrance to the full manifestation of your genuine self. You can do all things through Christ that gives you strength, whatsoever your heart goes out for, if you can think it, then you can manifest it through the power of Christ at work in you. The full measure of God’s blessings are packaged as reward for them that are obedient to his calling. When you are obedient to the calling of God which is the plan of God concerning your life, he supplies all of your needs.

God has created us to be free, to follow our heart, to live by faith and to be in full knowledge and assurance of our blessedness. Deep within our heart lies a path already prepared by God for us to go through in life, a path that holds the key to our fruitfulness and blessings, and it’s our responsibility to uncover and follow this path with all of our heart, our strength and wisdom so we may lead a life that is profitable in value, rich in satisfaction, prosperous and fulfilling. God is calling you into a task that guarantees your establishment and the release of your potential for great works.

When you follow the calling of your heart, you journey into a world of infinite possibilities and a life of endless opportunities. You move in a direction that unfolds continuously, new dimensions of opportunities that most often disguises themselves as challenges. You’ll face problems that will challenge, sharpen and build you up, you’ll encounter challenges that will help reveal and refine the true potentials in you as you progress steadily in doing the assignment you’ve been called to do.

There are opportunities in difficulties

God has hidden your opportunities in the challenges/problems confronting life. The more of the challenges and problems you solve, the greater and more successful you become. The quality of the solutions you proffer will determine how much value the world will place on your offering. God has empowered everyone with the capacity to deliver quality value as solution to the challenges of life.

No man has the capacity of solving all of the world’s problems that is why God has made everyone different with unique individual gifts and capabilities, so that, through your ability and talent you can solve a problem in the world that is unique to your abilities. Locate the problems that fits your potentials and channel your strength and energy in creating a solution in that area. People pay for solutions to their needs. So, for you to be among the problem solvers in life, you must identify your strength zone, you must understand yourself and know the areas where you have special abilities, and you must operate in those areas where your abilities have the potential to flourish.

When you are rightly positioned where God wants you to be, he reveals problems in that area to you and he gives you right solutions to be an answer to the problem.