Encounter with Jesus Christ: End of Time Warnings by Regina Clarinda - HTML preview

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Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011. At 10:30 am.

Today is the seventh as well as the last day Jesus took me to spiritual realm. I was sad all morning thinking about how I wouldn’t see Jesus again tomorrow.

Then Jesus showed Himself and brought me to a beautiful green pasture. And all my sadness disappeared right away.

Overwhelming joy filled my heart once again. Jesus is the source of joy, being with Him makes me whole and complete.

I started singing a song in the middle of this stretch of grass.

"Jesus, You are the sweetest," a new song came out from my mouth, “a great mighty God You are… O Lover of my soul, I give my life to You… everything that I have…“

I sang out loud giving glory to God. My joy was so overflowing that I started dancing.

Jesus smiled widely as He watched me singing and dancing. He came toward me and held my hands.

We danced together while holding hands. We danced lively, even jumped and spun around in glee. The Lord’s face lit up with delight. We sang and danced for a while.

Jesus laid His hands on my head afterwards. I closed my eyes.

"My daughter,” He said, “I love you. You have been patient under trial. Know, that I have sent an angel to watch over you since you were born.” Jesus patted my shoulder gently. “Here’s your angel.”

I opened my eyes. And there, standing in front of me, was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. An angel of God.

He was tall and slender, attired in a shimmering white robe. His thick, wavy golden blond hair gracefully fell down to his shoulders. He looked at me tenderly with his large, enchanting hazel eyes.

The angel gave me a warm smile and greeted me.

Next thing I knew he already stood behind me. And began massaging my back!

I didn’t see it coming. "Y-you don’t need to do that..." I stuttered.

It surprised me an angel of God would massage me. He was too magnificent-looking to do something like this. It just felt not right to be massaged by an angel. I felt unworthy.

"Don’t worry, I know you are tired," he said as he kept massaging, "and I know you have soreness in your back and in your shoulders. You will feel better after this."

He was right. I was tired and my back had been sore since yesterday.

“God loves you so much,” he said again, “you are precious in His eyes. God loves and protects you always."

I was touched when I heard it. How sweet it is to be loved by the Creator of the universe. He even sent an angel to watch over me.

I believe God sends an angel not only to me, but to each and every child of Him. God sees us as His own children and He wants to make sure that His children are protected. He loves us so much; we are precious in His sight.

A moment later the angel disappeared from my sight. I never saw him again after that.

Then I realized my back wasn’t sore anymore. The pain had disappeared completely. I felt lighter and more refreshed now. The angel was right, I did feel better after the massage.

Last Warning:

The Great Tribulation Will Occur

Jesus took me to a mountain top thereafter.

As I looked down, I realized how high this mountain was. I could see an entire city below. It was crowded with houses. As far as the eye could see, there were people’s homes everywhere. The city had a high population density.

I lifted up my eyes to the sky. It was not bright at all. Thick, overcast grey clouds covered the sky.

The clouds grew darker and darker as I watched them. It might rain soon, it seemed.

A strong wind was blowing. It was freezing. I felt the icy wind sting my face.

The wind blew stronger. I grasped the Lord’s hand tightly, afraid I might be blown off the mountain. My teeth chattered. The weather became colder as the wind blew stronger.

A lightning flash was seen in the sky.

Then there was another one, and another one, and another one.

Lightning bolts struck alternately from different parts of the sky for a while, followed by a deafening clap of thunder that almost made me jump. The loudest clap of thunder I’d ever heard!

More black clouds appeared out of nowhere. The sky darkened.

My eyes caught something in the far distance. There was something like a gigantic snake, towering up to the sky. Then I noticed its figure was made from cloud.

It’s a tornado! I watched it roll to the city.

I could not imagine what damage it would bring to the city. A tornado of that size could destroy an entire city when it passes over. Everything in its path would get destroyed. Houses would totally be ripped apart.

Then I remembered the first day Jesus took me with Him, I was shown a tornado was coming. Is it the same tornado? I asked to myself.

"Yes, My daughter," Jesus said, always knowing every thought of mine. "It is the same tornado.”

Jesus looked up to the sky.

“A thunderstorm has already begun,” He spoke with a loud voice, “and a tornado is coming. The Great Tribulation is very near, only one step away!”

