Dreams, Visions and Seers by Peter McArthur - HTML preview

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This topic is a very disturbing one, so I encourage you to pray as you read this section. It deals with visitations of two demon powers that come in the night season, and who are often linked to dreaming.


Pastoral evidence shows that many women have experienced attacks by the incubi demons, although it's rarely discussedMany ministers and pastors refute the possibility of demon having sex with human. However, biblically and pastorally the evidence is there.


The names incubus and succubus are familiar terms in psychiatry where dreams of being sexually harassed are identified with these. In fact this isn't really a psychological problem, or even one to do with nightmares. The incubi and succubi are demonic forces that sexually visit their victims at night. The incubus is a maledemon who attacks and violates woman, and the succubi is a “female demon who seduces and attacks men. In some cases it's be known that the male incubi demon will visit men for the purpose of sodomy. The succ ubi also will engage in lesbian attacks upon women.


I'm writing about this because many Christians believe that thesvisitations are nothing more than horrid nightmares. In some caseit seems that the nightmare (which is from the Latin meaning to lie upon”) is just that -  a badream. But occasionally this is nothing to do with bad dreams, but can be an actual demonic visitation. The attacks from these spirits may begin by the victihaving sexually arousing dreams, but that's only a vehicle for what comes next. I've written a small booklet on the subject thaexplains the history and methods of attack by these demons. It also gives practical advice on how to defeat these demons in the name of Jesus.


Here I want to confine the discussion to dreams, and how demons will use these. Basically if a person has a loose mind, one that is prone to fantasise, and lacks self - discipline, they may become a target for these powers. Those who have indulged in excessive sexual activity are also likely to experience suc h visitations.


These by themselves are not the only factors that will draw a