Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Part IV-The Commandments

As we proceed forward to view the specific commandments please remember that the glory of G_D’s righteousness was revealed within a context that was applicable to Israel thousands of years ago! As such there will be some commandments that at first glance may not seem relevant to our modern society … most certainly not relevant to a non-Jewish society … but … as Mashiach revealed Torah is spiritual and eternal. Consequently the commandments are designed to be both tactical and spiritual! So we need to view his commandments both in literal and principle fashion.

Please keep in mind that it is not the intent herein to broach any detailed analysis/discussion of any individual commandments, for a work of this nature could never be contained within the confines of this brief discourse, yet it is vital that we do expose these good, holy and lawful commandments gifted to us by G_D through his word! As such a brief commentary will be made relative to each category in which specific commandments have been placed to provide Hebraic centric insights and more importantly to expose the spiritual implications of how the commands (in sub-sets) are appropriately aligned with the root commandment.

The reader should be cautioned that some commandments can in some form or fashion be threaded to multiple root commands. Consequently when such is the case a “weightier matter” approach has been adopted … meaning that when a command can be aligned with Love G_D and Love thy neighbor … it will be aligned to the greater priority … Love G_D as an example.

Still further the reader should at least be aware that traditionally mainstream Judaism generally acknowledges the codification of 613 Holy Commandments (Positives and Negatives including implied intuitive inverses) from Holy Scripture. This commandment count will not be adhered to herein for the following reasons:

  • Numerous Biblical revelations, (despite not being revealed within a mandatory context), contain absolute fundamental and undeniable truths. Truths which frankly when unaccepted … result in denial of G_D’s revelation and thus intuitively sin … and therefore must be presumed to be contained within the law itself … since Scripture reveals that there is no sin without breach of the law.

  • A variety of traditionally codified commandments encapsulate or collapse multiple discrete mandates and these will be individually depicted as necessary to more accurately represent the spiritual nature of Torah and Mashiach within Scripture;

  • Scripture itself does not support any mandate to make "a census" of the Torah Mitzvot … nor does it seem reasonable that people are equipped to do so accurately. Any mandate to accept specifically 613 Mitzvot is unto itself a man-made tradition.

Despite the brief explanations regarding the identification and number of mitzvot, it must be noted that the majority of commandments listed herein however will naturally encompass just about all of the traditionally accepted 613 commandments … there will just be more for the reasons stipulated previously.

It is crucial to realize just how much of Mashiach Yeshua’s teaching and ministry was essentially Torah centric! In all ways Mashiach was here to fill up the Torah and perfect it in a manner in which only he as Mashiach could do! The B’rit Chadasha quite frankly deals completely with Torah … as in Y’SHAUH fulfilling prophetic Messianic revelation; Yeshua observing perfectly the commandments and finally Yeshua delivering the fullness of Torah with G_D’s Holy Spirit … as we shall see!

Finally please be aware that you the reader may actually perceive the codified structure of the commandments in a different Spiritual light … as in you may sense a different segmentation and alignment in your heart. If so then fret not; the structure presented herein is not subject to any orthodoxy or formal mandate. The intent herein is to share a personal endeavor premised upon Mashiach’s revelation which views the commandments in a “Tree Of Life” construct while maintaining the integrity of the Hebraic perspective through which it was delivered. So rigidity is not a requisite … the only requirement is that we ponder the good and holy commandments of G_D in a manner which makes us useful for his Kingdom and most importantly enables us to better understand and interact with our awesome and wonderful G_D!

By no means will this exposure of commandments encapsulate more than a sprinkling of G_D’s glory and wisdom… such is impossible … Praise him forever!

Please keep in mind that Torah is eternal. As such the spiritual and tactical elements depicted by the commandments are not bound to any discrete practical application or time frame. This means that Torah is boundless since the eternal principles revealed to us by G_D are designed to be applied to all matters of our lives regardless of the circumstances encountered.

So please be cognizant that this author will attempt to address the highest level of principles associated with groups or categories of specific commandments and realize that the fullness of meaning and application is simply impossible to encapsulate within a work such as this. Our lives are dynamic and so is Torah and most assuredly so is the Spirit of G_D who enables our manifestation of the eternal Torah.

One last note … Yeshua promised his disciples HaRUACH (The Spirit) that would allow believers to remember all the things of Yeshua contained within Torah! “Remember” he said … Messiah did not give notice that his followers could fabricate or imagine G-D's truths!” Mashiach implied that HaRUACH enables manifestation of Torah as recall from immersion into his own word. How does man live? … By every word coming forth from G_D! … If we believe this then we had better read and hear these words!

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