(Tornado symbolizes the Great Tribulation -- see chapter one)

“This shall be the last warning to people on earth.” Jesus looked me in the eye. “Write down everything you see, My daughter. I want people to be warned. I want them to be aware of how very near is the time for the world to come to an end. They must be vigilant."

All at once the sky grew black like the night, right after Jesus finished speaking. Not a ray of moonlight illuminated the sky - causing complete darkness. I could not see a thing.

I felt tense as I remembered what had happened on day five. After the sky turned black, screaming was suddenly heard from everywhere. It was horrifying. Will the same thing happen again?

Terror and War


It happened again.

All at once screaming was heard from all over the city. Cries and screams were so loud that they reached to the mountain top on which I was standing. I could hear it loud and clear.

Cries grew louder and louder.

“Look." Jesus pointed to the city.

Suddenly everything was zoomed in. I could see the entire city clearly, every detail, everything, from this mountain top. Jesus enhanced my viewing capabilities amazingly.

Chaos was happening in the city.

People came pouring out of their houses. Infants and toddlers carried in their parents’ arms. People ran into the streets, then scattered in all directions.

Hysterical screams were heard throughout the great city. Something terrified them so much. There was a look of horror on everyone’s face. People were panicked and scared. They were running for their lives.

“What are they running from?” I asked the Lord.

The city became so chaotic. Traffic jammed everywhere. Many people just abandoned their cars in the streets and ran away.

“Look over there.” Jesus pointed to a certain area.

A number of people in military combat uniforms were seen. They were fully armed. It looked like they just arrived in the city.

They began chasing after the civilians.

More and more armies arrived in the city. Their number increased rapidly.

They spread all over the city. In a short time, the armies were everywhere - hunting the civilians.

To my horror, I saw the armies began to open fire at those who were running. They were killing people!

People were shot to death in the streets.

Those who were seized were viciously beaten. Then shot in the head!

The armies killed so many people, even the children. It was a cold-blooded massacre. Only a few weren’t killed. But those people were taken away.

Dead bodies could be seen everywhere. Men, women - young and old - even babies and little children - lying stiff in the streets with bullet holes in their heads or bodies.

The streets became red, covered with blood.

The armies were not stopping. They kept shooting at any civilian they saw. They searched houses, cars, any place that people might be hiding.

Gunshots were heard unceasingly. More and more people were killed as time went by.

It was beyond horror. The worst nightmare one could ever have imagined. Dead bodies and blood were everywhere.

"Lord, why does this happen?" It devastated me watching all of this.

Jesus didn’t say a word. He watched the ongoing massacre with sorrowful eyes. Tears fell down His face.

The mass slaughter was still taking place. It felt like watching some war scene in a movie where many people got killed. But this was real, and people really died.

Jesus turned to me and looked me in the eye. “Darkness will soon come. It is very near, My daughter. When it comes, atrocities like this will occur. Darkness will only bring destruction to the world. It will take many lives away in many nations on Earth."

He paused for a second, then raised His right hand in the air.


He shouted it three times.

I covered my ears. The Lord’s voice was so loud. Never had I heard Him cry that loud.

His voice echoed and was heard along the mountains, throughout the big city, to all the Earth, to the very bounds of the Earth.

Heroes of Faith

We left the mountain top afterwards and I was brought to another place. Jesus brought me to see a road.

I stood at the roadside and began to observe the road. It was a straight, uphill road that didn’t seem like a common road. The road was as white as a lily, clean and spotless, with a soft white glow seen along its surface. Sometimes it even sparkled like a diamond.

As I stared at it in amazement while wondering what it was about, out of the blue, there were people that began to show up in the distance. They flocked to walk down the road.

The empty road began to get crowded. Men, women, and children of all races and ages started walking on the glowing road.

The road was very uphill and didn’t look easy to be walked on. People had to walk slowly and carefully.

Step by step, they kept walking.

It must be exhausting to walk on such an extremely uphill road like this. And the road was very long. This would be a long journey for these people.

However not one person looked tired. Neither did they stop. Even little children that normally get tired easily, did not stop or show signs of weariness on their faces.

Every face I saw beamed with joy and enthusiasm.

Many people packed the road, around 600-800 people. They had one thing in common; all were attired in white robes.

More and more people joined the crowd. They began walking down the road as well.

