Encounter with Jesus Christ: End of Time Warnings by Regina Clarinda - HTML preview

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Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011. At 10:30 am.

The Lord brought me to a barren place covered with red gravel and reddish dust. As far as the eye could see only red gravel and dust could be seen. Nothing else was here.

“Where are we, my Lord?” I asked the Lord, who was standing beside me. The place looked strange.

Jesus didn’t answer my question, instead He lifted His hand and pointed to the sky.

“Look,” He said.

I looked up, and gasped.

There was a planet in the sky. It was immensely huge because the planet was very close. The sky was almost covered by it completely.

The planet looked familiar. Its blue color with a bit of green, white and brown reminded me of Earth.

“Yes My daughter, it is Earth.”

I looked at it again and just realized how marvelous it was. “Wow it is magnificent… Earth is so beautiful… ”

I was blown away. The gigantic globe was truly a masterpiece. How spectacular it was to be able to view our planet from this distance.

I was very excited but when I turned to Jesus, it surprised me to see He looked sorrowful. Anguish was written all over His face as He stared at the Earth.

The Lord kept staring at it for a while, then walked a few steps forward. He knelt down and bowed His head.

His white robe touched the rocky red ground. But He didn’t bother it. He placed His hands on the ground and His shoulders started heaving, as if He was sobbing or crying. I couldn’t tell because I was several feet behind Him and He had His back to me.

I came near to Him and saw He was really crying. Tears falling down His face. Something had made Him so grieved.

"My Jesus, why are You crying?"

My heart broke when I saw Him crying. He was sorrowful. Tears began falling from my eyes too.

Jesus didn’t answer my question, instead He lifted up His face to the Earth in the sky.

He cried with a loud voice, “O Earth, for how much longer will you be smeared with sins and lusts? How much longer will you heap burning coals upon yourself? Turn back, turn back from your evil ways, O Earth. Soon will come your doom, the time is near! Repent from your sins before it is too late!

"Behold, O Earth, you will perish. You know it, yet you are still not willing to turn from your wicked ways. Repent now, while you are still given a chance to do so. Repent, O Earth, while there is still time. Your time is almost come to an end. Repent now, for your judgment is coming!”

Infidelity in Marriage

The Lord touched my eyes and pointed to the Earth. "Look,” He said.

Suddenly I was able to see people on earth. Many men and women were busy with their mobile gadgets, laptops, or computers.

They were absorbed by their gadgets - chatting and texting. Sometimes they smiled to themselves, laughed, or even blushed. It seemed they were chatting with someone special.

"My daughter,” the Lord said, “unfaithfulness reaches its peak at the end of the age.”

"Those people you see are married yet they still want someone else. They are unfaithful and continue defiling themselves with all the desires of their flesh. They are trampling the saving grace that was granted to them. They think they are My children, but I say to you, they are not. Those people are the children of darkness because they still live in darkness."

Jesus looked me in the eye. “My daughter, it is now time for you to return. I will see you again tomorrow.” He rested His hand upon my shoulder. “Tomorrow will be the seventh as well as the last day I will see you. But be not sad because I am always with you at all times.

“Brace yourself for tomorrow, there are many things I want to show you.”

The Lord embraced me lovingly.

I was back in my room a few seconds later. It was very brief today, I was with Jesus for only about 30 minutes.

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