Dreams, Visions and Seers by Peter McArthur - HTML preview

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Can we influence our dreams? In some cases we can, although it's actually our moral position that does this . Let me explain.


There have been times over the years when in dreams I've been tempted to sin. It might've been to kill or murder someone, or lie or steal. In the language of dreams these could have been purely symbolic. But there have been a few times when the temptation to sexually sin has arisen.


Basically it's been when another woman in a dream is trying to seduce me, or at least tempt me to sin with her. In each case, I recall being in an immediate state of inertia as I surveyed the situation. The flesh in my dream was tempted, but after recovering from the shock my inner morality came into action.


I distinctly remember one occasion wheafter the temptation was presented I sensed my flesh growing weain resisting. Then suddenly my inner -man came through very strongly and my conscience took over and resisted the temptation. In other words my in-built Christian morality rose up to oppose the temptation. As this happened I actually felt strength return to me, and in the long-term my inner-man became much stronger as a result.


I share this personal account to show that our dream -life will often disclose how we really are within. If my moral stance wasn't strong and if I wasn't committed to my marriage covenant with my wife, then the dream and the temptation would've found any weakness and exposed it. How we react in dreams is a good indicator of our morality.


I took heart from such episodes to realise that my m orality in this area is on a good foundation. We all know that in dreams we are prone to do whatever we want, in a sense. We can do almost anythin in a dream   and not suffer the literal consequences of it. We can murder, steal, commit adultery or whatever, and get away with it in the dream, simply because it is a dream. So when our conscience comes to the party and acts as a defence against such temptations it's a good sign that our conscience and morals are in a healt