The crowd grew bigger and bigger with new people of all ages just showing up and filling in the road. They all headed in the same direction.

Where does this road go? Where are they going? I began to wonder.

After some time, their number increased even more. The wide road was lined with thousands of white robed people. No one looked tired or glum. Everyone was happy and vibrant.

New people still came, and joined the now huge crowd.

Then they all began to sing.

"Glory glory glory to the Lamb, Hosanna to the Most High, we give our everything to the Lamb, our souls and our lives to the Most High. Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive our highest honor, for You have laid down Your life for us. Glory glory glory to the Lamb, Hosanna to the Most High... “

The song was sung again and again.

It sounded beyond beautiful. The song was anointed. Tears started falling down my face. It was amazing how this simple song of praise could touch my heart and soul so deeply. Never had I heard a song so touching as this.

I turned to Jesus and saw tears falling down His face too.

Who are these people? Their singing touched the Lord’s heart. I wondered even more.

I was about to ask Jesus about it, when something happened.

All of a sudden, people were bleeding!

Blood just seeped out of their chests and abdomens. It kept coming out and quickly turned their white robes into red.

In just a matter of seconds, their robes were dripping with blood! White robes had turned into red completely.

I had no idea what caused them to bleed that badly. They were clearly wounded yet did not seem to be in pain. Faces still radiated with happiness. And eagerly they still walked uphill while singing with passion. They were rejoicing and singing praises to the Most High.

To my horror, I watched blood continue flowing out of their bodies, drenching their robes.

Blood dripped down their clothes onto their feet, and onto the road. The white road was spotless no more. Drops of blood began to fill it.

Not one robe was still white. All of them, from the elders to little children, were wounded and bleeding. Their robes soaked in blood.

"Who are these people, my Lord? Why are they bleeding?"

"My daughter,” Jesus turned to me and replied right away, “they are martyrs.”

I was speechless.

"They suffered persecution and death for their faith,” He continued. “They did not deny or disown Me when they were tortured to death.”

Jesus paused for a second, and spoke again, “Like a burning fire is their faith. As you can see, they do not grow weary of walking this uphill road. Instead, they are rejoicing and praising God all the way. This road symbolizes persecution that leads to physical death. It is called the Martyr Road.”

His eyes followed them, watching their every step, their every movement. Then He gazed at the blood covering the road. Tears fell down His face.

"I love them so,” He looked at them with tender, loving gaze. “And so does My Father. How precious they are in My Father’s eyes.”

The Importance of Being Alert and Well-Prepared

“My daughter, I want to show you the sufferings and persecutions these martyrs have to go through."

Jesus took me to a very high mountain peak. It was cold and windy. A bitterly cold wind stung my skin.

Suddenly I felt weak, knowing I would be seeing more heartbreaking things.

The Lord put His hand upon my shoulder. “Be not afraid, My daughter,” He said.

“But Lord, I don’t think I can even bear to watch it... why do I have to see it?"

"My daughter," the Lord spoke softly and reassuringly. "You must see it so you can write it in your book. My people must know the sufferings that will occur at the end of the age so they can be alert and prepared.

“Darkness will come unexpectedly,” He continued, “and those who are not alert and well-prepared will be devoured by its deceptions. They shall perish. But those who are alert and well-prepared will be faithful until the end. Victory will they obtain.

“Hear this: Amid all the woes, know that I will never leave My people nor forsake them. I am always with them!"

Jesus put His hand on my head and said, "I say unto you, this book will prepare many, many people to become warriors of God.”

Persecution, Heartaches, and Victory

After the Lord spoke, things began to change. The sky darkened. It became tense, menacing. The cold wind attacked my face like a thousand needles were piercing my skin.

I looked down to the city. It was a different city from the previous.

My eyes were able to see everything in the city despite the darkness. Darkness symbolizes the peak attack from the kingdom of darkness, which aims to destroy the human race as much as they can.

As I still stared at the city below, an extraordinary thing happened. All of a sudden I was able to see things that were happening around the world.

The world was in a chaos.

People were being chased by the army. Many were killed. A cold-blooded massacre was taking place in almost every city in the world.

The situation in those cities were similar to the first city I have mentioned in this chapter (See: Terror and War). It turned out mass slaughter not only took place in that one city, but it was happening worldwide.

However, not only was a global massacre happening, there were also many Christians around the world being persecuted. Christians were forced to renounce their beliefs under physical duress and torture.

I saw a man who was badly beaten up in a field, forced to deny his faith.

"Tell me you're not a Christian anymore! This is your last chance... CURSE YOUR JESUS NOW!!" Screamed one of his persecutors. There were four of them.

He kicked the man with all his might.

“Aaaaargh…” The poor man screamed out in pain.

He laid on the ground helplessly. His face was unrecognizable due to the beating. Black and blue bruising all over. His body was severely battered and bruised, soaked in blood.

It seemed they didn’t only beat him with their bare hands. There was some lumber scattered on the ground. They might had beaten him with those.

"... I-I love my Jesus..." he stuttered out, weak. This man could barely move his lips.

Their anger peaked when they heard it. One of them quickly grabbed a machete. And slashed the man’s arm.


He howled in pain. His right arm was chopped off!

The persecutor did not stop with the mutilation. He chopped off the man’s left arm too. Then his right leg. And his left leg.

Blood was spurting everywhere.

His legs and arms were cut off.

The other man kicked the scattered arms and legs on the ground. He grinned mockingly while doing so.

"You are an idiot for refusing to renounce your Jesus!” He spat on the Christian man. “Look at you now!”

They gave him a disgusted look. Then left him there to die.

The man wasn’t moving. He looked half dead. Perhaps he had died of shock and blood loss.

* * *

Persecution of Christians happened everywhere around the world.

In another place, I saw a young woman who was about to be tortured. She was standing on a chair with hands tied behind her back.

There was a gallows behind her. A man, the persecutor, grabbed her thick long hair and tied it firmly on a hook on the gallows.

He took one step back after, while looking at her with disgust. “Stupid woman!” The man shouted. He kicked the chair to the floor.


A high-pitched scream was heard immediately from the young woman.

Without the chair, she was hanged there with her hair to support her body! Her legs wriggled in the air helplessly. She was trying to get free but her hair had been tied so firmly on the gallows.

"DENY YOUR JESUS AND YOU WILL BE FREE!" The man screamed at the top of his voice.

The young lady was still screaming in pain. She was in agony. The pain must be excruciating with her hair tied on the gallows supporting her body weight.

Some hair was ripped off from her scalp. Her scalp started to tear off.

Blood dripped down her neck.

A few minutes passed by, and she still clung to her faith even though the pain must have been unbearable.

The persecutor became furious, so he left her hanged there with her hair, all alone. I didn’t really know how long she was hung like that, but when the man got back and found she still refused to deny Jesus, he shot her dead.

Before the shot, amid agony and tears, I heard her whisper weakly, "I love you Jesus… "

* * *

Christian persecution ran rampant across the world. I watched as so many Christians were forced to deny their faith.

Forcing someone to renounce their belief is a violation of personal rights, especially in this civilized time. Yet for some reason people could do nothing about it and the Christians were helpless against it. This violation kept happening in many countries.

Various methods of barbaric tortures were conducted to make the Christians leave their faith.

In one city, I saw another Christian man who was brutally tortured. They cut off his genitals. While he was bleeding, they nailed him to a cross.

The man died eventually. It was a slow, painful, agonizing death.

Another man was tortured in another city. They pulled out his fingernails and toenails one at a time, slowly.

When all his nails had been pulled out, he was still holding on to his faith.

His persecutor was mad. He ripped the man’s stomach open with a knife and left him to die from blood loss.

* * *

A young mother was arrested along with her baby. One of the persecutors grabbed the baby from her.

"Give us information about your Christian friends!"

They demanded her friends’ names and their secret locations.

She did not say a word. Her jaw was clamped tight.

"Tell us who they are and where they are right now or we will hurt this baby!"

She began trembling. “Please don’t hurt my baby… please…“

The mother fell on her knees, crying and begging for their mercy.

They looked at her with their ice cold eyes. There was no expression on their faces.

One of them kicked her in the stomach. “Tell us their names and locations!”

A few minutes passed by, and not one name came out of her lips. She did not divulge the slightest information about her friends. This young mother just cried and cried.

They ran out of patience. One man grabbed a machete.

The mother cried hysterically when she saw the machete. "PLEASE... DON’T HURT MY SON… HE’S JUST A BABY... I BEG YOU… PLEASE…" She tried to save her baby but one man held her.

She wailed uncontrollably in deep sorrow. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Her baby was laid on the floor. The persecutor stretched his tiny arm and chopped it off. The poor baby screamed at the top of his lungs as blood spurted out of his shoulder.

I trembled as I watched it. These people had no heart and no conscience at all!

One of the persecutors, a woman, threw the mutilated arm to their dog. The dog quickly devoured it.

The baby wouldn’t stop crying and it made them mad. So they decapitated him.

The mother wept full of sorrow; she almost fainted.

Not long after the baby was killed, they killed her too.

* * *

Not only men and women were persecuted, but children and babies as well. They deliberately used children to make their parents deny Jesus. Many parents could not bear watching their children being tortured, so they renounced their faith.

There were also many people who could not endure the brutal tortures done to them, so they gave up and did what their persecutors wanted them to do, which was to leave Christian faith and convert to another religion.

In one town, again I watched how they used a child to force the parents leave their Christian beliefs.

A man pointed a gun at a little boy’s head. This boy was aged around four. He was crouching down in fear.

"Renounce your belief or we will kill your son," he said to the boy’s father. He sounded flat and cold.

This man looked so calm. It looked like he’d been well-trained or really experienced in dealing with this kind of situation. However his unusual composure increased the tension.

The other three people who were with him also looked calm. They had cold, dead eyes, as cold and dead as their hearts and souls.

"Please don’t hurt my son… I beg you..." The father begged for their mercy.

They threw him a hateful look. These cold-blooded murderers showed no pity at all.

"I'm going to count from one to ten," the man said calmly as he gripped the boy’s arm. "If you still refuse to deny your Jesus on the count of ten, your little boy here will be the victim of your own foolishness. Think about it."

He started counting.

The father was trembling. His face was pale as the dead. He fell on his knees, laid his face down to the ground and wept out loud.

"I love You Jesus... “

He declared his love for Jesus amid tears. The previous martyrs did the same thing. They declared their love for Christ before their execution.

And at that moment I knew, the father had decided to hold on to Jesus no matter what.


The counting was over. I felt the tension reached its peak.

"You are a fool."

He gave a snort of disgust to the boy’s father.

Then he pushed the boy over. He put his gun back into his holster, and took a knife out instead.

He slit the boy's throat in front of his father.

My stomach felt queasy watching the blood gushing out of the boy’s neck. His eyes widened as he let out a snoring sound. The boy was dying.

They laid him on the ground and let his father watch him die from blood loss. The father was killed afterwards.

* * *

Tortures and torments that were no less brutal occurred in other cities and towns across the world.

I saw people who were dying due to the extreme torments they went through, and were dragged into a field and hanged to death.

Many Christians were crucified. While they were on the cross, still conscious, the persecutors ripped their stomach open until their bowels came out. Then they pulled the intestines harshly to make them suffer even more.

Various methods of beyond-brutal tortures and torments were conducted to force the Christians to convert.

Women were brutally raped and killed. People were forced to eat their own feces. Eyes were gouged out. Limbs were cut off.

All this happened in a modern time that was supposed to be civilized. Yet many Christians all over the world were being crucified and tortured to death so savagely and barbarically.

“Lord, why is this happening?"

I was beyond shocked and devastated.

Jesus turned to me and said, "Those who must go through it, shall go through it.”

As I pondered over His words, I felt something warm soaking my feet.

I looked down straight away. And I almost jumped when I saw it!

There was blood on the ground, so much blood! It was flowing around my feet.

More and more blood kept coming from all directions.

"What is happening, my Lord? Where did all this blood come from?" I was horrified. Never had I seen so much blood!

Jesus didn’t say anything. He knelt down in the pool of blood.

His white robe quickly turned into red, soaked in blood on the knees. But it didn’t bother Him.

Jesus gazed down then touched the blood with His hand. Tears streamed down His face.

"At the end of the world," He said, "many of My people’s blood will be poured out. They will be hunted down, persecuted and killed.

"I love them with all My heart. Those who sacrifice everything for Me shall receive it all back. I shall pour out upon them all My blessings, everything that I have. I say unto you, they will be greeted like heroes of war in he